Guidelines for work experience students.

Guidelines for Students working at

Exhall Cedars Infant and Nursery School.


You are about to spend some time working alongside staff and children at Exhall Cedars Infant and Nursery School.

We would like to welcome you to our school, and have outlined some information to help you to settle into the school or nursery routine.

We hope your time with us is both informative and enjoyable. If you want to know anything please ask a member of staff. Remember that the staff cannot read your mind, so if you are unsure about anything, you must ask!

Staff and Responsibilities;

Headteacher: Mrs Sharon Hillyard

Assistant Head Teacher: Mrs Rebecca Richards

Year 2 Teacher

KS1 Manager: Mrs Nicola Smith

Year 1 Teacher

FS Manager: Mrs Carole Jackson

Teacher-in –Charge of Nursery

Responsible for students and volunteers

Year 2 Teacher : Miss Kimberley Ruddock

Year 1 Teacher : Mrs Rebecca Bazigara

Year R Teacher: Mrs Sarah Sutcliffe

SEN Co-ordinator/ Inclusion Manager: Mrs Rebecca Episcopo

Year R Teacher

Office Manager: Mrs Louisa Boothby

Office Assistant: Mrs Shelley Iley

Site Supervisor: Mr Steve Austin

If you are absent:

Please inform the school if you are going to be absent for any reason.

Phone : 02476 316034 before 8.30am.

Your class teacher will help you with:

Your teacher will give you a tour of the school when you first visit, but at any time just ask, or have a browse around.

Equipment, resources etc

Safety, first aid, fire drill arrangements

Consult a qualified teacher if:

You are in any doubt about injury, accident or occurrence of any sort.

You are approached by a parent or adult about a child.

A parent contacts you directly.

(See statement of confidentiality on final page)

Please remember to ask us about anything else of concern.

We are full of ideas and tips, make use of us!

Playtimes/ Lunchtimes:

All students are expected to carry out the same playground duty as their teacher. This time provides invaluable insights into how children behave in a less structured environment.

During non-duty days and lunchtimes, you are welcome to join the other staff in the staff room for a drink or to each your lunch. Sit anywhere, we have no `designated seats`!

Session times:

Pre-School: am:8.50 – 11.50 / pm: 12.00 - 3.00

Nursery: am: 8.50 – 11.50 / pm:12.00 – 3.00

School: am: 9.00 – 12.00 / pm:1.00 – 3.00

Generally work-experience students should arrive at school by 8.45am and should not leave any earlier than 3.30pm, in nursery and pre school from 8.30am – 3.15pm. This allows for supporting the staff in the preparation of resources, setting-up and tidying away activities.

Get to know the names of the adults and the children that you will be working closely with, as soon as possible.


Make sure that you have a coat available for playground/ outside activities.

Please wear sensible clothing at all times, bearing in mind it is likely that you will

be using paint and glue!

We do not allow staff to wear jeans or clothing with logo’s during school days,

but you may wear jeans during a school outing or training day.

Mobile Phones:

Please ensure that mobile phones are turned off during school hours. If necessary, you may use your mobile in the staffroom during break times.

Under no circumstances is the use of a mobile phone permitted in the classroom.

Mobile phones MUST NOT be used to take photos of children or staff.

Any spare time;

Interact/ listen to the children.

Sharpen pencils.

Check felt pens work/ have lids.

Tidy generally.

Hang aprons.

Mount work.

Remove/ put up displays

Tidy role play areas/ book corners

Repair broken books

Check drawer contents are tidy

Please remember that you will be part of a team and that it is your responsibility to make a full contribution to the smooth running of the classroom and school generally.


It is essential that you read the “Statement of Confidentiality” on the final page of this policy. This needs to be signed and returned to the teacher once you understand and agree to it.

If an allegation is made about you, by a parent, against a child, the WarwickshireCounty procedure will be followed, in line with our Safeguarding Policy.

You must also read and sign the “Acceptable Use Policy” for any

adult working with children.

We hope you enjoy your experience with us, and make the most of it!

We value the contributions that you can provide.

Mrs Sharon Hillyard :


Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery and Pre-School;

Statement of Confidentiality.

Students name:


Class teacher working with:

Date of placement:

I recognise that confidentiality is essential in a school and that adhering to this is part of my own professional development.

I understand that anything that I see or hear whilst on my work placement at Exhall Cedars Infant, Nursery and Pre-School is strictly confidential.

Under no circumstances will I repeat or discuss anything I see or hear whilst on my placement, if I do, I understand that my placement may be terminated by the school.
