Date of Birth
Contact - Please circle preferred method
Home ______Mobile ______
Emergency Contact - Name Phone
Physical Ability: Some duties require heavy lifting - please indicate your ability in this area 1. Physically able 2. Average 3. Poor
Which organisation do you represent?

1.  Please note: We need all the above information to comply with our insurance and licensing requirements.

2.  Privacy policy dictates that no information regarding volunteers of the Chefs Long Table Lunch (CLTL) will be provided, unless authorised or in the case of an emergency.

3.  We seek to achieve a professional working environment. Presenting ourselves appropriately promotes self-confidence and inspires confidence in others in the team. All volunteers should wear suitable, safe footwear.

·  Food and alcohol servers will be provided with a CLTL shirt/blouse, on loan

4.  Smart black skirt/trousers and shoes to be worn with CLTL clothing on loan.

I / We understand the above information and provide the following information, which is true and correct, and volunteer for the following tasks:
Job / Day / 2nd Pref.

Thank you for volunteering.

Please scan and email this page only to:


Post to:
CLTL Volunteers

PO Box 2346


Queries: Bev Buck - 0428 211 085 / 9721 1090

1. Thursday 23rd Feb. Marquee set-up 8.00am – 4.00pm (6)
2. Friday 24th Feb. Marquee set-up 8.00am – 12.00 noon (6)
3. Saturday 25th Feb. Set up tables – levelling 8.00am – 12.00 noon (6-8)
Sunday 26th Feb. Day of the Event
4. General hands – help put up displays and any other required help 7.00am – 10.30am (6)
5. Table dressing – tablecloths, crockery, cutlery, flowers etc. 7.00am – 10.30am (10)
6. Beneficiary representatives – greeting at gate 11.30am – 12.30am (3)
7. Staff marquee – man staff/volunteers’ tent, uniforms, valuables 11.00am – 6.00pm (1)
8. Food Service managers 11.00am – 6.00pm (3)
9. Table service – food carriers and clearing tables 11.00am – 6.00pm (30)
10. Kitchen scrapers 12.30am – 6.00pm (10)
11. Bar manager RSA 10.00am – 6.00pm (1)
12. Bar supply managers RSA 10.00am – 6.00pm (2)
13. Table service – drinks RSA 11.00am – 6.00pm (30)
14. Bar hands – No RSA 10.00am – 6.00pm (6)
15. Monday 27th Feb. Dismantle and take down marquee 7.00am – 12.00 noon (6)
16. Mon 27th Feb & Tues 28th Feb: Dishwasher duties at Lonsdale Hire 9.00am – 4.00pm (3)

We gratefully accept applications for more than one job!

Queries: Bev Buck - 0428 211 085 or