LumbertonHigh School Academic Booster Club

December 7, 2009

The Lumberton High School Academic Booster Club met at 7:00 PM on December 7, 2009. The meeting was called to order By Fordham Britt, President.

The following members were present: Michele Fanning, Connie Ivey, Fordham Britt, Brenda Poinsette, Ms. Deborah Stone, school representative, and Wanda Rhoades.

The minutes for November 2, 2009 were read by Wanda Rhoades. A motion was made by Connie Ivey to accept the minutes as read. The second was given by Michele Fanning. The motion passed.

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Fordham Britt. The current balance is $2,864.53. During the month of November we received $450.00 in membership dues and $200.00 earmarked for scholarships. Ms. Stone passed along two additional checks for scholarships. A $20 check was submitted in memory of Mr. Wilkins and a $25 check was donated by the Social Studies Department. It was suggested that we send out thank you notes to our generous contributors.

Michele stated that membership letters had been sent out. It was suggested that we could encourage teachers and students to join by having Elaine Davis print an invitation in the newsletter. Fordham indicated she would provide Mr. Gaskins with a membership input for SYNREVOICE.

The Art department has agreed to have one of the students come up with a design for our t-shirts.

There isn’t anything new to report on Sylvan. Fordham did send Ms. Alford an email regarding SAT/ACT, but hasn’t heard anything from her as of yet.

Connie informed us she had added the minutes to the website and will to continue to add them as they are forwarded to her.

Ms. Stone stated she had a qualifying student for HOBY and wanted to know if there was money available for her to participate. The student is the Sophomore Class President. After some discussion, a motion was made by Michele to move money from Teacher Requests to HOBY. The second was given by Brenda. This motion passed, but was contingent upon space being available for the student.

The Guidance Office had a SAT registration day last Thursday. Ms. Stone indicated Guidance is trying to ensure that all juniors have SAT scores on record. Mr. Gaskins would like a list of our membership for email purposes. Fordham stated she will send him her list as soon as possible. Mr. Gaskins is also looking at another retreat in February. He would like to get the same speaker they had in October. If the money is available, he would also like to invite the feeder schools to attend. The next SAT is January 23, 2010. The registration deadline is January 15th.

Fordham informed us she would talk to Laura Lynn Bailey about manning the ABC table during Open House.

The next meeting is January 4, 2010 at 7:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectively Submitted,

Wanda Rhoades
