Guidelines for preparing the summary report

The Summary Report (Part A of the Final Report on Expenditure of Funds) shall provide a detailed description of both, the expenditure of funds as well as the achieved outputs (activities) in relation to the achieved changes (outcomes). The project planning with the corresponding activities as stated in the grant application, shall serve as the basis for compiling the Summary Report.

The Summary Report should focus on the most important parts of your statement of accounts (Part B of the Final Report on the Expenditure of Funds) and should accentuatethe necessity and adequacy of the accomplished work. The Report should not exceed 10 pages. The following structurefor compiling the Summary Report is mandatory:

  1. Were there changes in your conflict analysis which influenced the project implementation?

  1. Description of Activities:

Please list the planned activities as stated in the original application and please highlight the changes of actual activity implementation in colour. Are there any pictures, documents or films available? Please send us a compilation (digitally/links), which we may use.

List of activities with the individuals and groups addressed (including persons involved, number of days, etc.) / Who?
responsibility for implementation / When?
specific date /
time period / Remarks
… / … / … / …
  1. Please address criteria and procedures when selecting key actors, especially aspects of group affiliation (e.g. gender, religion, ethnicity, age, regional origin, sexual orientation).

  1. Description of outcomes and milestones:
    Which outcomes (as stated in the application), could be achieved? Please refer to the milestones/process indicators. If the outcomes of the project were only partially achieved, please give reason for this.

Planned outcomes/
milestones as stated in the application / Achieved outcomes/
milestones / Remarks/
… / … / …
  1. Which positive or negative conflict-exacerbating side effects arose as a consequence of the project? What led to them? How did you deal with the situation?

  1. How did the key actors within the project gain influence on the central actors identified in the conflict analysis? Which changes did you observe in the action of the central actors (feedback to impact)?

  1. Please list here your notifications for amendment (applications for the redirection of funds/ application for the increase of funds with dates, in case such requests were send during the project duration to ifa/zivik).

  1. Did you cooperate with international or regional organisations (e. g. the UN, EUor OSCE)while conducting your project? Didyouestablish mutual agreementswithinthiscooperation?

  1. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
  2. Which evaluation and monitoring tools did you use?(If an internal and/or external evaluation was funded, please submit the Evaluation Report and the Terms of Reference.)

  1. Which outputs could be achieved by funded evaluation measures?

  1. How could your existing tools of monitoring and evaluation be extended by elements of the movie-Manual?
    (see ifa/zivik downloads)

  1. What are the lessons learned from the project implementation?

  1. Overall Assessment of the Project
  2. What factors supported the success of your project?

  1. How did the project contribute to conflict transformation efforts?

  1. Additional Remarks
  2. Please list where and how you referred to the funding of ifa/zivik and the German Federal Foreign Office.

  1. Was funding used to (co-)finance publications and other media material? Did you refer to the support of ifa/zivik and the German Federal Foreign Office? Please submit two copies of these publications or media material together with your Summary Report.

2017 / Page 1of3