Hackham West Children’s Centre
for Early Childhood Development
and Parenting
This folder contains information for families and our local community about our centre (updated as of October 2015) however, if you require further information or clarification, please direct inquiries to staff. This folder can be used as a place to keep other Centre information (such as articles, newsletters and information that you may receive from time to time about policies etc.)
Our address is:
9 Vintners Walk, Hackham West SA 5163
Our contact details are:
phone 8382 6161
fax 8326 8268
Website: www.hackhamwestcc.sa.edu.au
CRN 407284477V
Our staff team welcome you:
Assistant Director
Roxy Bec
Early Assistance/ Preschool Support
Jo Carol Michael
Children Services Professionals
Heidi Kathee Julieanne Diane Suzy Belinda
Children Services Assistant
Deb Mehwish Carolyn Alison Joanne Carly
Financial/Admin Officer
Admin Assistant
Community Development Coordinator
Family Services Coordinator
Occupational Therapist
Speech Pathologist
Chairperson (Governing Council/Centre Support Group)
We aim to work as a team with families and the local community to provide a welcoming and integrated early year’s service
We have a Preschool (kindergarten) program, staffed by DECD (Department for Education & Child Development) staff.
§ Preschool is usually 5 sessions a week for the 4 terms prior to them starting school.
§ South Australia is currently transitioning to a one intake system for beginning school.
From 2014 all children whose 4th birthday is on or before the 30th April will start preschool on the 1st day of term 1 in the year they turn four. Children who turn four on or after the 1st May will start preschool the first day of term 1 in the year they will turn five.
Sessions are between 8.30am to 11.30am Monday to Thursday morning and afternoons on Tuesday, 12.30pm and 3.30pm.
Our centre also offers Long Day Care - this is available Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm for babies from 6 weeks until children start attending School.
Fees for Preschool and Childcare are explained later in this folder these will be reviewed from time to time.
For those who would like to meet other families we offer parent programs in the Hackham West Children’s Centre Yellow Unit at the primary school. Please see staff for details
We welcome and encourage families to visit our centre, to talk to staff and to look at any information displayed, including our Policy Folder.
Our vision at Hackham West Children’s Centre is...
to improve learning, health and wellbeing outcomes for all children and to strengthen and empower families within our community
through respectful partnerships and practices that support collaboration, inclusion and integration
Our core values are
§ integrity
§ partnerships
§ a culture of learning
§ a safe, supportive and welcoming environment
§ a leadership culture across the centre in which there is cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, commitment and stability
§ respect- for ourselves, families, environment, colleagues, peers, and community
They are woven throughout our Site Learning Plan.
Our Site Learning Plan is developed for all children at our centre. It is reviewed annually and our current focuses are the following
3 priorities-
1. Working as a whole site with Belonging, Being and Becoming to support children’s learning and wellbeing.
2. Communicating children’s learning to families.
3. Strengthening children & families.
At Hackham West Children’s Centre, we believe that all children have the right to be in
an early years learning environment that is safe, inclusive and supportive- where all children are challenged and encouraged in their learning and where optimism, resilience and a love for learning are encouraged within a caring program.
In having a number of services including Child Care and Preschool together on one site there are more opportunities to develop and sustain a “family orientated” service. As a Children’s Centre we work in partnership with our community and other departments, such as Health & Families and Communities, developing our priorities, sharing of resources, teaching practices, and professional development. We work together to develop an integrated learning environment, where continuity in learning is valued.
Our local community includes our local schools (especially Hackham West School) and the Hackham West Community Centre – working together to strengthen a sense of community.
Our Children’s Centre team also includes
A Community Development Coordinator, who is focussing on building partnerships, developing ways to connect families with services and strengthening the sense of community at Hackham West. They are available to talk with you and support families in connecting with other services etc.
A Family Services Coordinator is available to support families and staff. They are available for counselling and family therapy for children, parents and carers. As well as supporting families in linking them with services in the wider community.
An Occupational Therapist, and a Speech Pathologist. Their roles are to provide support and ideas to Children’s Centre staff, families and other community programs, working in conjunction with the centre. They are available for a chat about areas of children’s development or when seeking general advice and strategies on how to enhance opportunities for children to better engage them in the programs offered at the centre. Q&A on Kids is on Wednesday’s between 10.30 & 11.30 if you would like to pop in for a coffee and chat.
Other services regularly available (see staff for more details)
§ Health checks for children prior to starting school.
§ Books and family packs, including Audio Packs, for families to borrow
§ Groups and courses for developing parent skills and relationships with other families. “What’s on” the term program is available through the admin office or on our website. www.hackhamwestcc.sa.edu.au
Other important information for families whose children attend our Children’s Centre
Safety Issues
§ All children who are either attending Preschool or Childcare need to be signed in on arrival and also signed out on departure (please remember to put the time).
§ We need details about who has permission to collect your child recorded on the enrolment form. If you need to arrange for someone else to collect your child - please remember to inform staff and record their name on the sign in sheets. If they are not listed on the enrolment form you are required to complete a Change of Detail Form (available from staff) including their full name and contact phone number. When they collect the child they may need to produce photo ID so staff can verify their identity.
§ Please ensure that children who are sick are kept at home. Staff need to be advised when children are unwell, this is especially important if they are infectious.
