What to do if ... / Action / Regulations / Other considerationsSuspected drugs/drug material are discovered at a Scouting event
A Scout is found in possession of drugs /
- Confiscate substance/materials and store securely, with a witness(do not leave substance unattended)
- Do not taste or touch
- Record what/when/where/who
- Inform Police
- Pass substance to Police
- Consider informing GSL and/or DC
- Warranted Leaders have ‘in loco parentis’ responsibilities
- It is against the law knowingly to allow premises to be used for production/consumption/dealing of certain substances
- It is illegal to search a child
- Decide if/when parents are to be informed
- What sanctions will be imposed?
- Consider social/welfare issues
- Decide who else to inform
A Leader suspects/has evidence that a Scout is under the influence of drugs /
- Do not leave the Scout unattended
- Seek medical attention
- If unconscious, put in the recovery position
- Attend to any other First Aid needs
- Consider informing GSL and/or DC
- Warranted Leaders have ‘in loco parentis’ responsibilities
- It is illegal to search a child
- Decide if/when parents are to be informed
- Decide who else to inform (keep this on a ‘need to know’ basis
A Scout discloses that s/he is using drugs /
- Discuss with Scout
- Consider informing GSL and/ or DC
- There is no legal obligation to inform anyone.
- ‘In loco Parentis’ regulations apply.
- Decide if/when parents are to be informed
- Decide who else to inform
- Are there any agencies that need to be informed?
- Is there any risk to others?
What to do if ... / Action / Regulations / Other considerations
A Scout discloses that a relative/friend is misusing/selling drugs /
- Consider informing GSL and/or D C
- There is no legal obligations to inform anyone
- Decide if external agencies should be informed - such as the Police or Social Services
- Are there any other children to think about?
- Consider how the Scout will be supported
- Ask the Scout if they want their parents involved
- Signpost to other organisations
You become aware of the sale of drugs in the Scout hut vicinity. /
- Inform Police
- Inform GSL and/or DC
- There is no legal obligation to inform anyone
- Decide if/when parents are to be informed
A parent comes to you about their child who is using drugs /
- Offer support
- There is no legal obligation to inform anyone
- If they are telling you your premises are being used, you cannot allow that to continue
- Signpost to other organisations
.....a common sense approach