Please complete the form in black ink / Please send with this form:
Two passport-sized photographs.
Your current passport.
The correct fee.
A separate form should be completed by every person intending to travel unless you are a dependant under 16 included on your parent's passport. / PHOTO TO BE ATTACHED

1.  Reason for travelling to Nigeria (please tick appropriate boxes)

Short stay: Private Official Business Other

(Please specify )

2. Full name ( as written in your passport)

3.  Other names used now or in the past ( eg. Name before marriage)

4. Date of birth 5. Sex (F/M) 6. Town and country of birth

7. Father's full name

8. Mother's full name

(Number ) (Issuing authority )

9.  Passport details

(Nationality as shown in passport ) (Document type) (Date of issue)

(Place of issue) (Valid untill - day, month, year).

Is this your first passport? Yes No

If not please provide details of previous passport(s)

(number) (date and place of issue)

10. Colour of hair Colour of eyes Height Complexion

11.What is your present profession/occupation ?

12. Where do you work? (Give details of company/organisation and address)

Tel. No. Fax No. What date did you start this job?

13.Academic Qualification.


Current Status/Rank

14. State in what branches of Armed Forces of your country you have served or are serving?

Army/ Navy/Airforce/Others Regiment

Duration of service From To

Last rank before discharge

15.What is your present home address and Tel. No.?

16. Please give your permanent address if different from above.

17. Are you? Married Single Divorced Widowed Separated

18. If married, please give details of spouse (Full name).

Date of birth Nationality of spouse Where is your spouse resident?

19. How many children under 18 years old do you have?

Complete this section if dependants included on your passport are travelling with you.

Full name Relationship For official Of dependant Place of birth Date of birth to yourself Nationality remarks

20. Have you applied to go to Nigeria before? No Yes

If Yes, please give dates and places of application

21. Have you visited Nigeria before? No Yes

If Yes, please give dates and lengths of each stay


a)  Have you ever been refused a visa/ entry clearance at a Nigeria diplomatic Mission?

b)  Yes No . If Yes, Where?

c)  Have you ever been refused entry at any of Nigerian Airports No Yes

d)  Have you ever been deported, removed or otherwise required to leave

Nigeria Yes No . If Yes, Where?

e)  Have you ever been refused a visa for another country? If Yes name country.

Yes No

f)  Have you ever been deported from another country? If Yes name country.

Yes No

g) Do you have any criminal convictions in Nigeria or elsewhere? Yes No

23. Country of residence

How long have you lived in the above country?

Give countries you lived more than a year?

Which countries have you visited in the last 12 months

24. How long do you intend to stay in Nigeria?

25. What is your proposed date of arrival to Nigeria?

26. How much money is available to you during your stay?

a) From your own resources

b) From other sources

27. Do you have any relatives or friends in Nigeria? Yes No

28. Where will you stay in Nigeria? Please give details of host/sponsor/contact address

If you are staying in a hotel give its name and address.

Full name of sponsor/contact address/hotel


Tel No. Fax

Resident in Nigeria Occupation Relationship to you

29. Is your visit for business or official reasons? Yes No

if "Yes" give name of the company/organisation to be visited

30. Have you obtained written permission of your Sponsor/Business partner as referees?

Please, show written evidence.

31. Are you travelling to another country before Nigeria? Do you have a visa or residence permit for that country? Yes No

If "Yes" give the name of country

32. (i) To which country are you travelling after Nigeria?

(ii) Do you have a visa for that country? Give details of your visa.

Number Valid until Issuing authority

Drugs Warning: Nigeria has severe penalties against drug smuggling. Drug traffickers may try to use travellers. If you are travelling to Nigeria avoid any involvement with narcotics.

DECLARATION I have read and understood the notes above.

I declare that the information given in this application is correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief.

Applicant's signature Date