Guidelines for Applicants
BG2005/017-454.02.01 “Integrated support for economic development and promotion of employment”
Republic of Bulgaria
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
PHARE Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria – Greece 2005
Grant Scheme for Integrated Support for Economic Development and Promotion of Employment
for grant applicants
Budget line: BG2005/017-454.02.01.01
Open Call for Proposal
Reference: BG 2005/017-454.02.01.01/CBC
Deadline for receipt of applications: 1 April 2007, 16.00 h
Please note that the procedure has changed. The evaluation of your application will only be performed if your concept note is provisionally selected. Your application will then undergo the evaluation. The eligibility conformity check will only be performed for the proposals that have been provisionally selected according to the score obtained after the final evaluation, on the basis of the supporting documents which will be requested by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW), in its capacity of Contracting Authority, and the Declaration by the applicant signed and sent together with the application.
Table of Contents
1. the integrated support for economic development and promotion of employment programme 4
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Objectives and priorities of the programme 5
1.3 Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority (MRDPW) 5
2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants: who may apply 7
2.1.2 Partnerships and eligibility of partners 9
2.1.3 Eligible actions: actions for which an application may be made 12
2.1.4 Eligibility of costs: costs which may be taken into consideration for the grant 16
2.2.1 Application form 20
2.2.2 Where and how to send the applications 20
2.2.3 Deadline for receipt of applications 22
2.2.4 Further information 22
2.5.1 Content of the decision 29
2.5.2 Indicative time table 29
3. LIST OF annexes 33
1. the integrated support for economic development and promotion of employment programme
1.1 Background
COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1628/94 of 4 July 1994 is the legal base for establishing cross border cooperation measures between the European Community and countries of Central and Eastern Europe including Bulgaria. The foreseen aim was to promote cooperation of European Union border regions with adjacent regions in central and eastern Europe and thus to help the border regions in central and eastern Europe to overcome the specific development problems which may arise inter alia from their position within the national economies, in the interest of the local population and in a manner compatible with the protection of the environment. A long term aim of CBC was thus to accelerate the economic convergence of applicant countries with the European Union in a balanced manner that prevents the emergence of peripheral economic zones, and to prepare candidate countries for future participation in the INTERREG programme.
The main strategic documents to the operation of Bulgaria-Greece CBC programme are the Joint Programming Document (JPD) constituting the general framework for the co-operation between the two countries and the Operational Programme INTERREG IIIA – PHARE CBC Greece – Bulgaria 2000-2006 agreed between the Bulgarian and Greek authorities and approved by the European Union on 27/12/2001.
The general objective of the CBC BG-GR programmes according to the above-mentioned strategic documents is the promotion of the cross-border area as a core nodal point for peace, development and enlargement of the European Economic Space to the hinterland of the Balkans, the Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. More specifically, the specific goals, which will implement the determined strategy, are as follows:
1) To lift the geographic isolation and the communication barriers of the region
2) To enable the economic development of the region and promote employment
3) To enable the functional upgrade of the region in order to address the social, cultural and environmental impact of the current socio-economic changes.
The present grant scheme is related to the second priority axis “Supporting economic growth and promoting employment” of the Joint Programme Complement with the following measures: Strengthening of entrepreneurial activities; Human resources and promotion of employment; Cooperation between Education and Research Institutes;
It is envisaged under this grant scheme to be supported eligible applicants as:
· Business support organizations such as chambers of commerce, industry or agriculture; professional and branch associations; economic development agencies, business centers, business incubators; trade union associations;
· Educational institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, vocational training centers, research institutions;
· Municipalities; associations of municipalities;
· SMEs.
The eligible activities are divided into two types of measures:
1) Soft measures as organization of business meetings, conferences, training courses, awareness campaigns and est.;
2) Investment activities as supply in the sector of environmental protection – specialized equipment and technologies, monitoring systems, purchase of IT equipment necessary for establishment of networks, databases and virtual support centers; small construction works;
The eligible applicant may apply with project proposals comprising either only soft measures or both soft and investment measures. Projects proposed only investment activities will not be considered as eligible.
The implemented project proposals are to achieve results under the following three components:
For Component 1: Aid to business activities:
1) Information and co-ordination centers for economical development and tourism at cross-border level established
2) Promotion events (business exhibitions and conferences, seminars) organized with the aim to support cross-border business collaborations
3) Information banks with shared cross-border business information created
4) Business partnership agreements developed and signed between Greek and Bulgarian entrepreneurs
5) Information campaigns raising activities on acquis compliance for SMEs organized
6) New joint products developed
7) Companies (preferably SMEs) with certified systems for quality of management, products, ecological norms
8) Companies advised in business planning and strategy development, technology transfer, patents, est.
For Component 2: Human resources and promotion of employment:
1) Events promoting employment organized
2) CBC networks promoting employment established
3) Cross-border training initiatives and/or vocational education schemes implemented for workers in tourism and manufacturing sectors (especially for young workers and female workers)
4) Training for start-ups and managers implemented
For Component 3: Cooperation between Educational and Research institution
1) Cross-border networks of cooperation and transfer of know-how and innovations between universities, research and technological institutions established
2) Joint educational training programmes, including programmes in foreign languages elaborated
3) Bilateral training schemes established and co-operation in the re-training of the workforce in place
4) Cross-border training network systems established.
