NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Surrey County Council proposes to make an Order under Sections 1(1), 2(1) to 3 and 4, 32, 35, 36, 45, 46, 49, 51 and 53 and Parts III and IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (‘the Act’)the effect of which will be to further amend “The Surrey County Council Various Roads in the Borough of Guildford (Guildford Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone) (Consolidation of Waiting and Loading Restrictions and Street Parking Places and Revocation) Order 2009”. The Order, to be known as “The Surrey County Council Various Roads in the Borough of Guildford (Guildford Town Centre Controlled Parking Zone) (Consolidation of Waiting and Loading Restrictions Street Parking Places and Revocation) Amendment Order (No.-) 201-" proposes to make the changes as described below.
The general purpose and effect of the Order will be to:
(a)amend and revoke some of the existing parking controls,
(b)introduce new At Any Time, and Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm waiting restrictions,
(c)provide that in the lengths of roads referred to in paragraph (b) above, the usual exemptions for loading and unloading vehicles, boarding and alighting from vehicles, using vehicles for works on or adjoining those lengths of roads and the services in them and for disabled persons' vehicles in accordance with the "Blue Badge" Scheme would apply,
(d)introduce a Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit A Holder Only parking place for use by permit-holding passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(e)introduce a Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit E Holder Only parking place for use by permit-holding passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(f)introduce a Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit F Holder Only parking place for use by permit-holding passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(g)introduce a Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm 2 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour or Permit F Holder parking place for use by passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(h)introduce a Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm 2 Hour No Return Within 1 Hour or Permit H Holder parking place for use by passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(i)introduce Free Unrestricted parking place Without Time Limit for useby passenger vehicles (8 seats or less), goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight not exceeding 5 tonnes, motorcycles and invalid carriages,
(j)introduce Disabled Persons’ Free Parking Places for use by any disabled persons’ vehicle displaying a disabled persons’ blue badge,
(k)in respect to paragraphs (d) to (i) above, disabled persons’ vehicles displaying a disabled person’s blue badge may wait in those parking places free of charge and without time limit,
(l)in respect to paragraphs (d) to (j) above, any vehicle may wait in those parking places for the purposes of boarding and alighting (for a period not exceeding two minutes), or for the purpose of loading or unloading goods (for a period not exceeding twenty minutes).
No Waiting At Any Time
Agraria Road (on the east side adjacent to Carroll Pl development – formerly No.67 Farnham Rd)
Falcon Road(on the west side adjacent to No.13 York rd)
Ferry Lane(on the north side at rear of Ye Olde Ship Inn)
Raymond Crescent (on the northeast side outside No.62)
No Waiting Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm
Cranley Road(on the east side outside No65)
EllisAvenue(on the south side outside No.23)
Pewley Hill(certain lengths on the southwest side)
South Hill(on the southwest side outside No.8a)
Tormead Road(on the southwest side outside No.64)
Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit A Holder Only Parking Place
Markenfield Road (on the north side outside Wimbourne Villa & Belmont)
Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit E Holder Only Parking Place
Josephs Road (onthesouth side outside No.13)
Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm Permit F Holder Only Parking Place
AgrariaRoad (on the east side adjacent to Carroll Pl development – formerly No.67 Farnham Rd)
Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm 2-Hour Limited Waiting No Return Within 1 Hour or Permit F Holder Parking Place
Agraria Road (on the west side adjacent to No.69 Farnham Rd)
Monday-Saturday 8.30am-6pm 4-Hour Limited Waiting No Return Within 1 Hour or Permit H Holder Parking Place
Pewley Hill(on the south side outside Nos.50&52)
Free, Unrestricted Parking Place Without Time Limit
EllisAvenue(on the north side adjacent to No.13 Wilderness Rd)
Disabled Persons’ Free Parking Places Without Time Limit
Cline Road(on the south side outside Nos.68&70)
Josephs Road(on the south side outside No.61)
Markenfield Road(on the north side outside Bethshalom)
Revocations of various existing restrictions
Agraria Road (certain lengths on the east and west sides between Farnham Rd and Poltimore Rd)
Cline Road (on the south side outside Nos.68&70)
Cranley Road (on the east side outside No.65)
Ellis Avenue(certain lengths on both the north and south sides)
Falcon Road(on the west side adjacent to No.13 York rd)
Ferry Lane(on the north side at rear of Ye Olde Ship Inn)
Josephs Road (certain lengths on the south side)
Markenfield Road (on the north side outside Wimbourne Villa, Belmont & Bethshalom)
Pewley Hill(certain lengths on the southwest side)
Raymond Crescent (on the northeast side outside No.62)
South Hill(on the southwest side outside No.8a)
Tormead Road (on the southwest side outside No.64)
You can view the detailed proposals at:
A copy of the draft Order, together with plans showing the precise details of the proposed controls, a Statement of the Council’s Reasons for Proposing the Order, and the existing Consolidation Order of 2009 (as amended), may be inspected, free of charge at the main reception, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford between the hours of 9.00am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday; or at Guildford Library, North Street, Guildford, Ash Library, Ash Street, Ash and Horsley Library, Station Parade West, East Horsley, during normal opening hours.
Any objections or other representations, together with the grounds on which they are made, must be sent, in writing, to:
Kevin McKee (Parking Services Manager)
Guildford Borough Council
Parking Office
Laundry Road
or by email to:
by Friday 20 November 2015, quoting the following reference: KM/16/0001
DATED: Friday XXOctober 2015James Whiteman
Operational Services
Guildford Borough Council
(For and on behalf of the Traffic
Authority, Surrey County Council)