Habitat For Humanity, House Information Sheet
Address:______HFH house #:______
Sponsors Volunteer Supervisors :______ph: ______
______ph: ______
Sponsors Construction Supervisors: ______ph: ______
______ph: ______
Building permit #: ______
Electrical permit #: ______Contractor:______
Plumbing permit #: ______Contractor:______
Mechanical permit #: ______Contractor:______
Start date: ___/___/___ Projected completion date : ___/____/___ Actual date: ___/___/___
T.C.O. obtained on ______Certificate of occupancy on ______
Prospective homeowner: ______no. of children ______
House plan selected: ______no. of bedrooms: ______
Foundation type:slab____ crawl space____ basement____ other____ insulated______
Termite treatment ____ Contractor: ______date: ______
trim color: ______shutters: ______
Insulation:walls: R:11____other:______
ceilings:blown:____R_____batt:____ R_____
Windows:vinyl____wood____vinyl clad____ alum clad____
Roof:comp: ____other: ______color: ______
Flooring:Carpet color: ______
Lino: ______Tile: ______
Notes: ______
Week #1 check list: Building the floor system:
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
Prior to this Saturday, we should have positioned the center beam and fastened a 2x6 to top.
____ Prior to the arrival of the volunteer crew, site the elevations of the sill plate with a transit, mark the highest point. Using wood shims, raise the entire sill plate to this elevation by fastening the shims
on top of sill plate every 16”. Beam is adjusted by turning adjustment screw.
If you have sufficient crew, and there is flatwork left to do, assign a small team to form up for it.
____ Flat work donePercentage of forming left to be done: ______
____ Measure the stem wall for square. Mark the exact corners. (rim joist shall fasten flush to EPS stem wall blocks. It is permissible to oversize as much as 1/2” to flush to blocks)
____ Snap lines to indicate the interior edge of the rim joist.
____ Mark the layout of the joist 16” O.C. (double joist under parallel walls) Note location of bathtub and allow for plumbing penetrations. If necessary, create a box by installing joist headers)
____ Have a volunteer mark the crowns of each joist. Roll out your joist, crowns up.
____ Frame the floor system
____ Seal any space between the rim joist and the sill plate with caulk or injection foam. (Any foam that protrudes out the outside of the rim joist can be trimmed after it dries.
____ Install bridging
____ Snap lines to layout decking.
____ Lay down decking (glue to joist with Liquid Nail) 8d nails every 8”.
Percentage left to do______
As most of your crew packs the storage bin and cleans the site, you can start to snap lines on the deck for next Saturday. (Spray clear lacquer on the lines to preserve them)
____ Deck layoutPercentage of deck layout left to be done______
If you had a really good day and your deck is snapped out with time to spare, you can layout plates.
____ Plate layoutPercentage of plate layout left to be done ______
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #2 Check list: Framing the house
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
Supervisor, Divide your crew into teams led by the most experienced people available.
See the construction manual for more details on the framing process.
____ Check information for widow & door R.O.’s
____ Pre-fab headers, trimmers and corners
____ Frame, stand and brace all exterior walls
____ Frame, square, stand and brace interior partitions
indicate number of walls left to build at the end of the day:______
____ Frame, stand and brace plumbing wall
____ Plumb and string line exterior walls
indicate walls that are done: north____ south____ east ____ west ____
____ Install post & supports and porch/carport beams
____ Hang sheathing on exterior walls (may be done before walls are stood if that is your
preferred technique, be sure to square the walls first if you do it this way.)
indicate how much sheathing is left to be done______
____ Plumb interior partitions
____ String line interior partitions if the wall is 20' or greater in length.
indicate which walls are done ______
____ Plumb & String line interior partitions (if that is your preferred technique)
Indicate how much sheathing is left to be done ______
____ Install all top plate providing overlap on corners (Note: top plate intersecting exterior walls need not cut clear through the exterior top plate. As this creates another point of air infiltration.)
indicate the number of walls left to do ______
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes * Empty all nail bags * Clean up the site
Week #3 Check list: Completion of framing the walls and preparation for setting trusses
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
The following check-list is what needs to be accomplished on the third day of construction. Please check the items off as they are completed.
____ Complete items from week #2 that have not been done.
____ Prefabricate gable trusses if applicable
- Sheath with OSB or insulation board (check for installation of gable venting)
- Prefab 2x6 sub fascia with lookouts every 4' to lace back to 1st field truss.
____ Energy efficiency applications:
____ Assign people to caulk all framing components too close to insulate and caulk or foam seal all utility penetrations.
