H. Potter LESSON PLANS Week of: 1-29 to 2-2

CKH Step: / Time: / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
(Greet students and begin to build the relationship. Model social and professional skills.) / 2 minutes / Handshakes-Holas
Due: WI8 - AGT / Handshakes-Holas
Due: Nothing. / Handshakes-Holas
Due: WordIt!11 - Menu / Handshakes-Holas
Due: WordIt!13 - TV Summary / Handshakes-Holas
Due: Clip Art Fun and all other assignments!
(Get in touch where students are personally, emotionally and academically. Listening skills and questions.) / 5 minutes / Good Things
Edutyping / Good Things
Edutyping / Good Things
Edutyping / Good Things
Edutyping / Good Things
(Communicate “Real-World Benefits and content and address needs.) / 20 minutes / Skyward Grade Checks
Search and Replace Features / WordIt11 - Practice Video (Tabs and Dot Leaders) / Discuss dots and tabs.
WI13 - Practice Video (Line Spacing and Word Count) / ClipArt and Text Boxes Practice Video / Vocabulary Review:
Shortcuts, Parts of a Computer, Word Terminology
(Give students the ability to use and do what you have communicated! Students will practice and apply their skills.) / 15 minutes / Recap -
Word Check-Up Quiz
Home Row Quiz
Homework:None / WordIt!11 - Menu
Homework: None / Finish WI11!
Begin WI13! - TV Summary
Homework: WI13! - TV Summary if not completed in class. / Clip Art/ Text Box Fun!
Homework:Finish CA/TB Assignment if not completed in Class. / QUIZLET LIVE! - Make up assignments!
(End and send your students off! Summarize and give a meaningful note.) / 2 minutes / What did you learn?
What is your homework?
Launch: A little progress each day, adds up to big results. / What did you learn?
What is your homework?
Launch: My life is constantly under construction. There is always something to improve. / What did you learn?
What is your homework?
Launch: .Don’t measure your progress using someone else’s ruler. / What did you learn?
What is your homework?
Launch: Just try to be better than yesterday. / What did you learn?
What is your homework?
Launch: Keep going, you are getting there!