The corporation vide its Resolution No. 127 dated 28-06-2001 has approved the proposal contained in Commissioner’s letter No. F.33/Hort./594/C&C dated 15-03-2001 with the following conditions:-

  1. That each M.O.U be placed before the Standing Committee for its information.
  1. That each M.O.U. be reviewed after one year.

While submitting the M.O.U. cases, the following guidelines may be taken into consideration in respect of eligible parties:-

(a)A private registered company.

(b)A public sector undertaking.

(c)A registered society/trust.

(d)An established industrial house.

(e)A recognized philanthropic body/non-government organization

(f)A Resident Welfare Association registered under Societies Act of 1861.


On selection of sponsoring party by the competent authority, a detailed memorandum of understanding/agreement to be prepared on the basis of the standard terms and conditions as approved by the Standing Committee/Corporation will be executed by the concerned Head of Department and Sponsoring party for each project on approval by the Commissioner. A project will consist of not more than 5 central verges/roundabouts/roadside plantation/green strips and not more than 3 parks and will clearly specify works to be undertaken as well as the manner and method of execution of the job by the sponsoring party.

Adoption Period:

The adoption/sponsorship will be allowed for three years but each M.O.U. will be reviewed after one year. The Department will initiate action for fresh M.O.U./Agreement atleast six months before the expiry of the existing M.O.U. so as to ensure smooth transfer of the site to the new party on the due date.

License Fee:

The sponsoring party will be charged a nominal license fee of Re. 1/- per annum for each site in lieu of the works done by it for development/maintenance of the adopted site for the duration of the adoption/sponsorship.

Supervision & Monitoring of Works:

There shall be a Supervision and Monitoring Committee in each Zone to be constituted by the Commissioner and consisting of the concerned Dy. Commissioner as Chairman, the concerned Area Councillor, a representative of the sponsoring party and representative of the concerned department as members. The representative of the department will function as the Convenor of the Committee. This Committee will inspect the sites at least thrice in a year and submit its report to the Commissioner through the concerned Head of the Department.

Nature and Scope of works:

The nature and scope of works is proposed to be enlarged to include ALL GREEN AREAS.

Sponsorship/Adoption would be for the purpose of and include development, beautification, landscaping protection and security fencing of the adopted parks, central verges, roundabouts, roadside plantation and green strips including all green areas as may be specified in the M.O.U. and Maintenance therefore for the stipulated period. No permanent damage of the MCD property will be allowed to be caused by the private party.

Works Areas for which Sponsorship may be sought for:


(i)Landscape development.

(ii)Construction of Boundary Wall, Tube-wells, Water Channel, fountain, Street Furniture, Children Play Apparatus, WaterFalls, Solar Lights, Dustbins at Parks and provision of Tree guards at Central Verge and Horticulture Development of the Central Verge.

(iii)Maintenance of Parks/Gardens.

Approval of M.O.U. and Execution of Agreement:

Each case of MOU will be approved by the Commissioner and will be signed by the Head of the Department.