Gyrosopic flight instruments
/ Precession rate / An applied force “works” 90° in direction of the rotation (pic 2.1)Rigidity / Best: gyro heavy, high rpm,
Classification / Planes of freedom = max. 3
degrees of freedom = planes of freedom – 1
(minus spin axis, no measuring possible)
Types / Space = 3 planes o. freedom. → 2 degrees of freedom
(use in DI, AH)
Rate = 2 panes o. freedom →
1 degree of freedom
(use in Turn indicator)
Wander / Real wander due to
imperfection of manufacture
some force from outside
earth / astronomical wander
transport wander
movement in horizontal = drift
movement in vertical = topple
(pic. 2.2)
Earth horizontal gyro
Drift = 15 sin latitude / hour
Earth vertical giro
topple = 15cos latitude / hour
(pic 2.3)
direction indicator
/ Correction / constant gyro heading → magnetic heading increaseconstant magnetic heading →
gyro heading decrease
artificial horizon
/ Gyro / Always earth verticalfor start with heavy bottom,
in action with 4 vents at the bottom.
Use the effect of an applied force to a gyro
New one, with mercury “switch” only slight acceleration errors
3 planes / 2 degrees of freedom
Acceleration errors / Old fashion (air supported)
false pitch up and right turn
new one / electrical one
false pitch up and left turn
Advantage / disadvantage Electrical gyro / More rpm → higher rigidity
greater freedom
(complete roll / 85° pitch up)
Turn – Slip – Coordinator
/ Gyro / 2 planes / 1 degree of freedomTwo minutes turn / 3° standart
bank angel = (TAS / 10) + 7
R = TAS / 60∏
Turn - Coordinator / Development of Turn-Slip-Coordinator
new setting for the precession axis
30 degrees about the aircraft's longitudinal axis
Laser gyro
/ Gyro / Nothing there is nonI nertial R eference S ystem / One to three IRU nits =
R ing L aser G yroscopes
Measuring / Colour of light Blue / Red
Red distance increase
Blue distance decrease
Nice to know / Galaxy is still expanding, every light from star or planet is turned to red.