Gynaecytology: Non-neoplastic findings II

By Lin Wai Fung

Photomicrograhs of the following cases can be found at

(I) Specimen Adequacy

Unsatisfactory smears

1.  Thick smear,

2.  Obscured by heavy inflammatory cells and/or blood

3.  Severe drying artefact, contaminated by lubricant jelly

4.  Low cellularity

Ø  Conventional: >10% of coverage (Minimum 8000 to 12000)

Ø  LBP: >5000 (Autocyte: 8/hpf; ThinPrep: 4/hpf)

(II) Non-specific Reactive Changes

1. Common causes:



2. Cellular changes

·  Peri-nuclear halo

·  Karyorrhexis

·  Karyolysis

·  Karyopyknosis

·  Polychromasia

·  Cytoplasmic vacuole

·  Polymorphs increase

3. Infective agents

Normal flora: a mixture of bacteria including lactobacillus

·  Bacterial infection

Need culture to confirm

·  Trichomonas Vaginalis

Vaginal discharge

Usually assoicated with mixed bacterial infection



Eccentric elongated small nuclei

Eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules

·  Candida species

Fungal infection

Common during pregnancy, taking oral contraceptives

Thick, white chessy discharge

Budding yeasts

Pseudohyphae (eosinophilic or gray brown)

Spearing of squamous cells

·  Shift in flora suggestive of bacterial vaginoisis

Clue cells

Gardnerella vaginalis

Absence of lactobacilli

·  Actinomyces


·  Pelvic pain, irregular bleeding

·  Clumps of filamentous organisms (cotton ball)

·  Radial distribution or woolly appearance

(III) Specific cellular changes

Virus (Herpes Simplex infection)


Cytotoxic drugs

Herpes Simplex Infection

·  Ground glass appearance

·  Intranuclear viral particles

·  Peripheral margination of chromatin

·  Eosinophilic intracnuclear inclusion, surrounded by a halo

·  Multinucleation (molded nuclei)

Reactive Cellular Changes Associated with Radiation

·  Cell size increase, bizzare shape

·  Enlarged nuclei with degeneration (nuclear vacuolization)

·  Cytoplasmic vacuolization

·  Polychromatic staining

Follicular cervicitis

·  Lymphocytic reaction

·  More common in postmenopausal woman

·  Lympho follicle: mature and immature lymphocyte

·  Tingible-body macrophages

Atrophic vaginitis

·  Postmenopausal, thin epithelium, easily traumatized

·  Background debris, inflammatory cells

·  Parabasal cells with vary degree of degeneration. Some with eosinophilic cytoplasmic staining (keratin)

(IV) Epithelial Regeneration

·  Tissue regenerate at the edge of a ucler

·  Monolayer

·  Some pleomorphic in nuclear size

·  Nucleoli prominent

·  Cohesive

·  Streaming nuclei polarity

·  Can involve mature squamous, metaplastic, and columnar epithelium