Guidelines for the Submission of Grant Proposals

Department of Psychiatry

University of Massachusetts Medical School

UMass Memorial Medical Center

March 2009





Tina Nesbeda: 508-856-4397

Kristen Coulibaly: 508-856-8144 (BNRI)

Paul Newton: 508 856 8737 (CMHSR)

Entela Baolli: 508-856-4472 (CDRO)


Annette Bohigian: 508-856-8132

(BNRI, CCNI Faculty)

Ginger Burke: 508-856-6577

(CMHSR Faculty)

Andrea Murano: 508-856-6579

(CPRT Faculty)

Dorothy Trask: 508-856-8553

(Child & Adolescent Division Faculty, CDRO Faculty, and faculty not previously assigned an accountant)


Paula Nims: 508-856-8326

Administrative Assistant for the

Psychiatry Career Development and Research Office



Any internal or external grant application originating from faculty in the Department of Psychiatry must obtain the review of the following clinical, research, and administrative staff before it can be approved and signed by the department Chair. The grant review process must be initiated at least 15-20 business days (approximately 3-4 weeks) prior to the due date for submission of the grant application to the funding agency to permit adequate time for all departmental and Medical School reviews. We highly recommend and encourage you to start an additional 2-3 weeks earlier than this time-line.

Title of Grant:

Principal Investigator:

Due Date to Sponsor: ______

Contact Person for pick-up of signed material:______Telephone:______

Contact Person Email Address:

1.  Clinical Review (where applicable; see page 6, section 1): Approval of subject/space requirements by Division Director from which subjects and/or space are to be obtained:


Division Director’s Signature Date

2.  Research Review: Approval of research aims and methods (Required signature- Refer to page 6, section 2)


Program Director’s or Research Mentor’s Signature Date

3.  Administrative Review:


Departmental Accountant’s Review Date


Department Administrator’s Signature Date

4.  Review and approval by Psychiatry Department Chair:


Department Chair’s Signature: Douglas Ziedonis, M.D. Date

Grant Submission Guidelines

Updated: March 2009


Quick Overview of Grant Submission Guidelines

in the UMMS Department of Psychiatry

As soon as you decide to submit a Grant Make an appointment with your Division’s Academic Administrator and Accountant

15 full business days before Submission Due Date Submit Grant to Division Academic Administrator and Accountant for Department Administrative Signoff

10 full business days before Submission Due Date Submit Grant for Chair’s Review and Signoff

5 full business days before Submission Due Date Submit Grant and paperwork to UMMS Research Funding Services (RFS) for Review and Signoff

Due Date for Submission Submit Grant to Agency

**PLEASE NOTE: The scientific narrative is not expected to be finalized prior to submission to the grant agency. Please submit your most recent draft to your administrator, Chair and Research Funding Services.

Guidelines for the Submission of Grant Proposals

Department of Psychiatry

University of Massachusetts Medical School/UMass Memorial Medical Center


This document provides guidelines for submission of grant proposals to all funding sources, internal and external. These guidelines apply to all grant proposals, whether for research, service programs, or other purposes. It encompasses procedures developed by the Department of Psychiatry and policies and procedures of the University of Massachusetts Medical School concerning grant preparation and submission. A timeline covering major tasks and deadlines is provided.

Each grant proposal has one Principal Investigator (PI) who is responsible for the preparation and submission of the grant, and for the administrative and scientific conduct of the project if funds are awarded. The PI may work with a team, including Co- Principal Investigator(s), other collaborators and consultants, and project staff. The PI may delegate project responsibilities, but final responsibility is the PI’s.

Principal Investigators are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and allow sufficient time (up to 4 weeks or at least 15-20 business days) for necessary review procedures and signoffs; timelines are outlined below. Requirements of grants and contracts vary among funding agencies; therefore, PIs are required to provide copies of instructions for completing grant applications with their submission. Further, it is expected that PIs will access the UMMS Research Funding Services web site at http://www.umassmed.edu/research/funding/index.aspx to get up-to-date policies, procedures, and forms. Please see http://www.umassmed.edu/research/funding/prep.aspx for up-to-date NIH application forms.

Departmental Policies and Procedures

In addition to the required University of Massachusetts Proposal Routing Form and Disclosure Summary, the attached departmental signoff sheet (at the beginning of this packet) must accompany each grant submission to ensure proper routing of the grant through departmental review, and to indicate to the Department Chair that reviews have been completed. The Department requires applications to undergo the following: (1) Clinical Review (when Psychiatry patients will be recruited for the study or when Department clinical space is requested for the study); (2) Research Review (if submitting a research grant); (3) Administrative Review (mandatory for all grant applications); and (4) Department Chair Review (mandatory for all grant applications). The first three reviews, when applicable, must be completed PRIOR TO the final approval by the Department Chair.

It is helpful to inform the Department as early as possible of the intention to submit a grant proposal. The appropriate Program and Division Directors and the Division Academic Administrator should be notified of the intent to submit. Your Department Accountant will complete the Proposal Routing Form with your assistance and can provide the Disclosure Summary for you to complete. Both these forms must have original signatures and route through with your application and Department Sign-Off Sheet.

