Guidelines for PHI Lecture

  • 30 minutes – should aim for about 5-7 minutes or so of questions, so around 23-25 minutes of actual lecture.
  • Should provide a broad overview of the topic. You may want to use specific case studies as examples. Feel free to pick my brain as you prepare for advice or suggestions.
  • In preparing, start with a few core papers for your topic and think about what you want to focus on. Construct some logical outline about how you want to present your information. I think it helps to present a very broad introduction, perhaps with some historical context. Define some of the main ideas or important concepts associated with your topic. Appropriate content – don’t try to do too much or it will come across as unfocused and shallow. Better to present an in depth review of a more narrowly focused topic.
  • Use whatever format you are comfortable with (PowerPoint etc.).
  • You can use a traditional lecture format or try something interactive or a hybrid.
  • As a rough rule of thumb, about 1 PowerPoint slide / 1.5 minutes is about average. If you have more slides than you have minutes, it will probably come across as rushed. The slide should be a road map, not a script, use some main points and then verbally fill in the details as opposed to trying to squeeze it all on a slide.
  • Provide a bibliography of the literature used in preparing your lecture.
  • Practice!!! Practice your delivery and pacing, and make sure it doesn’t run too long or too short.
  • This is not an easy assignment; advance preparation is going to be very important.

My Scoring Rubric for the PHI Lectures

Category / Scoring Criteria / Total Points / Score
(15 points) / Presentation is appropriate for the topic and audience. / 5
Information is presented in a logical sequence. / 5
Presentation appropriately cites appropriate references / 5
(45 points) / Introduction is attention getting, lays out the problem well, and establishes a framework for the rest of the presentation. / 5
Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate for the target audience. / 5
Presentation contains accurate information. / 10
Material included is relevant to the overall message/purpose. / 10
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points made reflect well their relative importance. / 10
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the presentation. / 5
(40 points) / Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and is appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around, etc.). / 5
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. / 5
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. / 5
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. / 5
Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not distracting. / 5
Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. / 5
Information was well communicated. / 10
Score / Total Points / 100