Guidelines for Mid-Year and Year End Reporting

American Legion Auxiliary Department of Colorado, 2017-2018

Mid-Year Reporting Guidelines:

Please write up a short narrative about what your unit has done for each program or committee since Mid-April. You may include numbers but that is not necessary. Include a few digital pictures and a short summary of how this project or event affected veterans or your community. This information is used by the Department Chairman to write up a summary of what is happening in our Department in this particular committee or program. Her report then is sent to the Northwest Division Chairman who collects the information, summarizes it for her Division, and reports it to National!
Mid-Year reports are due Dec. 15th. Please send the Mid-Year narrative reports to Department at: It will then be sent to the appropriate Department Chairman.

Year-End Unit Reporting Guidelines:

Use only the Year-End Impact Report Form which is posted on the website. Please fill out digitally if possible.

  • If a unit cannot fill out on the computer, then she may print it out and fill in the paper report. Add any narrative reports to the end and send via USPS to Department.

The red areas are portions which are required by National. This information will be manually collectedand forwarded to the National office.

The blue areas are important for gathering of hours, time, and money spent.

The questions included are from National and you may or may not have addressed these in your unit activities. So answer if applicable.

If you are uncertain where to report an activity, select one program and report it in one place.

Narratives: (A narrative report is required for an award for that program.)

  • The narrative is a short summary of the activities and events which your unit participated in throughout the year. Please include several digital pictures to help tell your story. This can also include numbers if so desired.
  • Do not write this as a month to month summary of what your unit did. It should pertain to only the program or committee to which it is sent. (Education activities go to education Chairman, etc.)
  • The Department Chairmen will center their judging on the activities reported, the hours and money donated by volunteers, and the impact which the activity had on the local community. The presentation of the report should also be considered by the Chairman.

Unit Report Cover Sheet:

  • Please mark if your unit has completed the Year-End Unit Report. (Fill out the sections which apply to your Unit.)
  • Please mark all the Committees for which your unit submitted narratives.

*Year- End Impact Reports are due by May 15th, 2018. Send to Citations Chair, Ivy Herrera-Garcia with a copy to Department,


  • The Citations Chairman will forward the Year-End Reports to the appropriate Chairman.
  • The Citations Chairman will mark the unit citation certificate with the awards which each Department Chairman has directed her to present to units.

Reporting instructions 2017-2018