November, 2006September, 2006 IEEE P802.15-06/424r10
4IEEE P802.15
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)Title / 802.15 TG3c Meeting Minutes, Melbourne, Australia
Date Submitted / [21September, 2006]
Source / [Su-Khiong Yong]
[P. O. Box 111Suwon, Korea]
[Hideto Ikeda]
[Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.]
[3-4, Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 239-0847, Japan] / Voice:[+82-31-280-9581]
E-mail:[ ]
Re: / []
Abstract / [Minutes of Task Group 3c in Melbourne
Purpose / [Minutes of Task Group 3c in Melbourne]
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Tuesday 19September, 2006. 2-hour slot 1.
1.108:00 Meeting called to orderby Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.206/0373r1, Reed Fisher, “TG3c Opening Introduction,” review of TG3c scope and IEEE Policies and Procedures
1.3Review old Business:
06/356r0, The TG3c San Diego meeting minutes were reviewed.
Motion to approveSan Diego Meeting by T. Pollock and seconded by A. Matthew. The Ballot outcome was 16 yes, 0 no, 1 abstain. The San Diego meeting minutes were approved.
1.4Approval of Agenda: 06/0372r2, The TG3c agenda was reviewed and updated. Motion to approve the updated agenda, by A. Mathew, and seconded by A. Seyedi. The Ballot outcome was 16 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain. The Motion was approved.
1.506/037r4, A. Mathew, “Channel Model Status Report”. Quick update on the status of the channel model.
1.606/0297r3, H. Sawada, “Merging two-path and SV-models for LOS desktop channel model,”
1.706/0377r2, H. Sawada, “Revision of TSV model for LOS desktop channel environments,”
1.806/0393r0, H. Sawada, “LOS residential channel model based on TSV model
1.906/389r0, H. Harada, “Matlab Simulation Program for TSV channel model”. Need to compile and unify the Matlab code with Rick Roberts.
1.10Recess at 10:30
Tuesday, 19 September 2006. 2-hour slot 2.
1.110:30 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.2A. Seyedi, discussion on antenna issues in the system simulation. Discussed the issue to use either antenna pattern specified by the proposal or antenna pattern that agreed by the group.
1.3Recess at 12:25
Tuesday, 19September 2006. 2-hour slot 3.
1.113:30 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.206/400r0, S. K. Yong, “TG3c Channel Model: Large Scale and Small Scale Parameterization,” presented an overview of the channel modeling work and parameterizations. Discussed about generation of NLOS channel model from LOS channel model.
1.3Recess 15.30
Tuesday, 19September 2006. 2-hour slot 4.
1.116:00 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.206/392r2, B. Gaucher, “An MSK system for Mobile Multi-Gb/s at 60GHz, concept, application and implementation”.
1.306/387r2, A. Bourdoux, “Phy-layer Modulation 802-15-3c System Level Issues,”
1.406/386r1, H. Harada, “A scheme to evaluate PHY performance by computer simulation,” Discussion on the necessity to include PA model, Phase noise and impact of DA/AD converters as well as suggestions to the simulation procedure.
1.506/396r1, C. S. Choi, “Behavior model of 60GHz power amplifier for system/PHY simulation,” presented a recommendation on 60 GHz PA model.
1.6Recess 18.00
Wednesday, 20 September 2006. 2-hour slot 5.
1.108:00 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair
1.2 06/400r1, S. K. Yong, continued discussion on channel modeling.
1.3Motion: The Channel Modeling Sub-Group shall use residential LOS channel model to generate residential NLOS channel model unless the residential NLOS measurements and analysis become available and acceptable by the group prior to the November 2006 IEEE meeting.
Moved by A. Sadri and seconded by T. Pollock. Ballot outcome Yes 12, No 0, Abstain 4, the motion was carried.
1.406/146r4, A. Sadri, “Usage Model Document (UMD) Status Report,”
1.506/379r2, C. S. Choi, “Re-summarization of merged Usage Model Definitions parameters,”
1.606/369r1, A, Sadri, “Summary Usage Model,” Discussion on the updated 5 usage models. Modified the UMI throughput to include to three categories based on with blanking, without blanking and TMDS.
1.7Recess at 10.30.
Wednesday, 20 September 2006. 2-hour slot 6.
1.116:00 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair
1.206/369r1, A, Sadri, “Summary Usage Model,” continued discussion on the updated 5 usage models. BER /PiER is not specified. UMD sub-group called for contributions to specified these values
Motion: To freeze the UM1, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-01-003c, Slide 2. Moved by A. Sadri and seconded by T. Pollock
Yes: 25
No: 0
Abstain: 0
Motion was carried.
1.3Recess at 17.50.
Thursday, 21 September, 2006. 2-hour slot 7.
1.108:00 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair
1.206/372r3, Review of the agenda Motion to approve the updated agenda, by A. Seyedi, and seconded by T. Pollock. The Ballot outcome was 20 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain. The Motion was approved.
1.306/400r1, S. K. Yong, “TG3c Channel Model: Large Scale and Small Scale Parameterization,” Continued discussion on antenna issues.
Motion to approve Rx antenna pattern option 1 by T. Pollock and seconded by A. Sadri.
Option 1: The group will not define a specific antenna pattern. The proposal shall use their own antenna pattern for simulation.
Option 2: The group shall define a specific antenna pattern which shall be used by the proposal for simulation. Further simulation results maybe presented with proposal desired antenna patterns
Yes - 7
No - 14
Abstain – 0
Motion failed. (Option 1 was not approved)
1.4Motion to approve Rx antenna pattern option 2 by T. Pollock and seconded by A. Seyedi.
Option 1: The group will not define a specific antenna pattern. The proposal shall use their own antenna pattern for simulation.
Option 2: The group shall define a specific antenna pattern which shall be used by the proposal for simulation. Further simulation results maybe presented with proposal desired antenna patterns
Yes - 17
No - 4
Abstain – 5
Motion was carried. (Option 2 was approved)
1.4Recess at 10:00
Thursday, 21 September, 2006. 2-hour slot 8.
1.110:30Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair
1.206/399r1, J. Barr, “Usage Model Document comments final draft,”
1.36/369r1, A, Sadri, “Summary Usage Model,” continued discussion on the updated 5 usage models. BER /PiER is not specified. UMD sub-group called for contributions to specified these values
Motion: To freeze the UM1, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-01-003c, Slide 2. Moved by J. Barr and seconded by A. Seyedi.
Yes: 14
No: 10
Abstain: 0
Motion failed.
Continued discussion on UM2.
Motion: To freeze the UM2, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-02-003c, Slide 6-7. Moved by A. Seyedi and seconded by T. Pollock.
Yes: 19
No: 0
Abstain: 3
Motion carried.
Continued discussion on UM3. Separation between devices should be in terms of angle rather than distance.
1.5Recess at 12.40
Thursday, 21 September 2006. 2-hour slot 9.
1.113:30 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.206/0369r3, A. Sadri, “Summary Usage Model,”. Continued discussion on UM3.
Motion: To freeze the UM3, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-03-003c, Slide 9. Moved by A. Seyedi and seconded by T. Pollock.
Yes: 11
No: 8
Abstain: 5
Motion was failed. Discussion continued on the reasons for those who against the motion. Amendment was made to the MAC SAP throughput column. UM3 was revised.
Motion: To freeze the UM3, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-04-003c, Slide 9. Moved by S. Kato and seconded by I. Toyoda.
Yes: 17
No: 1
Abstain: 7
Motion was passed.
Continued discussion on UM4
Motion: To freeze the UM4, except the BER/PiER column, Doc. 15-06-0369-05-003c, Slide 11. Moved by A. Seyedi and seconded by T. Pollock.
Yes: 18
No: 1
Abstain: 5
Motion was carried.
Straw poll on drop the UM5 defined in 06/281r3. Yes, No
1.305/0430r10, A. Seyedi, “TG3c System Requirements,” presented status and future plan of drafting the system requirements document.
1.4Recess at 15.30.
Thursday, 21 September 2006. 2-hour slot 10.
1.1Recess at 16:00 Meeting called to order by Reed Fisher, TG3c Chair.
1.205/311r9, A. Seyedi, “TG3c Project Plane,” Motion to approve the project plan by S. K. Yong and seconded by A. Sadri. The motion was passed unanimous concern.
1.3Request to continue the usage model document discussion by A. Sadri.
1.406/0369r6, A. Sadri, “Summary Usage Model,”. Continued discussion on UM5. Jitter model is required and a call for contributions will be made.
Continued discussion on UM5
Motion: To freeze the UM5, Doc. 15-06-0369-06-003c, Slide 13. Moved by S. Kato and seconded by I. Toyoda.
Yes: 14
No: 3
Abstain: 5
The motion was carried.
Straw poll to rank the usage model. Result of the ranking
1.506/423r0, R. Fisher, “TG3c Closing Report”. Motion by J. Barr to approve the closing report. Seconded by A. Astrin.Ballot outcome was 13 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain. The Motion was carried”.
1.5Motion by to adjourn by J Barr. Gifford. Seconded by J. Gilb.Ballot outcome was 14 yes, 0 no, 0 abstain. The Motion was carried.
1.6Adjourned at 17.25
SubmissionPage 1 S. K. Yong and H. Ikeda