____ Caulk sill plate to slab or deck.
____ Check all the top plates to insure that they are securely fastened (2-16d nails in the end of each plate, 1- 16d over every stud)
____ Insure that all the walls are securely braced and will not move when trusses are set.
____ Layout truss marks on top plate if this hasn't been done.
____ Install blocking for ceiling rock, kitchen cabinets, towel rods, and bath mirror
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner * DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes* Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week # 4 check list: Installing the trusses and roof sheathing:
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
____ Be certain that the checklist for weeks 2 & 3 have been completed
____ Double check the bracing and straightness of the walls.
____ Stack trusses on top of house (domino style)
____ Stand gable trusses (use stiff back bracing) plumb, brace and secure. String line peak to peak.
____ Stand and brace field trusses. Use the truss brace system if it is available.
(brace laterally and diagonally)
____ Install permanent lateral bracing as per engineering specs.
____ Install hurricane clips (truss clips) as soon as the truss is nailed in place
____ Run 2x6 sub fascia down sides. (flush to top of truss top chord) Tie into gable fascia.
Percentage of sub fascia not completed _____
____ Lay OSB roof sheathing. Install sheathing clips between each truss on the seams.
Overhang sheathing past fascia 1/2” all edges.
Percentage of sheathing not completed ____
____ Check for style and location of roof ventilation
____ Install air baffles between trusses to underside of roof sheathing. They must extend at least
4” to the outside over the exterior walls.
____ Install duct for radon abatement system
____ Double check the entire envelope of the house for air penetration points.
____ Install doors and windows if time permits and materials are available
* Caulk under nailing fin or brick mould
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner * DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes* Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #5 check list: Windows, siding & shingles
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
____ Wrap house in house wrap or felt paper (as supplied)
If using house wrap, overlap joints and seal with tape. Cut a “X” into your openings
and wrap the paper over the sill, lintel and jambs. Cut flush to the interior.
If using felt, overlap your horizontal seams by at least 4”
____ Locate all utility service penetrations, cut, seal and install vinyl Mountmasters as needed.
___ elect. service pnl. ___ gas line ___ hose bib ___ dryer vent
___ rear door light ___ door bell ___ other ______
____ Install windows and exterior doors(caulk under nailing fin or brick mould and under
door threshold)
____ Have team inside stuffing sill seal or backerod around doors and windows between frame
of window/door and the rough framing. If gap is too small, then use caulk. Also have this
team check to make sure the air baffles have all been installed between the trusses.
____ Install J-channel around window and doors ____ Install corner trim (terminate at soffit)
____ Caulk all corners of J-channel
____ Snap lines at: 1. On walls, level to bottom edge of sub fascia
2. On walls, to indicate top edge of starter strip
____ Install vinyl soffit
Percentage of soffit completed:
Front ____Rear ____ R side ____L side ____
____ Install metal fascia covers
____ Install siding starter strip
Percentage of metal fascia covers on: Front ____Rear ____R side ____L side ____
____ Install siding
Percentage of vinyl siding completed: Front ____Rear ____ R side ____L side ____
____ Start Shingles
Percentage of shingles completed: Front ____Rear ____ R side ____L side ____
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes* Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #6 check list: Sheet rock installation, siding & shingles
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
*Continue siding and shingles
There are two weeks scheduled for sheet rock. If your house is too crowded, and you have sufficient
supervisors, you can use some people to continue/finish work on exterior siding.
____ Install ceiling insulation (if to be done in batts)
____ Locate all electrical boxes & furnace vents, mark locations on floor.
____ Install wall insulation (overlap kraft paper on inside face edge of studs)
* Insure that the entire stud cavity is filled, tape top and bottom
* Cut out for electrical boxes, do not compress insulation behind them.
* Tape top and bottom edge of batts to plates
____ Install ceiling rock
* Use router w/1/8" bit, cut close around electrical boxes
* Use 1 5/8” screws every 8”
Percentage of ceiling rock left to be hung ______
If ceilings are complete and you have 1/2” wall rock available, you may continue to install.
Otherwise, begin clean up.
____ Install wall rock
* Use router w/1/8" bit, cut close around electrical boxes
* Use 1 5/8” screws or 1 1/2” drywall nails every 8” on exterior walls
* On interior walls, use glue on studs (keep glue away from edges) fasten
every 8” around edges and just 2 fasteners in the field of rock for each stud.
Percentage of wall rock left to be hung ______
____ Double check for all electrical box location (be sure none are concealed)
____ Double check for thorough fastening
____ Double check for high fasteners (run taping knife over all fasteners)
____ Pack storage box and clean up work site.
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site ____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
Week #7 check list: Sheet rock installation / siding
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
This is week two of sheet rock installation. Be sure to put enough people on the sheetrock task as possible, it must be completed today!
