PowerSchool State Reporting Document

TSDL Checklist

District Setup – District Info (District Office > District > District Info)

ð  Verify district name

ð  Verify district number

ð  Verify operating ISD/ESA number

ð  Verify that proper count dates are entered

District Setup – Michigan TSDL Completion Status (District Office > District > Grade Scales)

ð  Edit grade scale to be mapped

ð  Select the grade in the Michigan TSDL Completion Status section

ð  Select the Completion Status and Withdrawal Status for each grade in the scale

ð  Complete for all grade scales

District Setup – Courses (District Office > District > Courses)

Refer to the Prior to Secondary or Secondary School Course for the Exchange of Data (SCED) document published by the State of Michigan for a list of all subject area codes.

ð  Select the course to enter the state reporting information for TSDL

ð  Enter appropriate subject area code

ð  Enter appropriate course identifier code

ð  Select the course type

ð  Set the exclude from TSDL (if applicable)

ð  Mass coding and importing option – you can also mass code courses with TSDL information by exporting course information from PowerSchool into an Excel worksheet, code the courses, then import the data back into PowerSchool. Note: prior to importing this information you may need to initialize the four TSDL field in the courses screen if these fields have never had any data manually entered into them. Refer to the MISD website for detailed instructions.

School Setup – Michigan TSDL Store Code (School > Years & Terms)

ð  Select Edit Terms for the current school year.

ð  Select a Term.

ð  Enter the appropriate Michigan TSDL store code for the term.

ð  Repeat the process until all terms have the appropriate store code entered.

ð  Complete for all schools.

School Setup – Sections (School > Sections)

ð  Select the section to enter the state reporting information for TSDL

ð  Set the exclude from TSDL (if applicable)

ð  Select the proper co-teacher from the dropdown (if applicable)

ð  Select the appropriate option for virtual delivery

ð  Select the appropriate option for mentor teachers

ð  Complete for all schools

School Setup – Staff (Staff)

ð  Enter the Personnel Identification Code (PIC) as assigned in the REP for a teacher responsible for the instruction of the course. Required unless the course type characteristic is reported as dual enrollment/early middle college or when the subject area code is state approved CTE course.

ð  Complete for all schools.

School Setup – Final Grade Setup (School > Final Grade Setup)

ð  Verify that the final grade store codes match the term durations of the sections in your school.

ð  Complete for all schools.

School Setup – Average Final Grades (System > Average Final Grades)

ð  If the final grade store codes do not match the section term durations, then you can use the average final grades function in PowerSchool to create the final grade store code that matches the section term duration.

Reports (System Reports > State Tab)

ð  MI MSDS Setup Validation – use this to validate MSDS setup data for non-student tables.

ð  MI Teacher Student Data Link Validation – use this report to validate the TSDL collection and generate a CSV file with the results of the validation process.

ð  Michigan Teacher Student Data Link Collection - use this report to generate the Teacher Student Data Link data XML file necessary for the state submission.


ð  Import the data from the PowerSchool Michigan Teacher Student Data Link Collection into MISDmsds for data validation, and then export the TSDL file for the state.

ð  Tip! If you would like to error check and validate your data without getting all of the General Collection validation errors, you can run a General Collection for the full year and import that into MISDmsds and then run your TSDL export and merge the TSDL data into MISDmsds matching on UIC number.


ð  Upload the data from the PowerSchool Michigan Teacher Student Data Link Collection report to the state.

TSDL Checklist – March 2016 Page 2 of 2