1) Z=(9.98-10)/(0.03/sqrt(3) = -1.15
2) (16.5-25.7)+-2.39*sqrt(41.785/36+41.785/36) = ( -12.84, -5.56)
3) Cannot do not normal
DF / SS / MS / FGroups / 2 / 8.6402 / 4.321 / 24.108
Error / 9 / 1.6128 / 1792
Total / 11 / 10.253
5) .02/2=1.282*sqrt(.3(1-.3)/n)
Need 3452 emails
H0: Hair color and eye color are independent
Ha: Hair color and eye color are dependent
Exp / Brown / Blue / Green2 Hours / 22.1 / 19.1 / 17.7
5 Hours / 24 / 20.8 / 19.2
7 Hours / 28.8 / 25.0 / 23.1
Chi^2 / Brown / Blue / Green
2 Hours / 0.37 / 0.07 / 0.16
5 Hours / 1.042 / 1.62 / 0.03
7 Hours / 2.15 / 1.94 / 0.03
χ24 = 7.412
.1 < P-value < .15
Therefore Fail to Reject the null
Which means there is not sufficient evidence to prove that beam color and fire resistance are dependent
7) 0.02<p-value<0.04
H0: proportions are equal (not cheating)
Ha: proportions are not equal (is cheating)
Alpha = 0.05
18 / 2014 / 30
14.83 / 23.17
17.17 / 23.83
0.678 / 0.434
0.5852 / 0.3747
p-value = 0.0749
Fail to Reject
We cannot say my daughter is cheating
9) (14-15) +- 2.998*1.22/sqrt(8) = (-2.29, 0.293)
H0: B1=0
Ha: B1≠0
t5=-1.02/0.246 = -4.15
Heavier cars do not carry the same amount of Freon
H0: mu >=2
Ha: mu < 2
Type 1 error: The batteries will last, but we think they will die (lose money)
Type 2 error: The batteries will not last, but we think they will (no calculator during test)
Personally I would raise alpha, maybe 0.20 because I don’t want my calculator to die during the exam, and this would make it more likely that I am going to replace them (even if I don’t need to)
______95% of the time confidence intervals like this capture the true average time between a felony
______We are 95% confident the true average is between 2.3 and 5.7 seconds
Note that “Error” refers to how far off from 2
Reject the null
The average error from the scale is significantly more than 1, which means the scale needs to be replaced
9 said do the homework
7 said enjoy the songs
5 said take good notes
4 said study with classmates
4 said don’t use the book
3 said attend class
2 said go back over the homework
2 said get help when you need it
2 said start the homework early
Other responses:
Put confidence intervals on your study sheet
Learn the language of statistics
Pay attention to the wording and context of the questions
Make a flow chart
Go to office hours
Make a good study sheet for the exam
Study hard
Pay attention in class
It’s not that hard
Do the practice exams
Don’t do the homework all on one day
Don’t work 30 hours and take 15 credits
Use engineering paper
Beware the final!
Don’t forget everything on the final
Everyone hates statistics. Just do better than the next guy and get it over with
You’ll never get an A in this class
Run! The instructor is insane and possibly dangerous. Quit this silliness and join the college of business
Dr. Crawford is a thug and he don’t take no crap. Don’t give him crap.
Good luck roll Tide
Statistics is like a garden. Dig it