Psychology of Adjustment

PSY 331 001

Spring 2004

Dr. Mary Beth McGavranClass Time: MW 3 - 4:15 p.m.

Office: 211 Kastle HallClass Location: CB 110

Phone: 257-6431


Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-2 p.m. or when my office door is open or schedule a time


Weiten, W., & Lloyd, M.A. (2002). Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. (7th Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

Overview of course:

As the name implies, this course is concerned with adjustment to life=s changes and challenges. This course is geared towards equipping the lay person with knowledge and skills that will help him/her live a maximally fulfilling life based on current research. It offers a look at how psychology may be applied to real life and to promote mental health. This class will provide a breadth of coverage of topic areas, rather than depth in one particular area, so a range of content areas will be introduced.

Goals for the course:

1. Acquire a broad knowledge base about topics related to adjustment and mental health.

2. Think critically about adjustment information that you come across in the course of everyday life.

3. Learn how to integrate information from a variety of sources and apply it to your own unique circumstances.

4. Further develop your skills in written communication.

Course Requirements:

1) Class/lectures: It is to your benefit to come to class, although attendance is not required. Class time will be used for lectures and activities related to the material. Some lectures will cover material not in the book. Even when the material overlaps with the text, one way to improve your learning is to be exposed to the same material in different ways (e.g. through hearing and reading). In addition, you will receive credit for participating in in-class activities (see #2 below) designed to help you think about the material and actively integrate it. Therefore, attending class regularly will help both your learning and your grade, and missing class will hurt your grade (and probably your learning).

You are responsible for material covered in class. If you miss a lecture for any reason, it is your responsibility to get the notes from a classmate.

2) In-class assignments: In-class assignments and activities will often be assigned. These assignments will consist of your responses and reactions to questions that are asked in class. Time will be provided to respond in class, and you will receive full credit if you are in class and turn in a written response or actively participate in the activity/discussion. These activities are designed to help you actively process the information covered in class. There will be a minimum of 6 assignments/activities in class. Each activity will be worth 5 points and you will receive credit for your top 5 grades (for a total of 25 points).

3) Exams: You will have 3 exams. Each exam is worth 40 points. The test questions will be multiple choice. You are responsible for all information, including class activities, presented in class and in the text.

Students with an excused absence may take a make-up exam within one week of the scheduled exam date. Please see the Registrar=s website for definitions of excused absences. YOU MUST NOTIFY ME BEFORE the exam if you will miss it for one of these reasons and you will want to take a make-up exam. In addition, you must provide acceptable written documentation of the reason for the absence.

4) Behavior Modification Project: During the course of the semester, you will be required to design, execute, and write up a behavior modification project. Please read the section on such projects in your book (in Chapter 4, pages 118 - 123) before starting. The project will consist of two phases.

Part I: Identification of target behavior, collection of baseline data, and analysis of possible contributing factors. See steps 1 and 2 (pp. 118 - 119) in your book. Due February 11th and worth 15 points.

For part I of your proposal, you will need to specify the behavior (in specific behavioral terms) that you want to increase or decrease and include baseline data for that particular behavior. In looking at your baseline data, you will also need to analyze potential contributing factors to your behavior. For this part of your proposal, you will need to submit in TYPED format the following:

(1) an unambiguous description of the behavior that you want to increase or decrease. It must be defined in clear, behavioral terms.

(2) baseline data. You cannot measure change (i.e. the effectiveness of your program) unless you know your initial level of response on the target behavior before you start the program. You will need to collect this data and include it in part I. Graphs and charts may be hand drawn.

(3) an analysis of possible antecedents and/or consequences that contribute to your target behavior.

Please pay attention to clarity, grammar, and typographical errors. I will take off points for grammatical errors and typos.

Part II: Planned intervention, including reinforcers and reinforcement schedule, and execution of your program. See steps 3 and 4 (pp. 119 - 123) in your book. Due March 31st and worth 20 points.

In this part of your program, you will need to identify the type of contingencies you will set up. In other words, what are going to be your reinforcers? How do you plan to address contributing antecedents and consequences? I would suggest that you do not design anything that would include punishment. We are not very good at punishing ourselves and it is not as much fun as reinforcement. In addition to identifying the reinforcers you plan to use, you need to specify the reinforcement schedule. You will then need to begin to execute the program. The execution of the project is entirely in your hands; you do not have to give me any progress reports. If you determine that the project is not working, you may need to modify it in some way. Please feel free to consult with me about modifications that may be needed. The TYPED final report should include the following:

(1)A review of the target behavior and related, pertinent information.

