Annual Review of Progress 2016
Guidelines for Research Higher Degree Candidates and Supervisors
University policy requires research higher degree candidates to review and report annually on their progress in conjunction with their supervisors. This Annual Review of Progress complements the Faculty Milestones to ensure candidates finish their degree on time. The Review should report work completed in the previous 12 months, outline plans for the coming year, determine resources and training needs as well as discuss interactions between candidates and supervisors.
The review period is from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2016 (12 months).
All research higher degree candidates who have been enrolled for at least three calendar months during the review period are required to submit an Annual Review of Progress report including those who commenced their candidature and those who had a period of intermission during the review period.
The purpose of the Review is to facilitate progress towards timely degree completion by;
· assisting in the process of work planning at the various stages of research;
· helping identify and resolve issues that may be standing in the way of effective progress; and
· ensuring that progress is in accordance with Faculty Milestones and the duration of candidature policy.
Candidates must arrange a meeting with their supervisor/s, where they will review progress over the last 12 months, discuss and agree on a plan of work for the next 12 months, review and set goals in accordance with the Faculty Milestones and identify any issues or problems interrupting or delaying progress to date or in the future.
Candidates must arrange to meet with the Dean of School’s nominee for RHD matters to complete the review (Part C).
It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the completed and signed copy of the Annual Review of Progress Form, together with the pre-printed Candidate Details sheet, is returned to their Faculty Office (details below) by 30 June 2016.
Failure to submit the Review by the due date may result in discontinuation of enrolment and, for scholarship holders, suspension of scholarship payments, until the Review is submitted. Candidates will receive one reminder about the failure to submit a Review by the due date. After that, if the Review has not been submitted, the Faculty will act in accordance with Section 18 Unsatisfactory Progress of the RHD Policies and Procedures.
Candidates and Principal Supervisors should keep a copy of the completed Review for their own records.
Queries about the Annual Review of Progress Form or your
research higher degree candidature can be directed to your Faculty:
Education, Humanities and Law Rm 4.07, Education Building
ph: 8201 5534 or email:
Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Rm 3.37, Health Sciences Building
ph: 8201 5470 or email:
Science and Engineering Rm 1022, Physical Sciences Building
ph: 8201 2515 or email:
Social and Behavioural Sciences Rm 306, Social Sciences North Building
ph: 8201 2160 or email:
Tips about completing the Annual Review of Progress and Frequently Asked Questions can be accessed at: Contact information for Dean of School’s nominees for RHD matters (Part C) is included in the FAQs.
Candidate Details
Review the details below – these are held on the University Student Information System. If the information is incorrect, please contact your Faculty RHD Administrative Officer: Changes relating to candidature must be applied for on the prescribed form, i.e. supervision, intermission, extension of candidature, research topic, transfer between full-time and part-time study, transfer between Masters by Research and PhD. Refer to:
Candidate Name:Student ID:
Contact Telephone Number:
Topic Code:
Thesis Title:
School (Dept or Unit):
Full Time/Part Time Candidature:
Supervisor(s): /
Candidature Commence Date:
Expected Submission Date:
RTS End Date* (*Not applicable for international candidates):
Student ID: / Candidate Name:Faculty:
Are you a Scholarship Holder?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / If Yes, what type?
Candidates and supervisors should retain a copy of the completed and signed review for their records.
Ensure that your Candidature details remain attached to the front of this report.
PART A - Candidature Report
To be completed by the candidate.
The Statement of Minimum Resources defines what the University agrees to provide to support candidates (note, as a minimum the resources will be made available to RHD candidates enrolled on a full-time basis and studying in internal mode).
¨ During the review period, were the resources needed to support your research available?☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / If No, indicate how the research has been affected and what steps have been taken to address the matter.
¨ In the next review period, will additional resources be required?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / If Yes, indicate what resources will be required and how these resources will be provided.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property issues arising from a candidate’s research will need to be discussed and dealt with in accordance with the policy.
¨ Have you assigned, or are you likely to be required to assign, your intellectual property as a condition of undertaking your research?☐ / Yes / ☐ / No
¨ If Yes, have you received counselling from the relevant faculty officer?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / Not yet
Confidentiality Agreements
¨ Have you signed, or are you likely to be required to sign, a confidentiality agreement as a condition of undertaking your research?☐ / Yes / ☐ / No
¨ If Yes, have you received counselling from the Research Services Office?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / Not yet
Ethics and Biosafety Approval
If no approvals are required, please go to Storage of Data section
¨ Does your research involve the use of animals?☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / If Yes, indicate Animal Welfare Committee approval number or date of application for approval.
¨ Does your research involve human subjects?
☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / If Yes, indicate approval number or date of application for approval from the appropriate University Ethics Committee.
NB: Proposals to conduct research that involves or impacts upon Indigenous peoples are forwarded by SBREC to the Yunggorendi First Nations Centre for Higher Education and Research for comments and recommendations, which are incorporated into the Committee’s response.
¨ Does your research involve recombinant DNA technology or infectious material?
☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / If Yes, indicate Biosafety Committee approval number or date of application for approval.