(1) Clinical Review (when applicable)

If UMMMC Psychiatry patients are to be recruited as subjects, or Departmental clinical space is required for the study, the project must be cleared by the appropriate Division Director (i.e., Adult or Child and Adolescent).

(2) Research Review (required prior to submission to the Chair’s office for his review)

Proposals for internal or external funding, including research, training, and demonstration grants, require a substantive review for the quality of the project proposed by the Program Director/designee of our organized research programs (e.g., BNRI, CMHSR, CPRT, CCNI etc.). For faculty new to this process and not affiliated with such programs, your research mentor will be available to provide a substantive research proposal review and to sign the department signoff sheet. To take full advantage of this process, proposals should be submitted at an early enough stage that changes can be made in response to comments prior to submission. This internal review is advisory; however, it will also be used to address resource needs (specific space, equipment, staffing concerns, and IRB/IACUC requests, etc.) that may be presented by a specific research project. It can also serve as a mechanism for constructive evaluation for improving the quality of proposals and ultimately increasing their likelihood of funding.

(3) Administrative Review

It is required that all grant proposals undergo an Administrative Review covering the proposed budget, secretarial needs, space requirements, personnel, subject recruitment/reimbursement, animal costs, etc. Administrative review is conducted by a Department Accountant and Administrator responsible for your program. It is strongly suggested you contact the department accountant to assist in developing your budget prior to the final administrative review. The final administrative sections and budget and a draft of the research plan (need not be the final version of the science) should be submitted to the Department Accountant who will review the final budget, sign and forward the application to the Administrator. The application must include 1) Department sign off sheet, 2) Proposal Routing Form, 3) Conflict of Interest Disclosure Summary and 4) the application and all forms as required by the sponsor if submitting via paper; for electronic submissions, all administrative sections must be complete in Cayuse (or Grants.gov for non-Cayuse applications) before initiating routing of these forms. Please submit no fewer than fifteen (15) business days prior to submission due date to ensure appropriate administrative review. A contact list of Accountants and Administrators is attached.

(4) Department Chair Review and final signature

After all other applicable Department reviews have been completed, the grant application must be submitted to the Department Chair for signature. The administrative and fiscal sections of the application must be complete and in final format when submitted for the Chair’s review. At a minimum, a draft of the Research Plan (on paper) must accompany the administrative and fiscal portions of the application. Please submit no fewer than ten (10) business days prior to submission due date for the Chair’s review and signature. It is the responsibility of the PI to ascertain in advance the Chair’s availability and when proposals must be submitted for timely review. Remember—Research Funding Services requires at least 5 business days prior to submission due date for grant review. Therefore, you should allow 10 business days before the submission due date for the Chair’s signature. If a letter of support is required from the Chair, the PI should notify the Chair’s office (Denise Barrett, X66575) as far in advance of the due date as possible and provide a draft support letter for the Chair’s review.

Expedited Review

Under unusual circumstances, such as unexpected funding opportunities with short response times, the departmental review can be expedited, the normal deadlines suspended and, as much as possible, the review process accelerated. However, most policies and procedures of the Medical School and University still apply (see below). Expedited review should be requested in advance from the Chairman’s office.

UMMS Policies and Procedures

UMMS Research Funding Services (RFS) Office: Budgetary and Administrative Review

Research Funding Services (RFS) in the Office of Research requires its own review of grant applications prior to submission to outside funding sources. This review concerns fiscal and administrative aspects of the grant proposal (e.g., indirect cost rates, on- and off-campus rate differences, fringe benefit calculations for personnel). RFS also provides consultation and assistance in preparing grant budgets. RFS requests no fewer than 5 full business days prior to submission due date (not inclusive of the actual due date) for review of applications.

Please note: you may continue to edit the scientific narrative after submission to RFS, as long as the changes do not affect the submitted budget.

RFS requires a completed Proposal Routing Form and Disclosure Summary for all grant applications. The Proposal Routing Form must be signed by the PI, the Department Administrator, the Department Chair, and a manager or the Director of Research Funding Services, and so should be included with the packet for Department Chair review. (Form can be obtained from a Department Administrator or Accountant, in the RFS or via the UMMS website: http://www.umassmed.edu/research/funding/proposal/proptoc.aspx..)

The Disclosure Summary is required to be filed for every proposal and should accompany the Proposal Routing Form. The Disclosure Summary is required for all Key Personnel involved in the design, conduct, or reporting of the proposed or sponsored research. This form should be signed and dated from the PI, after answering the two questions in the form.

To summarize, it should be clear from the above that the grant review process must be initiated at least 15-20 business days (approximately 2-3 weeks) prior to the due date for submission of the grant application to the funding agency to permit adequate time for all departmental and Medical School reviews. We highly recommend and encourage you to start an additional 2-3 weeks earlier than this time-line.

Grant Submission Guidelines

Updated: March 2009