Guiding Alternatives for Young Children

ECE 102

Fall 2005

Instructor: Patricia Fields

Career and Technical Division:

Dean G. Kennon

Course Title: Guiding Alternatives for Young Children

Course Number: ECE 102

Instructor: Mrs. Patricia Fields

Instructor Information:

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 3:30-5:00

Phone: 518-2128

Office 26


  1. Course Description

The main focus of this course will be to identify positive DAP discipline and child guidance skills in the interaction and communication techniques used to redirect behavior. Positive redirection methods will be identified to assist in guiding the child’s social behavior in order to develop prosocial skills and positive self concept. Children’s traumas, fears, and negative environmental issues will be exploredand assessed to help guide the child through critical times of early childhood. Behavior modification plans between parent and child care provider/teacher will be assessed in the collaborative effort to promote and develop prosocial skills of the young child.

  1. Textbook Requirements

Positive Child Guidance-4th Edition. Darla Ferris Miller

Journal Write It Down, Kola Koski, ED.D.

Additional Required Materials:

  1. 2” ringed binder notebook
  2. 50 protector note sheets
  3. Index tabs

III. Learning Objectives

A To explore professional behavior used when caring and educating young children.

  1. To identify professional goals and objectives when redirecting the child’s behavior.
  2. To assess the impact of verbal and non-verbal cues during interactive periods with children.
  3. To identify positive methods of meeting individual children’s emotional and self concept needs.
  4. To identify positive methods of encouraging pro social behavior in the child’s learning environment.
  5. To identify positive methods of responding to children in stress.
  6. To explore methods of encouraging pro social behavior in the child’s learning environment.
  7. To identify strategies used in the environment to prevent antisocial behavior.
  8. To explore ares of support for the developing child’s sexuality, ethnicity, and special developmental needs.
  9. To examine the behavior modification techniques in order to develop positive prosocial skills of the young child.
  1. Learning Experiences


Role Play

Hands on – Learning Activities


Internet Search

Journal Observations

Reflection on Practical Applications

Class Discussion

V. Student Evaluation

Practical Applications / Reflections / 10@10pts / 100pts
Parent Newsletters / 3@25pts / 75 pts
Professional Readings/ Responses / 3@25pts / 75
Parent Provider Action Plans / 2@ 50pts / 100pts
Lesson Plan and Activity / 2@ 50pts / 100pts
Observation Tools / 2@ 25pts / 50pts
Resource Notebook Final
Write It Down Journal Observations / 1 @ 100 pts
1@75pts / 100 pts
Quizzes / 3 @ 50 pts. / 150 pts
Note: All assignments with the exception of the journaling is to be referenced in a Table of Content, tabbed, and filed in the Resource Notebook for a final project. / Total Points: / 825
  1. Special Policies
  2. Attendance: Attendance is necessary to successfully complete course work assignments. If you can not attend class, please notify the instructor during office hours. Class activities will occur each session. Points earned during these activities may not be made up.
  3. Special Needs: Please notify instructor of any modifications or adaptations to technical equipment, instructional needs, or personal health needs that may restrict your learning. Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate these needs.
  4. Academic Honesty:
  5. Academic Honesty: Students who engage in dishonest acts such as plagiarism or other forms of cheating in meeting the requirement of this course will be notified by the instructor that they are receiving an “O” for the assignment and / or an “F” for the course. Students who wish to appeal the decision of the instructor on a matter of dishonesty may do so under the Procedural Policy for Disciplinary Action. (Under that policy, the student is subject to suspension from the college for acts of dishonesty.)

Note:This applies to authenticity of student work.

Note: Please turn off cell phones before class begins. If an emergency occurs and you need the cell phone, please let the instructor know prior to the beginning of class.