Option One:

In addition to licensure requirements as per the “Application for Medical/Dental License”, each medical licensure applicant must meet all of the following education and training:

For General Medical Licensure

a) Completion of six (6) years of education in a college or university, of which at least four (4) years

are devoted to formal medical education; AND

b) Completion of at least one (1) year of supervised clinical training sponsored by a World

Health Organization (WHO) listed medical school prior to obtaining a medical degree; AND

c) Completion of all formal requirements for the degree corresponding to Doctor of Medicine in a WHO

listed medical school and being awarded the degree of Doctor of Medicine or its equivalent; AND

d) Submission of two (2) affidavits (provided by CPQ) signed by physicians licensed in the jurisdiction

in which the applicant is currently practicing, each of whom has directly worked with the applicant or have supervised applicant’s work and can attest to the applicant’s fitness to practice based upon their own personal knowledge of his/her practice during the three (3) most recent years preceding the filing of the application; AND

e) Satisfactorily completed CME requirement of fifty (50) accredited hours within the last two (2) years if more

than six (6) months have elapsed since completion of clinical training; AND

f) Completion of at least one (1) year of postgraduate clinical training sponsored by a WHO listed

medical school or a legally accredited hospital; AND

g) Having received a medical license in one of the countries on the DHCC list of approved countries in

which the applicant has spent at least two (2) years in WHO listed medical school or clinical training; AND

h) Completed at least two (2) years of clinical training in one of the Approved LicensingJurisdictions after

being granted the degree of doctor of medicine or its equivalent.

For Specialty Medical Licensure

a) Requirements “a” through “e” AND

b) Completion of at least three (3) years of post graduate clinical training sponsored by a Medical School or a legally accredited hospital; AND

c) Having received a medical license in one of the countries on the DHCC list of approved countries in

which the applicant has spent at least two (2) years in an accredited postgraduate clinical training program

in the Applicant’s specialty;OR

d) Having Specialty Board Certification, Fellowship in the Royal College or substantially equivalentstatus

in good standing in a country on the DHCC list of approved countries.

Option Two:

In addition to licensure requirements as per the application form, all of the following education and training criteria must be met:

For General Medical Licensure

a) Requirements “a” through “e” as stated in Option One. AND

b) Completed at least two (2) years of training in DHCC as a Training Licensee.

For Specialty Medical Licensure

a) Requirements “a” through “e” as stated in Option One AND

b) Completion of at least three (3) years of specialty training in the DHCC and currently holding a Training License or a General Medical License issued by the Licensing Board.

Option Three:

In addition to licensure requirements as per the application form, all of the following education and training criteria must be met:

For General Medical Licensure

a) Requirements “a” through “e”as stated in Option One,AND

b)Completion of at least two (2) years of post graduate clinical training and clinical experience; AND

c) Currently holding a license to engage in the Practice of Medicine in a jurisdiction; AND

d) Currently practicing as a recognized primary care physicianbut not ever licensed by a country on

the DHCC list of approved countries.AND

e) Consistent practice for a minimum of five (5) years,AND

f)Successful completion of an examination specified by the Licensing Board.

For Specialty Medical Licensure (Exceptional Specialist)

a) Requirements “a” through “c” as stated in Option One,AND

b) Minimum of three (3) years post graduate clinical training and experience in their specialty in

a state or nationally accredited trainingprogram (hospital or medical school) with an appropriate

verifiable certification inthe specialty beingapplied for in a country not on the DHCC list

of approved countries, AND

c) Consistent practice in the proposed specialty for a minimum of ten(10) years or for at least five (5) years and has been in a leadership position viz.,department chief, senior chief associate Professor or full professor, in a major tertiary hospital or an accredited medical university that is affiliated to a major academic teaching hospital, AND

d) Have received a national or international honor, award or recognition for contributions to the desired specialtywithin the last five (5) years, AND

e) Authored more than ten (10) major publications on applicant’s specialty in international peer reviewed journals, with applicant having been first author on any such five (5) such publications. Copies of stated publicationsshould be included in the application packet.

f) Submission of two (2) affidavits (provided by CPQ) signed by physicians licensed in thejurisdiction

in which the applicant is currently practicing, of which at least one must be of a supervisory position (i.e. chief

of service, department head). These affidavits should support the requirement that the majority of theapplicant’s practice is in the specialtythey are seeking and that the applicant is of good standing.

g) Provided twenty (20) cases treated by the applicant during the last one (1) year.

h) CME requirement of fifty (50) accredited hours related to their field of practice within thelast two years.

For Temporary Faculty Licensure*

a) Having a current and valid license to practice in another country; AND

b) Having Specialty Board certification, Fellowship in the Royal College or substantiallyequivalent status in

good standing; AND

c) A written proof of appointment as Visiting Faculty that is certified by the Chief AcademicOffice (CAO) of

HMSDC for the purposes of medical education in an accredited and approvedEducational Program; AND

d) Having significant teaching experience in a medical school affiliated to an accredited Medical University;


e) Having demonstrated proof of published articles in reputable medical journals and medical textbooks.

* A Temporary Faculty license is for education purposes only and not to see private patients

or charge for services rendered. The temporary faculty licensee shallpractice under the direct

supervision of a Licensed DHCC physician.

The following countries have been currently designated a DHCC Approved Country for PhysicianLicensing:

Australia / France / Japan / Singapore / Turkey
Austria / Germany / Luxemburg / South Africa / United Kingdom
Belgium / Greece / Monaco / Spain / United States
Canada / Hong Kong / Netherlands / Sweden
Denmark / Ireland / New Zealand / Switzerland
Finland / Italy / Norway / Taiwan

The following examinations have been designated as DHCC Approved Physician Exams:

  • Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
  • TRAS (Ireland -Temporary Registration Assessment Scheme) Parts I, II, and III –
  • PLAB (UK) Parts I and II –
  • Membership of the Royal College Examinations Parts I & II. i.e. MRCP & MRCS,
  • USMLE (US) Steps 1, 2(CK) & 3* – OR

*Alternative to USMLE (US) Step 3, successful completion of MLE-G will be required.

  • Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Exam (MCCEE) and Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Exam (MCCQE) Parts I & II, and is enrolled in the Canadian Medical Register as a Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC) –

Please note: Evidence of Medical Malpractice Insurance and Basic Life Support (BLS) certification is required before a license can be issued, make sure toprovide the licensing department with copies of both your insurance policy and BLS certification.

For further information on the licensing procedure please contact:

Laheeb M. Al-Mutwelli, Head - Licensing at orTel no. +971 4 362 2763

Physician Guidelines v 1.620091018