____ Locate all electrical boxes & furnace vents, mark locations on floor.
____ Install any remaining ceiling rock
* Use router w/1/8" bit, cut close around electrical boxes
* Use 1 5/8” screws every 8”
____ Install wall rock
* Use router w/1/8" bit, cut close around electrical boxes
* Use 1 5/8” screws or 1 1/2” drywall nails every 8” on exterior walls
* On interior walls, use glue on studs (keep glue away from edges) fasten
every 8” around edges and just 2 fasteners in the field of rock for each stud.
____ Double check for all electrical box location (be sure none are concealed)
____ Double check for thorough fastening
____ Double check for high fasteners (run taping knife over all fasteners)
____ This house is completely ready for the drywall taper
except for:______
____ Pack storage box and clean up work site.
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site * Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
Week #8 check list, Interior trim and doors
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
Divide your crew into teams for door installation and window jamb/casing.
There are two weeks to perform all interior trim work. Do a very clean job of it.
____ Hang all interior doors
* Check print for proper swing
* Check for 1/8” spacing between door and frame on all sides.
* Elevate door jambs 3/8” off floor
____ After doors are hung in a room, install base trim
* Keep base elevated 3/8” off floor
* Have teams pin in place and one person secure thoroughly with finish nail gun.
____ Cut and install all window jambs
* Rip 1x stock to fill jamb. Flush to surface of sheetrock
* Shim jamb to square to window frame.
____ Install window casing
* Maintain 1/8” reveal of jamb all the way around.
Do not concern yourself with caulking until all trim installation is complete next week But if you are out of work before you are out of day, go ahead:
____ Have caulk crew follow all COMPLETELY FASTENED trim work
* Inspect their work for clean, tight finish (no globs, blobs or streaks)
* Caulk everywhere trim meets wall
* Caulk all seams where casing meets jambs on windows and doors.
____ Use wood filler (or featherlite filler) for patching nail holes
* Sand down wood where fasteners have caused lumps
* Sand after filler has dried if necessary
____ Have caulking crew caulk between all electrical boxes and sheetrock prior to
the installation of fixtures and covers.
Week #9 check list, week 2 of trim
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
____ See checklist for last week to determine what trim is left to complete
____ All doors hung and secured
____ All window jambs installed
____ All window casing installed
____ All base board installed
____ Have caulk crew follow all COMPLETELY FASTENED trim work
* Inspect their work for clean, tight finish (no globs, blobs or streaks)
* Caulk everywhere trim meets wall
* Caulk all seams where casing meets jambs on windows and doors.
____ Use wood filler (or featherlite filler) for patching nail holes
* Sand down wood where fasteners have caused lumps
* Sand after filler has dried if necessary
____ Have caulking crew caulk between all electrical boxes and sheetrock prior to
the installation of fixtures and covers.
____ All caulk and fill is inspected and ready for paint
except: ______
____ Mask off all windows and door hinges
* Use tape and plastic or paper to cover all vinyl on windows
* Use tape to cover all door hinges
____ If time permits and you have the paint & materials, begin painting the ceiling
*flat white
* You do not need to cut in the ceiling around the walls.
____ Thoroughly clean all painting equipment
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #10 check list, Painting
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
We will hope to have been able to paint all the doors and trim in the house using an airless sprayer. If we were not able to do so, then you will paint them with brushes.
The order in which the interior should be painted:
1. Ceilingflat whiteroller no cut in necessary
2. Trim & doorsSemi gloss whitebrushes no cut in necessary
3. WallsSemi gloss antique whiteroller & brushes cut in ceiling & trim
____ All ceilings painted & inspected
____ All trim painted & inspected
____ All doors painted & inspected
____ All walls painted & inspected
____ Bathroom accessories installed
* 2 towel bars* Toilet roll dispenser* mirror * soap dish optional
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #11 check list, landscape and storm doors:
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
____ See plan for landscape layout
____ Remove rocks from surface
____ Thoroughly clear the entire property of all trash, debris and branches
____ Cut back limbs as needed
____ Insure that there is positive drainage away from the house for at least 3’ on all sides.
____ Insure that there is a clear 6” of foundation visible between earth and siding.
____ Use top soil to fill low spots, rake down high spots
____ Place landscape timbers, rocks or borders
____ Dig and place shrubbery and trees
____ Rake down all yard area for hydra seeding.
____ Install front and rear storm doors
* Check for proper swing
____ Excess volunteers may complete any leftover siding work.
____ Pack storage box in orderly manner DO NOT SKIP THIS PART
* Have tools returned to tool boxes*Empty all nail bags* Clean up the site
Week #12 check list, final touch up and clean up
Address: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______No. of volunteers ______
____ Install door latches
____ Install door stops for all doors
____ Install heat registers
____ Install outlet and switch covers
____ Install range hood
____ Install light covers
____ Clean windows
____ Clean bathroom
____ Clean kitchen
____ Vacuum carpet
____ Mop floors
____ Sweep porches
____ When you leave, the house should be ready to move in, except for the placement of
the appliances