International Society Prosthetics Orthotics

Version 1,March 2008

Reviewed 24 August 2010

This document was prepared by Bryan Malas and respectfully submitted to the ISPO Education Committee and ISPO Board of Directors. The following individuals assisted in preparing and developing this document:

Dan Blocka

Nerrolyn Ramstrand

Sandra Sexton

Harold Shangali

ISPO would also like to acknowledge the National Commission on Orthotic Prosthetic Education (NCOPE) for their willingness to provide the initial self-study template.

Self-Study Process for Prosthetics and Orthotics Educational Programmes Seeking ISPO Category I or IIRecognition

This self-study process is intended to help schools and pathways of prosthetics and orthotics education prepare for a site visit.

The self-study process should begin well in advance of the anticipated site visit to provide sufficient time for evaluation of all elements of the training site. The process should involve the various constituencies of the training site, including administration and faculty, students, graduates, advisory committee members, and employers of graduates.

It is important to distinguish between the self-study process and the self-study report.

The Self-Study Process

Definition: A self-study is a formal process during which an educational institution or programme critically examines its structure and substance, judges the programmes overall effectiveness relative to its mission, identifies specific strengths and deficiencies, and indicates a plan for necessary modifications and improvements. The process should include a consideration of external factors influencing educational directions as well as an assessment of the extent to which the programmegraduates meet the ISPO Category I or II standard.

Elements of the self-study implied in the definition:

Formal: organised and systematic

Process: the self-study is the activity that precedes the report

Educational programme: the study is conducted by and for the programme with the participation of appropriate constituencies

Critically examines: the current status of the programme is identified and analysed

Structure and substance: the study is comprehensive and considers all elements of the programme

Judges overall effectiveness: conclusions should be reached regarding the extent to which the program meets the stated goals and objectives set by the institution and by ISPO

Relative to mission: goals and objectives should be stated and appropriate to the programmes mission

Identifies specific strengths and deficiencies: the study should be open, objective and precise in its assessment

Indicates a plan for modification and improvement: in particular, mechanisms to correct deficiencies should be proposed; formal long-range planning is a logical sequel to the self-study process

External factors influencing educational directions: conditions within the sponsoring programme projected changes in the profession’s role, and the legal, social, political and economic climate affecting the programme should be considered as well as the extent to which the programme is in compliance with established category criteria.

The Self-StudyReport

Definition: A self studyreport is an evidential document that summarises the methods and findings during the self evaluation process.

The self study report should include

  • a statement making explicit the purpose of the self study
  • findings of the study
  • a clear conclusion
  • plans for improvement
  • a clear conclusion and statement of future intent relating to a potential request for ISPO Category I or II inspection. This should include a proposed timescale of readiness for an ISPO validation visit.

Instructions for Completing the Self-Study Report

The self-study report consists of two parts to be sent to ISPO in advance of the visit and a set of additional materials to be available on site. The list of on-site materials is provided elsewhere in these instructions. Contents for the material to be mailed in advance are summarised below:

Part I

(Table of Contents)

  1. Introduction
  2. Institutional Data Form
  3. Programme Data Form
  4. Narrative
  5. Summary

Part II

(Table of Contents)

  1. Appendices

Instructions and Explanations for Part I


This section should include a statement of how the self-study was conducted and a list of participants and their assignments. A brief historical overview of the programme and orientation to the programme’s setting may be helpful to the self-study readers, but is optional.

2.Institutional Data Form

This form contains quantitative and factual data on the institution that are common to other health educational programmes. The material requested is self-explanatory. For coordinated/concurrent visits, it may be completed once and duplicated for inclusion with the various programmes reports.

3.Programme Data Form

This form contains quantitative and factual data on the individual prosthetics and orthotics programme being evaluated. Instructions for completing, where required, are on the form.

  1. Narrative (Program Description)

The narrative is the central piece to this document and should represent a thorough description of the programme, its strengths and deficiencies. It is not necessary to repeat dataor information contained in the institutional/programme data forms and in the appendices, unless it is necessary for the sake of clarity.

Note that the narrative outline parallels that of the standards. In general, each section requires a summary of the self-study findings relevant to that standard, including the strengths and concerns, an assessment of consistency with Category I or II self-study, and a summary of plans to remedy any significant deficiencies noted.

  1. Summary

This section is a brief summary of the significant findings from the self-study process including strengths and concerns, and should also include a review of how the programme has addressed any concerns cited during any previous accreditation review (if appropriate).

Instructions and Explanations for Part II

This volume contains the appendices, and the required contents that are referenced in the institutional and programme data forms. A summary list of the required contents is enclosed elsewhere in these instructions. Materials should be provided in the appropriate and in the specific appendix part of appendix I, and may contain information required in other appendices. In these cases, the subsequent appendices need only include a reference to that appendix, rather than a complete duplication of the information already available.