The Biosafety Committee does not oversee or approve the use of carcinogenic or toxic chemicals, or ionizing radiation. The Flinders WHS Unit oversees the use of radiation and carcinogenic substances:
Storage of Data
¨ How and where are your data/primary materials recorded and/or stored? (Indicate storage medium and specific School or Research Unit location.)¨ Are the data /primary materials recorded and stored in a format that complies with the Data Storage and Retention section of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research? There are different categories of research data. Generally, data should be retained for a minimum of 5 years after publication.
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / If No, indicate what steps are being taken to address the matter.
PART B – Candidature and Supervisor Report
To be completed jointly by the candidate and the supervisor.
Review of Thesis Progress
¨ Summarise your thesis progress to date including sections in progress or completed, such as literature review, number of chapters, etc.Candidate Comments
Supervisor Comments
¨ Identify your stage of candidature in relation to the Faculty Milestones.
Candidate Comments
Supervisor Comments
¨ If you are behind in your thesis progress against the Faculty Milestones, provide an explanation below. In addition, clearly identify the specific actions that must be taken, including dates for the actions to be completed and who will be responsible for assessing them, in the Future Plans section below.
Candidate Comments
Supervisor Comments
Future Plans
¨ Summarise what you plan to achieve in the next 12 months. For example, literature review, development of methodology, data collection, data analysis, stage of thesis writing, publications, etc.Candidate Comments
Supervisor Comments
Research Training and Development
¨ RHD Professional Development training participation. Go to ienrol > My History to access a list of RHDPDP workshops. You may include other professional development or training programs here.Candidate Comments
¨ Conference participation. Detail any conference participation relevant to your RHD thesis.
Candidate Comments
¨ Detail any publication outputs relevant to your RHD thesis during the review period including the status of the publication.
¨ Note: As outlined in Appendix A: Responsibilities of the RHD Candidate, ensure that all publications and presentations arising directly from research undertaken for your higher degree, must carry a Flinders University attribution. These requirements do not preclude additional attribution to other appropriate institutions.
¨ Follow these links for details about Authorship and the Flinders University Authorship and Data Location Form (DOC 98KB)
Candidate Comments
Anticipated Absences
¨ Will you be absent for an extended period during the next review period?Candidate
☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / If Yes, please provide details of anticipated absences and supervision arrangements during these periods. NB you may need to seek approval if this absence varies your candidatureSupervisor
☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / If Yes, please provide details of anticipated absences and supervision arrangements during these periods.Interaction between Candidate and Principal Supervisor
¨ Is the time allocated to discuss your research with your supervisor sufficient and productive?☐ / No / ☐ / Yes
¨ If not, how often would you prefer to meet?
☐ / Weekly / ☐ / Fortnightly / ☐ / Monthly / ☐ / Other
(Please specify)
¨ Is the time allocated to discuss your candidate’s research with them sufficient and productive?☐ / No / ☐ / Yes
¨ If not, how often would you prefer to meet?
☐ / Weekly / ☐ / Fortnightly / ☐ / Monthly / ☐ / Other
(Please specify)
Candidate only
¨ Please specify hours per week of paid employment currently undertaken. / hoursAdditional Comments
If you have any comments in relation to the candidature, supervision, resources, personal and professional development or other matters that relate to your research progress, please provide details here or attach a separate page. If there were any issues raised in a previous report that have not been addressed, note them in your comments.
Candidate CommentsSupervisor Comments
You may raise concerns in confidence and independently of the Annual Review of Progress with the Chair, Faculty Research Higher Degrees Committee, Dean of School, Research Higher Degrees Contact Officers, or any of the student support services.
Or, if you wish, you can outline concerns below to be discussed with the Dean of School (or nominee).
For further information, refer to: Appendix G: Conciliation and Arbitration Procedures relating to Supervised Higher Degree Research.
For contact details of Administrative and Academic Support refer to:
Candidate CommentsSupervisor
Supervisor CommentsDean of School (or Nominee)
Dean of School (or Nominee) Comments
PART C - Certification
Supervisor Certification
☐ / I believe this report is an accurate record of the candidate’s progress during the review period.Signature of Principal Supervisor: / Date:
Dean of School (or nominee) Certification
☐ / Where appropriate, I have contacted the candidate and/or Principal Supervisor or both to discuss any concerns raised. I have appended a summary of the action taken to this report.☐ / I am of the opinion that the candidate has made satisfactory progress during the review period and recommend that the candidature be continued.
☐ / I am of the opinion that the candidate will require an additional review by the Dean of School (or nominee) in 6 months’ time (from 30 June deadline for submission of this report); that is, the following January. I have appended a summary of the action taken to this report.
☐ / I am of the opinion that the candidate has not made satisfactory progress during the review period and recommend that the Faculty Research Higher Degrees Committee, as specified by University policy, further consider continuation of candidature. I have appended a summary of the action taken to this report.
Signature of Dean of School (or nominee): / Date:
Candidate Certification
☐ / I have discussed my work with my supervisor.☐ / I certify that this report is an accurate record of my progress over the review period.
☐ / I have noted the comments made by my supervisor and by the Dean of School (or nominee) and understand what is expected of me during the next review period.
Signature of Candidate: / Date: