Position Description

Position Title: Conservation Advocate; Freshwater

Position Location: National Office, Wellington, or Christchurch

Business Group: Campaigns & Advocacy

The Society and its objectives.

Forest and Bird is a membership-based national conservation organisation. It has been New Zealand’s leading conservation organisation since 1923. The Society is a key advocate for nature conservation, on land, in freshwater and in the marine environment. Its unique point of difference with other conservation groups in New Zealand is that it has a community-based branch structure while having a regional and national overview and presence. The Society is self-funded through its members and its supporters. Therefore promotion of the Society, its work and successes, is key to its ongoing effectiveness as an organisation with a strong membership and financial base. The Society is also the BirdLife International Partner in New Zealand.

The Mission of the Society is to:

“Preserve and protect the indigenous flora and fauna and natural features of Aotearoa New Zealand, including land and water habitats”

Its strategic focus is to `be the voice of nature’

The Strategic Plan has a focus on an ecologically resilient and sustainable economy:

‘Forest & Bird is committed to policies and actions that will reduce climate-damaging emissions and build resilience in ecosystems and economy.’

With regard to freshwater the strategic plan has the goal:

‘By 2040, all indigenous freshwater and estuarine habitats and species are healthy.’

Position responsible to: Group Manager Campaigns & Advocacy

Key Relationships:

·  Group Managers and General Counsel
·  Regional Managers
·  Forest & Bird branches and members
·  Other Conservation Advocates
·  Chief Executive / Kaiwhakahaere Matua
·  Forest & Bird staff based at National Office in Wellington
·  Other Forest & Bird staff throughout the country / External
·  Media
·  Regional Council politicians and officials
·  Other national, regional and local, conservation and water recreation advocacy organisations’ advocates and lobbyists and community groups.
·  Conservation sector opinion leaders and specialists
·  Organisations representing agriculture, forestry, horticulture and other freshwater resource users
·  Officials of Government Agencies, Departments and Ministries
·  Ministers, MPs and political candidates

Objectives of the Position

·  The role of the Conservation Advocate; freshwater is to achieve significant improvements in the quality and quantity of our freshwater throughout New Zealand by making a key contribution to Forest and Bird’s freshwater advocacy and campaign work.

·  To highlight to members, the public and media the need to protect the ecological health of all our freshwater habitats.

·  To assist branches, regional managers, planning and legal staff in their work on regional land and water planning processes in order to achieve successful outcomes for freshwater biodiversity.

Key Responsibilities

Advocacy / ·  Lead Forest & Bird’s work to highlight the need to protect the ecological health of all our freshwater habitats.
·  Advocate the freshwater biodiversity interests and conservation positions of the Society and its members with politicians and their staff, officials, opinion leaders and with associated organisations or agencies.
·  Lead Forest & Bird’s freshwater biodiversity advocacy assisting branches, regional managers, planning and legal staff in their work on regional land and water planning processes.
·  Prepare material supporting the Society’s positions and policies to maintain and improve freshwater ecological health for inclusion in campaign publications, the Forest and Bird Magazine and other internal and external communication organs.
·  Liaise with and support other staff assigned responsibility for specific national advocacy issues.
·  Work in close collaboration with regional managers and branches on campaign and advocacy on regional and local freshwater issues.
·  Where appropriate, help prepare and present freshwater related submissions on behalf of the Society, and assist other staff and branches prepare freshwater related submissions on behalf of the Society.
·  Where appropriate represent the Society on technical working parties and other officials’ and/or sector/NGO groups.
Policy Analysis and Advice / ·  Policy analysis of current conservation issues, in particular relating to freshwater, and Government proposals for legislation or policy.
·  Provide advice on freshwater issues, campaigns, and priorities to the Society’s managers, other staff and membership.
·  Help develop Society freshwater policy and provide policy advice to branches, regional staff, planners and lawyers.
Projects/campaigns / ·  Lead and participate in project/campaign teams established to undertake integrated conservation projects and the priority work of the Society.
·  Other work and responsibilities delegated or assigned from time to time by the Group Manager Campaigns & Advocacy.
Reporting / ·  Provide robust, accurate and timely accountability reports that report against freshwater campaign, advocacy and project deliverables including budget and expenditure.
Health & Safety – Individual / ·  Take reasonable care for personal safety and wellbeing.
·  Take reasonable care that acts or omissions do not adversely affect the safety and wellbeing of others.
·  Report all occupational injury, illness, near miss incidents, environmental spills or fire, regardless of its severity, to a supervisor.
·  Report all hazards which may result in an injury, illness, spill or fire to a supervisor.
·  Cooperate with any reasonable policy or procedure of Forest & Bird relating to safety or wellbeing in the workplace that has been notified to staff.
·  Comply, so far as reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction by Forest & Bird to allow Forest & Bird to comply with the law.

Decision Making/Delegations

Manage the expenditure for assigned projects/campaigns within the limits of delegations assigned from time to time by the Group Manager Campaigns & Advocacy.

Key Accountabilities

·  To meet performance criteria set by the Group Manager Campaigns & Advocacy at the start of each reporting year.

·  To complete assigned projects or tasks and reporting on time, within budget and in accord with any delegations given or limitations enunciated by Society Policy, Chief Executive or the Group Manager Campaigns & Advocacy.

·  To represent and present the Society in a positive manner which maintains its reputation and relationships with significant opinion leaders and organisations.

Performance Criteria

An individual Development Plan will be developed that reflects the contribution this position is expected to make towards achieving the Society’s conservation objectives and measures. The Development Plan will contain objectives that are consistent with the Key Responsibilities in this Position Description.

Key Competencies and Position Requirements

·  Broad knowledge of conservation and associated issues with an interest in freshwater and biodiversity protection.

·  Campaign and lobbying experience, particularly relating to freshwater protection.

·  Experience of land & water planning processes.

·  A relevant tertiary qualification or related experience.

·  Good political awareness and judgment.

·  Flexibility to manage broad ranging projects and also participate effectively as a project team member.

·  Ability to work as part of, contribute to and lead multi-disciplinary teams.

·  Positive interpersonal skills and the ability to work with colleagues and relate to people at all levels and all backgrounds in the community.

·  Excellent written and spoken communication skills.

·  Experience of dealing with the media

·  Analytical skills.

·  Personal organisation and self-discipline.

·  Experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other common office software.

·  Ability to work as part of, contribute to and lead multi-disciplinary teams.

·  Loyalty to the Society, Chief Executive and Leadership Team.

Position Location

Forest & Bird’s preference is for this position to be based either in Wellington of Christchurch.

Nature beyond protected areas is secure and well managed:

[excerpt from the 2015 Forest & Bird Strategic Plan]

3.3 Protecting our freshwater and estuarine habitats

Long-term outcome:

By 2040 all indigenous freshwater and estuarine habitats and species are healthy.

3.3.a. Outcomes within 5 years:

I. The National Objectives Framework for freshwater quality and quantity is strong enough to protect all freshwater and estuarine habitats.

II. Forest & Bird has ensured that the revised water quality and quantity standards have been incorporated into regional land and water plans to protect freshwater habitats and species.

3.3.b Within 10 years:

I. The process to protect a comprehensive network of freshwater and estuarine habitats is under way.

June 2016

JD Conservation Advocate (freshwater) - updated by KH Nov.16 1