Gwendolyn Rossell Memorial Continuing Education Award

Application Information

Revised February 2013

The Gwendolyn Rossell Memorial Continuing Education Award provides funding for Public Health/Community Nutrition Practice Group (PHCNPG) members to attend short-term education programs related to public health/community nutrition that enhance the contributions of public health nutritionists to health care. Programs must meet the Commission on Dietetic Registration’s criteria for continuing education for registered dietitians (RD) or dietetic technicians, registered (DTRs). The award will pay up to 80% percent of estimated expenses with a maximum of $ 1000 per event. Travel expenses may be included. No individual may receive funding more than once a year.

Applicant Requirements

•Be a current member of the Academy of Nutrition of Dietetics

•Be a current member of PHCNPG for at least 3 years

•Be a RD or DTR

•Not presently enrolled in graduate school

•Intend to apply the knowledge gained through the education program to the practice of public health/community nutrition

Application Instructions

•Write a letter of request to the Academy Foundation Board of Directors chair naming the program you plan to attend and explain how it will benefit you.

•Include a copy of the program announcement.

•Include a budget of expenses.

  • Application for this award must be made prior to attendance.

Recipient Instructions

•Provide the following to the PHCNPG Awards Committee chairperson:

a. evidence of attendance,

b. a written critique and summary of the program

c. a description of how the program was beneficial to the award recipient ,

d. an article for the PH/CN newsletter which summarizes the program and its implications for PH/CN dietetic practice (details related to date and length should be coordinated with the newsletter editor).

The PHCN Awards Committee chairperson will forwardthis toStacy Chassagne, at the Academy Foundation and to the PHCNPG newsletter editor. The report or quotes from the report may be published in an Academy Foundationpublication and/or PHCNPG newsletters or website.

Send your letter of request and attachments in one document via email toStacy Chassagne at

Any questions about the award may be directed to Stacy Chassagne, at (800) 877-1600 ext. 4889 or at .

Section A. This section must be completed by the applicant.
Your Name: / Date:
Your Academy Membership Number:
Please check for which of the following you have been a member of the PHCNPG? /  2013-2014  2015-2016  2017-2018
Are you enrolled in graduate school? /  Yes  No
Are you are RD or DTR? /  RD  DTR
How do you intend to apply the knowledge gained through the education program to the practice of public health/community nutrition? Please describe below (less than 500 words):
Please outline a budget for your funding request from this application.
Please attach a copy of the program announcement.
Section B. This section must be completed by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetic Foundation Staff.
Application was:  Approved Total Amount Awarded ______
 Disapproved
Section C. To be provided to PHCN Awards Committee chairperson after program attendance:
Recipient Instructions: Provide the following to the PHCNPG Awards Committee chairperson within 30 days after you attended the continuing education program:
Evidence of attendance,
Description of how program attendance will be used by the award recipient in practice or for professional development,
An article for the PHCNPG newsletter which summarizes the program and its implications for PHCNPG dietetic practice (details related to date and length should be coordinated with the newsletter editor).