Guidelines for Text-based AssignmentsBIOL 1010 Human Anatomy

“The most important Text-ing you’ll do all semester”

1) The average of these assignments will equal 5% of your total semester grade. It is considered part of the lecture portion of your grade. Lecture quizzes are now equal to 15% of total grade.

2) You must turn in 10 of the given text assignments. If fewer than 10 assignments

are passed in, zeros will be substituted for the missing work. If you choose to turn in more than 10 assignments, I will grade them all and use your 10 highest grades when calculating your average at the end of the semester.

3) NO TEXT ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED LATE…..EVER! I will not grade late assignments, but I do recommend you check your answers with a classmate who has had their assignment graded.

4) All students are responsible for the material covered in the text assignments for the exams, even if that material is NOT covered in lecture, lecture notes or lab.

5) The answers are based on the 2nd edition of the text. Therefore, any page numbers given will not match the first edition. Students using the first edition should be able to find the information in the chapters without too much difficulty, but must refer to a second edition when a question is specifically asking about a picture or diagram (e.g. “In Fig.1.20…”). There are copies of the second edition that students can use in the anatomy lab, Student Success Center and on 2-hour reserve in the Liston Campus library.

6) Page numbers for questions are only provided in the beginning of the semester to get you used to the activity. You have been warned!

7) The questions on your assignment are in order within each reading assignment. The best strategy is to read the question first and then begin the reading assignment until you reach the information necessary to answer the question. Then look at the next question and continue reading until you find the needed piece of information. And repeat.

8) Please Note: My questions do not always use the EXACT wording found in the text book. You may have to think about what the question is asking in order to find the information in the book. You cannot simply look for the matching words in the text. The questions are trying to test your reading comprehension, not your word-finding skills!READ QUESTIONS CAREFULLY! Always be as specific as possible.

9) The assignments will be handed out in lecture. If they are given out in class and you leave early, come late or otherwise miss the distribution of questions, it is YOUR responsibility to make arrangements with your instructorto pick up a copy in a timely manner. Just because you picked up the assignment late, does not mean you have more time to complete it. Everyone must adhere to the due date given during class.