The implementation of the programme will fully respect the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions (PRAG) that came into effect on 1 February 2006.
Institutional framework of the project
The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works is the Contracting Authority under this Project through its PHARE Implementing Agency Directorate and responsible for technical management of the project.
The project progress will be monitored, supported and guided by a Steering Committee composed of representatives from the following institutions:
· The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works,
· The Ministry of Economy,
· The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy,
· The Ministry of Education and Science,
· District authorities representatives of Haskovo, Kardjali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan Districts,
· EC representative as an observer.
1.2.1. Overall objective of the programme is to:
§ Foster employment, improve competitiveness and promote growth of enterprises in the cross-border region and support the creation of cross-border business partnerships
1.2.2. Specific objectives of the programme are to:
§ Enhance the cross-border economic activities and employment through improved cooperation between the businesses in the cross-border region
§ Encourage networking between local organizations with the aim to developing human resource capacities and skills and support the small-scale actions across the border
1.2.3. Priority areas
The programme will support actions in three main priority fields set out as separate grant scheme components:
1. Aid to Business Activities
2. Human Resources and Promotion of Employment
3. Cooperation between Educational and Research Institutions
1.3 Financial allocation provided by the contracting authority (MRDPW)
The overall indicative total amount available under the present Call for Proposals is EUR 2800000 for Investment activities and EUR 1200000 for Institution Building Support. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
Size of grants
Any grant awarded under this scheme must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
§ minimum amount[2]: 10,000
§ maximum amount: EUR 150,000
Within any grant awarded under this scheme the following additional requirements must be respected:
- The minimum amount for soft measures to be EUR 10 000 and maximum amount EUR 50,000
- The minimum amount for investment activities to be EUR 50000 and maximum amount EUR 100,000
No grant may exceed 90% of the total eligible costs of the action, except where an applicant is SME[3].
The minimum co-financing required has to be 10% (50% for SMEs) of the total eligible cost of the action. Co-financing is to be provided by the applicant’s or partners’ own resources, or from sources other than the European Community budget in order to demonstrate local commitment. Contribution in kind is not allowed.
The actions should contain obligatory soft measures. If the applicant applies with proposal including soft and investment measures, the latter cannot exceed 70% of the total grant amount.
The co-financing amount must be available, necessary for carrying out the action, clearly specified in the Budget for the action, actually incurred during the implementation of the action, and recorded and identifiable in the Aplicants’s and/or partners accounts or tax documents. No resources, which have been assisted by Phare or other EC support, may be taken into account as own contribution. Furthermore, project proposals already financed by other Phare or EU source may not apply.
Note: The Evaluation Committee reserves the right to recommend reduction of the grant costs if they are deemed excessive.
These guidelines set out the rules for the submission, selection and implementation of actions financed under this call, in conformity with the provisions of the Practical Guide (available on the Internet at this address:
There are three sets of eligibility criteria, relating to:
§ organisations which may request a grant (2.1.1), and their partners (2.1.2),
§ actions for which a grant may be awarded (2.1.3),
§ types of cost which may be taken into account in setting the amount of the grant (2.1.4).
2.1.1 Eligibility of applicants: who may apply
1) In order to be eligible for a grant, applicants must:
§ be legal person registered under relevant Bulgarian legislation and
§ be non-profit-making organization or local authority or SMEs and
§ be one of the following types of organizations: municipalities, associations of municipalities; chambers of trade and commerce, economic associations, industry or agriculture; professional and branch associations; economic development agencies, business centres, business associations, business incubators; trade union associations; Small and Medium Sized Enterprises according to the requirements of the Bulgarian SMEs Act and
§ be registered at least 12 months (36 months for SMEs) before the deadline for submissions of applications under this Call for Proposals and
§ be located within an eligible Bulgarian district (Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Kardjali and Haskovo) in the border region between Bulgaria and Greece or be a registered branch, located in one of the eligible districts[4] and
§ have stable and sufficient sources of finance to ensure the continuity of their organization throughout the action and
§ be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary and
§ have at least one partner from the other side of the border.
§ be legal person registered under relevant Bulgarian legislation and
§ be non-profit-making organization or local authority, and
§ be one of the following types of organizations: municipalities; associations of municipalities; chambers of trade and commerce, economic associations, industry or agriculture; professional and branch associations; economic development agencies, business centres, business associations, business incubators; trade union associations and
§ be registered at least 12 months before the deadline for submissions of applications under this Call for Proposals and
§ be located within an eligible Bulgarian district (Blagoevgrad, Smolyan, Kardjali and Haskovo) in the border region between Bulgaria and Greece or be a registered branch, located in one of the eligible districts and
§ have stable and sufficient sources of finance to ensure the continuity of their organization throughout the action and
§ be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary and
§ have at least one partner from the other side of the border.
§ be legal person registered under relevant Bulgarian legislation and
§ be one of the following types of organizations: Educational and training institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, vocational training centres, research institutions; museums; non-profit making organizations working in the field of education, research and training; labour market service providers; municipalities; associations of municipalities and
§ be registered at least 12 months before the deadline for submissions of applications under this Call for Proposals and