Habit 1: Be Proactive
Lesson 1
10 Scenerio Slips
10 Blank Slips
Proactive Sign
Reactive Sign
Say: Last week your advisory teacher showed you a powerpoint on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens. These habits are a great way to help be the leader of your own life. We are going to start by discussing Habit 1- Being Proactive, Not Reactive.
Say: There are two types of people in this world – The proactive and the reactive. The proactive people take responsibility for there lives, while reactive people blame others for their problems. Proactive people make things happen for themselves, while reactive people let things happen to them.
Say: Each day you and I have 100 chances to be proactive or reactive. So which are you going to choose? Are you going to take control of your life? Think about these questions as we do the activity.
Say: Okay, we are going to get into groups of 2-3. We are going to give you either some characteristics or something a person may say. You have to decide if it fits under Being Proactive or Reactive.
Do: Pass out a slip of paper to each group.
Say: Read over the paper with your group. Decide together if it something that describes a proactive person or reactive person.
Reactive / I’ll try.Proactive / I’ll do it.
Reactive / That is just the way I am
Proactive / I can do better than how I did
Reactive / You ruined my day
Proactive / I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me.
Reactive / I spilled something on my shirt, now my day is going to be awful.
Proactive / Just because that group thinks I am weird, doesn’t mean I should let it ruin my day.
Reactive / I hate my curly hair; I wish I had Tara’s hair. My life would be so much better if I could look like her. It is so unfair.
Proactive / I can’t do anything about my hair, so I can’t dwell on it. I like me for me.
Do: Have each group come up and read the scenario, and decide if it should go on the proactive sign or the reactive sign.
Say: Now, that we understand the difference between proactive people and reactive people. We are going to give you a slip of paper that either says reactive or proactive.
Do: Hand out the slip of paper.
Say: You need to come up with a comment or characteristic that is either proactive or reactive depending on what your paper says. Then, we will stick them to our signs.
Do: Give them time to come up with something.
Say: Okay, now we are going to read our statements, and place them on our signs.
Do: Go through the statements.
Say: We are going to leave the signs up, so when you have time in advisory you can think about being proactive. The choice is yours do you want to be someone who is not easily offended, takes responsibility for their choices, thinks before they act, snaps back when something bad happens, always find a way to make it happen, and focus on things they CAN DO something about, and don’t worry about things they can’t. Or do you want to have the VICTIM VIRUS the rest of your life, and blame all your problems on others. Think about it. I hope everyone decides to take control of their own lives and be proactive!
I’ll try.I’ll do it.
That is just the way I am
I can do better than how I did
You ruined my day
I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me.
I spilled something on my shirt, now my day is going to be awful.
Just because that group thinks I am weird, doesn’t mean I should let it ruin my day.
I hate my curly hair; I wish I had Tara’s hair. My life would be so much better if I could look like her. It is so unfair.
I can’t do anything about my hair, so I can’t dwell on it. I like me for me.