§ If a child has an accident at the centre or is unwell while in Childcare or Preschool we will contact the first priority contact, if they are unavailable, we will continue with the other contact numbers. It is therefore very important that we always have the correct contact information and we are kept informed of any changes to phone numbers or addresses.
§ Please ensure that all details of any medical issues (inc. allergies) have been given to staff.
§ If there are any custody issues, please inform staff and if there is a custody order, the centre needs a keep copy.
Please check your pocket and notice display areas daily,
as these are important ways that we
communicate with families
Food and Nutrition
For children in Childcare we supply a healthy lunch. We aim to have a nutritionally balanced and varied menu in a supportive and friendly environment. The Centre is accredited as a Start Right – Eat Right Centre and follows the guidelines of the program to provide the nutritional needs of young children.
At Hackham West Children’s Centre we recognise the important milestone a birthday can be in a child’s and family’s life and we feel privileged to share in this special event. We celebrate children’s birthdays by wearing a birthday hat and singing “Happy Birthday” with our special wooden birthday cake. Unfortunately due to health regulations and children attending the centre with food allergies we are unable to accept birthday cakes or treats that families may want to bring in to share with the children. Please save these delicious treats for at home.
We supply water and milk- please remember that if children want to bring their own drink bottle it needs to be water only not other drinks such as cordial, fruit juice etc.
Medical conditions
If your child has a medical condition, you are required to provide a Health Plan - this is done in consultation with your child’s Doctor. If your child requires medication, please discuss this with our staff, as we have a Medication Policy to follow (part of this policy requires that medication is supplied in the original container with the child’s name appearing on the prescription medication label). Please see staff to discuss this further and refer to our Policy Folder.
What do children need to wear and bring?
As well as a piece of fruit, children also need to bring a named change of clothing and an appropriate hat (either a legionnaire or a brim hat). We give all new children on enrolment a new hat, replacement hats can be purchased from the Centre. Children also need to have clothes that are easy to play in with sleeves that will protect their shoulders (children need to wear a t-shirt under ‘singlet tops’ or ‘strappy’ dresses). All children need to have sunscreen applied prior to coming - however we do supply sunscreen at the centre and will reapply as needed. Staff will encourage children to play in the shade between 11am and 3pm. We also encourage children to wear appropriate footwear suitable for playing and climbing. For this reason we do not recommend thongs.
Governing Council
This group is a great way of finding out what is happening at your child’s centre and your input is welcomed and valued. The meetings are an important part of the process of developing policies, making decisions about financial matters, purchasing resources and improving and developing our learning environment (inc. our outside area).
Members are elected each year at our A.G.M. (usually held in February) - however, meetings are open to any interested person and new members can be elected during the year. We run under two constitutions, with members being able to select if they represent the Preschool, Childcare or both.
Each new committee selects the best meeting time for them, currently they are held twice a term, on Monday morning 9.15am to 12.30pm in weeks 2 and 8 of each term.
We are a not-for-profit community based organisation
our centre is managed by families.
(Every cent we receive is used within the Centre for either operational cost or improvements to benefit children and their families.)
Mandatory Reporting
Children’s needs and care are of prime importance. The staff at our centre are mandated notifiers and as such are required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect.
Our Policies
These are available for all our families to read - Please refer to the Policy Folder (by the sign in area at the front entrance) Policies are under regular review by our staff and families.
A list of DECD policies can be found at www.decd.sa.gov.au/policiesreg168
We aim to create a happy learning environment where children feel safe, secure and respected
To provide care that is cost effective. To manage the financial resources of the Centre
Fees are determined by the Director and endorsed by the Governing Council. They are charged on a session or hourly basis. The Centre will give 4 weeks written notice of any fee increases.
Child Care Benefit
- Families are required to supply all the information requested by the Family Assistance Office to make their enrolment formal before they can claim CCB. Application for Child Care Benefit is made to the Family Assistance Office who will determine the percentage and eligible hours of benefit applicable to the family.
Child Care Rebate (CCR)
- Families can choose how they receive their CCR, if eligible; you can have it paid directly to us weekly as a fee reduction or into your own bank account (weekly, fortnightly, or quarterly) or as an annual lump payment. Applications are made to the Family Assistance Office.
- An additional benefit is available to parents for eligible activities like studying, looking for work or training. Application is made through the Family Assistance Office
Grandparent Child Care Benefit
- Is available to grandparents who meet the existing CCB eligible requirements and are receiving income support payment form Centrelink or the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and are the sole or major provider of the ongoing care for the grandchild. Application and approval is made through the Family Assistance Office.
Payments of Accounts
- Fees for Child Care will be payable from the date of commencement. Accounts will be issued on the Tuesday of each week for the previous weeks care and are due by the end of that working week. A fee of $5.00 per week plus all associated costs of recovery will be added to accounts that become overdue.
Child Care Bond
- A holding fee is charged for each child before they begin care at the Centre. Once the Child Care Centre receives notification of the CCB percentage from the Family Assistance Office the holding fee is converted to a bond and may be increased to cover the out of pocket expenses for two weeks bookings. The bond will be returned to your account once we receive your two weeks’ notice in writing of cancellation of care.
- The bond assists in the financial management of the Centre to allow bills to be generated 1 week in arrears. It assists to minimise costs associated with outstanding accounts when families leave the Centre.