(2) A thorough description of your reinforcers and your specific reinforcement schedule (under what conditions did you receive the reinforcer?). You may need to include a discussion of how you addressed antecedents and consequences that contributed to your behavior. Discuss any modifications that you made to the design during the course of the project.

(3)Copies of the completed charts or graphs showing your progress over the course of the project. These may be hand lettered.

(4)An explanation of why you think the project did or did not work. This is one of the most important parts of your project. I want to see that you have thoughtfully considered your project, and if it was not completely successful, understand what you could change next time.

(5) The original written work and graphs from part 1 of the project.

The project will be graded according to how well it was designed, executed, and written. Again, I will take off points for typographical or grammatical error. Neatness is important, so make your graphs carefully.

Papers are due at the beginning of class on the date they are due, listed on the syllabus. Late papers (those not handed in by the beginning of class on the due date) will lose 3 points per day. Papers turned in at the end of class on the day that they are due will be penalized 2 points. If you will not be in class on the day that a paper is due, please make arrangements to turn in the behavior modification papers in advance. I will not accept electronic versions of papers.

5) Academic Honesty and Integrity: I expect all students to exercise academic honesty in their written work and on exams. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated. The minimum penalty for either plagiarism or cheating will be an AE@ in the course.


4 exams (40 points each X 3)120 points

Behavior Modification paper

part 115 points

part 2 20 points

In-class work25 points

Total points180 points possible

A = 162 - 180 points (90%)

B = 144 - 161 points (80%)

C = 126 - 143 points (70%)

D = 108 - 125 points (60%)

E = 107 or lower

My points:

Exam #1 ____/40 Behavior Modification Project

Exam #2 ____/40 Part 1: _____/15

Exam #3 ____/40 Part 2: _____/20

In-class Work:Date Points Received?





#5 ______


5 points each for a maximum of 25 points

Course Schedule and Assignments:

DateTopic Reading Assignment


01/19/04Martin Luther King Day - no class

01/21/04Research and Critical Thinking Ch. 1

01/26/04Theories of Personality Ch. 2

01/28/03Personality Ch. 2

02/02/04Stress and Its Effects Ch. 3

02/04/04Coping Processes Ch. 4

02/09/04The Self Ch. 5

02/11/04The Self, wrap-upCh. 5Behav. mod, part 1 due

02/16/04Exam #1, Chapters 1 - 5

02/18/04Social Thinking and Social Influence Ch. 6

02/23/04Social Thinking and Social Influence Ch. 6

02/23/04Interpersonal Communication Ch. 7

02/25/04Friendship and Love Ch. 8

03/01/04Friendship and Love Ch. 8

03/03/04Intimate Relationships Ch. 9

03/08/04Intimate Relationships Ch. 9

03/10/04Gender and BehaviorCh. 10

03/15/04Spring Break - no class

03/17/04Spring Break - no class

03/22/04Gender and Behavior Ch. 10

03/24/04Exam #2, Chapters 6 - 10

03/29/04Development in Adolescence/Adulthood Ch. 11

03/31/04Development in Adolescence/Adulthood Ch. 11 Behav. mod, part 2 due

04/05/04Careers and Work Ch. 12

04/07/04Careers and WorkCh. 12

04/12/04Sexuality Ch. 13

04/14/04Psychological Disorders Ch. 15

04/19/04Psychological Disorders Ch. 15

04/21/04Treatment Ch. 16

04/26/04Exam #3 (see option below)

04/28/04no class

05/07/04Exam #3 (if not taken during previous week)

Exam #3, Chapters 11 - 13, 15, 16: You have two dates on which you can take the last exam. It will be offered on Monday of the last week of classes during our regularly scheduled class time (Monday, April 26th, 3:00 p.m.). However, that time is during Dead Week so exam #3 will also be offered during our final exam time, which is Friday May 7th at 1 p.m. There will NOT be a make-up time offered for the last examByou MUST take it at one of the two times offered. You only need to attend one of those exam times.

Please note due dates for assignments and exam schedule. These dates are your responsibility.