Terrorism: History & Philosophy II

Winter Quarter – ’05 ClermontCollege

Instructor: Edw. R. BridgemanCourse #: 34 –HIST-276-901

Day / Time: Tues. 6:30 – 9:10 pmClassroom: 102 Jones

Phone: 513/732-5251E-mail:

FacultyServiceCenter: 513/732-5335


To introduce the student to an advanced understanding of Terrorism, its workings, and those who perpetrate the terrorist acts. We will explore the major threat groups (Radical Islamic Fundamentalists, American Right-Wing Paramilitaries, etc.) as well as European-based groups and how they have and will affect our way of life. In addition, we will discover the weapons and means the modern terrorist uses and how governments respond.

Course Objective

Given a terrorist group, students will be able to produce a realistic threat assessment of the group and its potential for harm to persons, facilities and resources.

Required Text

None (Handout packet on sale at the College Bookstore)


1.Mid Term25%(8 Feb)

2.Threat Assessment45%

3.Final Exam20%(15 Mar)



Grading Scale

A90 – 100

B80 – 89

C70 – 79

D60 – 69

F59 and below



Attendance is mandatory and ten (10) points will be deducted from your grade for each unexcused absence. Absences will be excused only for documented family crises, illness or professional reasons. No make-up will be given for material missed for unexcused absences.


Submitting another’s published or unpublished work, in whole, in part or in paraphrase, as one’s own without fully and properly crediting the author with footnotes, citations or bibliographical reference. Submitting as one’s own original work, material obtained from an individual or agency without reference to the person or agency as the source of material. Submitting as one’s own, original work, material that has been produced through unacknowledged collaboration with others without release in writing from the collaborators.

I f work is found to be plagiarism or if caught cheating on exams, the student(s) involved will receive an “F” for the course and will be reported to the appropriate University officials.


Students with Disabilities: The policy of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires that students with disabilities self-identify and provide proper documentation to Jennifer Radt in the Student Services Bldg. for appropriate academic accommodation.


Effective writing skills being critical to any career, your writing will be taken into consideration in the determination of your grade on all assignments and in the overall grade for the quarter.

Threat Assessment

Each student will produce an 8 – 10 page Threat Assessment on a Terrorist group or individual assigned by the Instructor. The style and format of the paper will be provided and will be due on 9 Mar o5.


Course Outline

Week 1Introduction and Summary

Week 2Radical Islamic Fundamentalism

Week 3 “““

Week 4American Right-wing Paramilitaries

Week 5Eco Terror and Modern Anarchists

Week 6 European Terror Groups

Week 7Misc. Groups

Week 8Terror and the Media

Week 9B-NICE / Weapons of Mass Destruction

Week 10Prognosis and Predictions

(Note: This outline is meant to be a guide and there may be some variation as time and world events dictate)