Guidelines For Submission Of All Paperwork

These basic submission guidelines have been set up as a courtesy to ensure that everyone’s work will be viewed consistently and objectively. In fairness to everyone, submitted work that does not adhere to these guidelines will NOT be considered. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS. This material will be submitted electronically via the Pathways to Ministry system.

1. Material should be in Microsoft WORD Format.

2. Use only Times Roman font. Use 12-point type size.

3. Include a cover page with each section with the title of that respective section. Put the title in the upper right margin of all pages following the cover page.

4. Include your name and date on the cover page.

5.Number (in Arabic numerals) the bottom right margin of each page, except for the cover.

6. Indent paragraphs consistently throughout your materials. Double indent and block a quotation if it is more than four lines long (or more than 40 words). When you write your answers for the section titled "Theology," retype the question (single-spaced) using bold-print. Then start your answer in double-spaced paragraph form below the single-spaced question.

7. If you quote or paraphrase other sources (including books, articles, published or unpublished papers, and any non-print sources, such as lectures, interviews, films and recordings), give proper credit in the “Endnotes” section of your writing. The only exception to this rule is if you quote or paraphrase from the Bible or The Book of Discipline; in this case, you need only place citations directly in the text using parentheses (i.e., Phil. 4:16 nrsv). Endnotes are used with all work except Teaching the Bible. An ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY must be used with the Teaching the Bible section.

8.Make sure your “Endnotes” and “Annotated Bibliography” sections correspond exactly to the examples in the style of the Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. The reference section of any seminary, college/university, or public library should have manuals that give examples of the MLA style. Or check out the following web site on the Internet at or purchase a copy at Cokesbury in Lexington (859-268-0274 or 800-672-1789), at Asbury Seminary, or Louisville Presbyterian Seminary.

8. Upload all written work to in the appropriate step. Access to this program should have been given to you during the candidacy process. However, if you do not have a login/password for Pathways to Ministry, contact Kelly McDonald at the Ministerial Services office – 800-530-7236 or .

Guidelines for Paperwork.doc Revised 10/14/2018