Skills Capital – Expression of Interest (January 2014)
This Expression of Interest form is being used to appraise and prioritise skills capital projects to be included in a project pipeline as part of the York, North Yorkshireand East Riding LEP’s Strategic Economic Planwhich can be found on the website HERE.
The Strategic Economic Plan being submitted to Government by the end March 2014 forms the basis for Growth Deal negotiations and funding through the Local Growth Fund. Inclusion in the Strategic Economic Plan will not guarantee funding for proposals as all capital allocations will be dependent upon the outcome of negotiations with government regarding the LEP’s capital allocation and the detailed appraisal of your full business cases in due course.
Please take time to read the accompanying guidance and assessment criteria before completing this form.
The deadline for submission of electronic copies is 5pm Friday 7 February2014to
Please also send a signed hard copy to Annabel Jelley, YNYER Local Enterprise Partnership, The Lodge, 2 Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 8AH
- Overview
Project name:
Project location:
Contact details / Name:
Job Title: / Organisation:
Email: / Tel. no:
Promoter & partners / Lead organisation(s)
Delivery partners (if applicable)
Timeframe & delivery / Anticipated start date
Anticipated end date
Identify any likely constraints e.g. planning, land/property acquisition, financial commitments, legal issues etc.
Barriers to delivery (which might impact upon the delivery programme in the project plan and outline mitigation measures for them)
Local Authority Consultation / Have you consulted with and gained the support of the relevant Local Authority(s) – please provide evidence e.g. letter of support
Type of Project (please tick) / New Build / Acquisition / Refurbishment / Remodelling / Specialist Equipment / Combination
Category 1 (A high quality learning environment - FE Colleges only )
Category 2 (Supporting business growth – anytraining organisation)
Gross Internal Area of Project (GIA) m² / GIA of New Build / Acquisition / GIA to be Refurbished / remodelled
Is the Project currently under consideration for SFA or other Capital Funds? / Yes / No
Has the Project previously been considered by the SFA or other funding bodies? / Yes / No – if “Yes” please state why it was rejected and whether the project has changed since feedback was received.
- Description
2: Provide a brief description of the project including what funding will a be used for (Up to 1 A4 page) including:
- Overview of whole project
- Summary of aims and objectives
- Anticipated target beneficiaries/groups: e.g. x number of new apprentices, x number of employers supported etc.
- What outcomes are likely to be achieved?
3: Strategic fit/alignment (Up to 1 A4 page) – please describe how the proposal will:
- contribute explicitly to the LEP’s economic growth priorities as stated in the draft Strategic Economic Plan
4: What is therationale for investment?(Up to 1 A4 page) – please set outthe rationale for public sector interventionand provide where applicable:
- clear evidence of employer / learner demand
- a description of any market failure and evidence to support this
- the case for building on existing provision including any evaluations undertaken
- how the project will offer valuable returns to the LEP area economy
5: Please outline what is likely to happen without Capital Investment through the Skills Capital budget? (Up to 1 A4 page) e.g. funding gap, delayed start, smaller project etc.
6: An options appraisal will be required at full business case stage. What other options are being considered for this Project (please briefly describe these options e.g. Do nothing; reduced project size; remodel existing space etc.)? Why do you think this project is the preferred option? (Up to 1 A4 page)
7: This question to be filled in by FE Colleges only
- how the project will reduce the % of estate in poor condition (i.e. Cat C/D) and improve the environment for learning
- how will the project address the socio-economic needs of the local area e.g. reduce NEET figures, reduce JSA claimant counts, contribute to increase in skills attainment levels
8: Project costs and funding
Total cost (estimate): / Capital £
Total Local Growth Fund Request
(please show breakdown by financialyear below) / Capital £
Funding split / 14/15 / 15/16 / 16/17 / 17/18 / 18/19 / 19/20 / 20/21 / TOT
Private sector
Local Growth Fund
Other public investment
9: Please provide justification below if you require funding from the LEP that is higher than the 2:1 ratio stipulated in the guidance.
10: Project status
What is the current status of the Scheme? e.g. conceptual (RIBA Stages 0-2), business case (RIBA Stage 3), technical design / tender (RIBA Stage 4)
Is planning permission required? If so, when will it be in place?
What finances are currently in place?
What are outstanding?
When are these likely to be in place?
How secure are these finances? e.g. Agreed and available; agreed in principle; subject to application etc.
10: Anticipated projectoutputs/outcomes/impact
Headline outcome indicators (where applicable) / 2015/16 / 2015/16 to 2020/21 / Total
Total jobs created during construction phase:
Full time
Part time
Total (non-construction phase) jobs created:
Full time
Part time
Jobs safeguarded
Reduction in C02 (if applicable or quantifiable)
Other project / programme specific outcomes (where applicable):
Additional Apprenticeships created (through Construction phase)
Additional learner numbers
Additional qualifications achieved as a result of the new delivery activity
Additional businesses supported through the delivery activity resulting from the Project
How much floorspace (in m²) will have energy efficiency improvements?
How will the scheme contribute to a reduction in carbon emissions?
Other project outputs/outcomes/impacts
(please list below):
Are there any unquantifiable benefits which will result from the project? Please briefly describe these where applicable?
11: State Aid Statement
All applicants need to take steps to satisfy themselves that any funding allocated through the Local Growth Fund does not amount to unlawful State Aid. Further information on this will be requested at full business case stage and a declaration of compliance with EU State Aid rules will be required before any funds are provided.
If your organisation is successful and receives funding through the Local Growth Fund, it will be a condition of funding that you repay any funds in the event that the EU Commission determines that the funding constitutes State Aid, which is incompatible with the common market.
12: Declaration
Declaration / I certify that the information provided in this application is complete and correct.
Print Name / Job Title
Deadline for submission of electronic copies 5pm Friday 7 February 2014
All queries to be directed to
Tel 01609 536824 or 07580 794718
Please also send a signed hard copy to Annabel Jelley, YNYER Local Enterprise Partnership, The Lodge, 2 Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 8AH
York, North Yorkshire and East Riding LEP Skills Capital EOI1