Guidelines for Qualification Review of Full-Time Faculty Appointments

Amended and approved by the 312nd University Faculty Evaluation Committee Meeting on January 15, 2008.

Amended and approved by the 321st University Faculty Evaluation Committee Meeting on May 12, 2009.

Amended and approved by the 342nd University Faculty Evaluation Committee Meeting on April 19, 2012.

I.  This set of guidelines is issued in accordance with Article II of National Sun Yat-sen University’s (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) “Regulations for Establishment of Faculty Evaluation Committee.”

II.  Qualification of new assistant professors:

In addition to the assistant professor appointment qualification specified in Subparagraph I-(II), Paragraph I of Article III in "Regulations for Appointment of Teaching and Research Personnel," one of the following conditions is also required:

A.  He/she has two years of relevant academic research and teaching experiences after obtaining his/her doctoral degree, has either published at least two papers on Science Citation Index (SCI, including SCI Expanded), one paper with Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), one Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) First Grade Arts Humanities journal, two MOST Second Grade Arts Humanities journals, one Arts Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) paper, or at least one journal paper approved by reviews of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee.

B.  One who receives doctoral degree from the University shall not apply, but one who engages in researches relevant to specialties in domestic/international renowned universities or research units for at least two years is exempt from this requirement.

III.  Qualification of new associate professor:

In addition to the associate professor appointment qualification specified in Subparagraph I-(III) in Paragraph I of Article III in "Regulations for Appointment of Teaching and Research Personnel", one of the following conditions shall also achieved:

A.  For a foreign applicant, an equivalent associate professor qualification or at least four years of assistant professor experiences is required.

B.  The number of published journal papers composed in the recent five years shall be more than the average number of journal papers published by full-time faculty members of the corresponding level of the appointment unit in the recent five years. Science and engineering papers shall be published mainly on SCI; literal arts, law, and business papers shall be published mainly on SSCI, MOST First Grade Arts Humanities journal, Second Grade Arts Humanities journal, AHCI, or journals approved by reviews of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee.

IV.  Qualification of new professor:

In addition to the professor appointment qualification specified in Subparagraph I-(IV) in Paragraph I of Article III of "Regulations for Appointment of Teaching and Research Personnel", one of the following conditions shall also be achieved:

A.  An academician of any country or fellow of any special society recognized by the University Faculty Evaluation Committee, a national chair, a professorial chair of a renowned university, a well-known international scholar, one with eminent academic achievement, one awarded with the MOST Outstanding Research Award, one with Academia Sinica Young Scholar Award, or one with the MOST Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, who has a teaching certificate, may be exempt from external review process and be reviewed by votes of faculty evaluation committees of all levels. A person with aforementioned conditions but without a teaching certificate may submit his/her external review results for application of the University’s chair professorship as the external review results for new faculty appointment. Any personnel without external reviews shall proceed to full-time faculty external reviews.

B.  A domestic applicant who has been awarded with the MOST Outstanding Award.

C.  A foreign applicant with a professor qualification or five more years of associate professor experiences.

D.  The number of compositions in the recent five years shall be more than the average number of journal papers published by full-time faculty members of the corresponding level of the appointment unit in the recent five years. Science and engineering papers shall be published mainly on SCI; literal arts, law, and business papers shall be published mainly on SSCI, MOST First Grade Arts Humanities journal or Second Grade Arts Humanities journal, AHCI, or journals approved by reviews of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee.

V.  Appointment qualification of all-level art and sports faculty members is specified by the University Faculty Evaluation Committee separately.

VI.  For an intended faculty appointment of all aforementioned levels, based on the recruiting category or special characteristics of the professional field, an applicant proved to have research potentials or with specific reason provided by the appointing unit may be forwarded to the University Faculty Evaluation Committee as a separate case following approvals of department/institute (group) and college (center) faculty evaluation committees. The appointing unit may be invited to provide statements or explanations in meetings of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee.

VII.  Intended faculty appointments of all levels shall comply with foreign language teaching ability required by respective departments/institutes (groups), and be assigned to support foreign language teaching courses preferentially.

VIII.  Each department/institute (group) shall examine the appointment qualifications of corresponding levels of faculty members intended for new appointments. Conditions or requirements met by the intended faculty members shall be annotated in the University’s Nominated Faculty Member Information Table (Table I).

IX.  This set of guidelines shall be forwarded to the president following approval of the University Faculty Evaluation Committee. The guidelines shall be implemented following the authorization of the president. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are to be made.