The remainder of these instructions contains the following documents:

Self-Study Report-Part I Contents

The Institutional Data Form

The Programme Data Form

The Outline and Instructions for the Narrative

Self-Study Report-Part II Contents

A list of required appendices

Self-Study Report-On Site Materials

A list of materials to be available for review on-site by the visitors


Select One: Seeking Category ISeeking Category II


1. Official name of institution offering the prosthetics and orthotics programme:

Official name of programme:

2. Programme Address (i.e. city, country and postcode if applicable):

3. Identify the type of institution the programme is housed under:



Hospital/Medical Center

Non-Hospital Facility (blood bank, laboratory)

Consortiums (If applicable complete the consortium date form; include in appendix 1)[1]

Other Educational Establishment


  1. Institutions funded by (select all that apply):



Charitable Source

Private Source



  1. Chief Administrative Officer ofInstitution


Administrative Title


  1. Head of Department


Administrative Title


  1. Institutional Accreditation/Recognition if applicable (regional, government)



8.In general, educational programmes in the institution operate on what type of system?

Semester System Trimester System Quarterly System

All vary, according to programme requirements


  1. Does the institution publish a general bulletin, newsletter or catalogue on its

educational programmes?


  1. Where does the institution publish information on tuition rates and refunds?

General bulletin or catalogue

Individual programme bulletin or brochure

As a separate document

Does not publish this information

  1. Does the institution have a faculty grievance policy?


  1. Does the institution have a student grievance policy?


  1. Students in the training programme have ready access to which of the

following library resources?

University/College/School libraryprogramme/Department

Academic health center libraryHospital library

Interlibrary loanResourceCenter

  1. Official student records are maintained by:

Institutional registrar/office of student records

Head/Dean’s/Director’s office

Programme/Department office

Government Register

  1. The following items should be included as Appendix 1 of the Self-Study Report:

Institutional operational chart(s) showing relationship between training programme being evaluated and the institution

Mission statement of the institution or a reference to the appropriate page in the institution bulletin

Institution’s general bulletin/catalogue, and relevant programme brochures or catalogues


1. Official Training Programme Name

2. Address

3. Programme Objectives

In appendix 2 include a statement of the programme’s overall educational objectives and competencies needed for graduation or a reference to the appropriate page in the institution’s bulletin

4. Specify the following:

Length of professional programme (select most applicable):

Number of months

Number of weeks

Number of credit hours

Number of students admitted per year

Month(s) in which classes begin

Maximum number of students per intake

Total number of students currently enrolled in training programme

Nature of qualification awarded at the end of education and training

Title given to successful candidate

In view of the institution is that title related to:


Orthopedic Technician


Describe the accrediting body for qualifying candidates:


Ministry/Government Institution

Registered/Accreditation Council/Commission

Describe how patients are utilized in the course ofeducation and training:

Solely used as models (demonstration)YesNo

Fitted/delivered as part of their trainingYesNo

Combination of bothYesNo

Total hours of lectures

Total hours of self-study

Total hours of laboratory/workshop practice

Total hours of clinical (patient contact) work

Describe the approximate time for teaching/instruction (select most applicable):

Hours per day

Days per week

Weeks per year


Indicate years to completion of programme

Identify the language(s) used in the education and training programme

5.Please specify the following:


Prosthetists Category I

Orthotists Category I


Orthopaedic technologists Category II

Instructors in fabrication Category III Physicians/Surgeons Therapists (physical and occupational) Bioengineers


External Lectures:

Physicians/Surgeons Therapists (physical and occupational) Orthotists Prosthetists Bioengineers Engineers


6.The institution provides which of the following for professional development of faculty?

Continuing or in-service education at the institution

Tuition remission

Release time

Travel and/or registration funds


7.List below the key professional and clerical personnel of the programme and identity their responsibilities by the code(s) provided: (A) administrative; (B) curriculum development; (C) coordination; (D) teaching; (E) student performance evaluation; (F) faculty coordination; (G) student recruitment; (H) student selection; (I) administrative assistance; (J) secretarial; (K) clerical; (L) other (please specify). Also identify the approximate percentage of each individual’s total employed time that is devoted to the programme. This chart is intended to provide an overview of the distribution of programme related activities among key personnel.

EmployedCode% of time by

Name and Title

Responsibility (ies)

8.Indicate the program’s current fiscal year budget for:

Salaries and wages

Other expenses

Total budget

  1. What percent of the above total is from sources external to the institution (i.e. sponsored research, grants, contracts, professional service)

10.In Appendix 6 include completed form A-2 or an institutional form containing the budgets for the last and present fiscal year, including aggregated instructional personnel costs, travel, instructional supplies, etc.

  1. Does the programme/institution have written health/safety policies for students?


  1. Counseling for students with academic difficulties and other educational guidance is provided by:

Programme administration

Institution’s guidance/counseling center

Programme faculty


  1. Personal counseling for students is available from:

Programme administration

Institution’s counseling center

Programme faculty

Referral to private counseling

14.In Appendix 7 include the following items:

a) A copy of programme admission policies and criteria or a reference to relevant pages in institution/programme official publication.

b) A brief summary of programme’s admissions process

c) Copies of policies regarding criteria for progression in and completion of programme or a reference to relevant pages in the bulletin

d) Completed form A-3 or other document summarising methods used to evaluate student’s success in completing each course or segment of the curriculum

  1. Specify the following for facilities:

Class RoomsNumber Dimensions

Instructional Lab/WorkshopNumber Dimensions

Consulting RoomsNumber Dimensions

Measuring/Casting RoomsNumber Dimensions

Plaster RoomsNumber Dimensions

Orthotics WorkshopsNumber Dimensions

Prosthetics WorkshopsNumber Dimensions

Plastics WorkshopsNumber Dimensions

Engineering WorkshopsNumber Dimensions

Other Fabrication WorkshopsNumber Dimensions


Library Facilities (describe)

Research Facilities (describe)


Instructions: Please develop and provide a narrative using the following guidelines. The narrative should be submitted in a word or PDF format.


Comment on the institutional setting that the program is housed under. This should include the following:

  • Brief description of the institution/program history
  • Location
  • Benefits of the institution
  • Prevalence of incidences in orthotics and prosthetics
  • Educational approach/philosophy
  • National diversity
  • Government regulations
  • State registration/certification

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies or concerns.


Provide a brief general statement concerning the overall adequacy of the programme’s resources to support the number of students enrolled and to achieve the stated programme objectives:

  1. Personnel

a.Program Director

State whether programme administrator’s responsibilities and qualifications are consistent with the institution. Note how any deviations noted affect the programme.

Summarise briefly how the efficacy of programme administration is evaluated.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies or concerns.

  1. Faculty and/or Instructional Staff

Comment on the extent to which the number, qualifications and responsibilities of faculty fulfill the institution requirements and are consistent with Category I.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted.

Briefly describe the process by which the performance of instructional staff is evaluated and how the evaluation results are used by the institution and training programme.

c.Clerical and Support

State whether the number of clerical and other staff is sufficient to support programme operations.

d.Professional Development

Summarise how the institution and programme provide opportunities for faculty development noting specifically release time and travel funds. Comment on the extent to which these opportunities succeed in promoting the professional growth of faculty and programme officials.

Make note of any plans to improve faculty development policies.

  1. Financial Resources

Comment on whether the available financial resources are sufficient to sustain program operations

Briefly describe the process by which the program budget is developed and managed. Note specifically the program officials’ role in these activities.

If the programme is heavily dependent on external (soft) monies, describe the plan to sustain programme operations in the event these funds expire or are withdrawn.

  1. Physical Resources


Comment on the adequacy of physical facilities, including classrooms, storage/stationary rooms, labs and office space assigned to or used by the programme.

Comment on the overall quality and availability of clinical facilities used during student practicum’s. Problems related to specific clinical experiences may be discussed here or with the relevant course in the curriculum section of this report.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted.

  1. Equipment and Supplies

Summarise findings on the adequacy of equipment and supplies, and note plans to correct any deficiencies.

  1. Learning Resources

Comment on the adequacy of library facilities, including physical plant, collection, technology, service, staffing, ready accessibility and hours. Note any deficiencies affecting the needs of the programme, and indicate how the programme’s library resource needs are represented within the school or institution.

  1. Students

a.Admissions Policies and Procedures

Comment on the adequacy of the programmes policies and procedures

  1. Evaluation of Students

Comment on the adequacy of the quality and efficacy of the evaluation methods, timing and instruments utilised.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted.

  1. Health

Comment on the quality, accessibility and cost of the health services available to students.

Note specifically whether the programme adheres to applicable, nationally recognized health and safety standards, and whether the programme or institution had written health and safety policies.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted

  1. Off-Site Programmatic Activities


Describe the off-siteprogramme and how it is consistent with the main campus policies and procedures

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted

  1. Operational Policies

a.Fair Practices

Describe whether the programme/institution had defined policies and procedures for faculty and student grievances, and a student work policy.

Summarise plans to correct any deficiencies noted.

  1. Student Records

Describe whether the programme/institution has defined policies and procedures and if this are being met.

  1. Programme Evaluation

Summarise the elements and timing of the programme’s system for ongoing self-study and improvement, including regular and special staff meetings, advisory committee meetings (if applicable), review of graduates’ performance on standardized certification/licensure/registry exams, graduates’ and employers’ surveys, clinical faculty meetings and faculty retreats. Comment on the effectiveness of the mechanisms used, and the extent to which such outcome measures influence change.