Gulf Coast Little League is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. As the oldest Little League in Collier County over 6,000 kids have participated through the years. We provide opportunities for nearly 300 boys and girls between the ages of four and fourteen in our community. Our focus has and always will be on fair play, sportsmanship and a firm foundation of baseball and softball fundamentals in a safe environment for players, coaches, and umpires.

Sponsorships of local Little League teams by businesses in the community are vital to the financial health of the league. The funds from these sponsorships help pay the significant costs involved in the annual activities of Gulf Coast Little League. Items such as uniforms, umpire costs, county fees and equipment are just a few. From March through May and September to November our fields host over hundreds of games. Games are not just within our league but other Little Leagues within Collier County; meaning recognition of your company will be county-wide.

Sponsorship Levels Available to Businesses

  • $250 Hitters Club - Banner on outfield fence at Cindy Mysels Park, recognition at Opening Day Ceremonies and listing on GCLL website
  • $500Team Sponsor - Banner on outfield fence at Cindy Mysels Park, recognition at Opening Day Ceremonies, listing on GCLL website, your company name on the jerseys of one team, PA announcement before every game your team plays and commemorative team picture wall plaque
  • $750Special Event Sponsor – Opportunity to underwrite opening day, or the league-wide pool party. Your company will get a dedicated banner to be displayed two weeks leading up and during the event as well as recognition on the GCLL website
  • $1,000+Home Run Sponsor – Large banner on outfield fence at Cindy Mysels Park, recognition at Opening Day ceremonies – Family Fun Night and League-wide Pool Party, listing on the GCLL website with a link to your company’s website, your company name on the jerseys of one team, PA announcement before every game your team plays, commemorative team picture wall plaque, and recognition in a Naples Daily News announcement thanking our sponsors
  • $50 Opening Day Sponsor- will receive their advertisement on one large banner plus special recognition on that day

2016 Gulf Coast Little League Sponsorship Form

Please return bottom portion with payment or email to if payment made online

Checks to be made payable to GCLL or pay online through pay pal at our website under donation

Please Choose one:

$250 / Hitters Club / $750 / Special Event Sponsor
$500 / Team Sponsor / $1,000 + / Home Run Sponsor
+$50 / Opening Day Sponsor
Sponsor Name as you would like it to appear on the banner/back of jersey (if applicable):
Company Website:
Contact Name: / Contact Phone Number:
Home Field Preference:* / Marco / Naples / Team Name Preference:*
Division Preference* / T-Ball / Minor B / Minor A / Majors / 50/70 / Juniors / Softball Jrs. / Softball Majors
Event Title Sponsor(if applicable): / Opening Day / Annual Pool Party at Golden Gate Aquatic Center

* All Preferences are taken into serious consideration but are not always guaranteed

If you have any questions please contact Board Member, Jim Lamb at 239-269-7313 or Michele Lamb at 239-784-4020

Please return completed form with check to a Board Member or mail to:

GCLL, Attn: Treasurer

3823 Tamiami Trl. E. # 278

Naples, FL 34112

Gulf Coast Little League, Inc. is a charter league under Little League International which is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for you generous financial contribution.