Guidelines and Examination Report for Examination of Master of Arts in Writing
Name of Examiner:
Name of Candidate:
Title of Thesis:
The Master of Arts in the field of writing isnormally completed afteroneyear of full-timeequivalent study. It consists of a major creative project and a related critical essay/exegesis. Entry into the course is usually through a relevant Honours degree and the submission of a writing folio.
Thesis Structure
The thesis (a written manuscript of approximately 40,000 words) will normally consist of the following:
A creative project (approximately 30,000 words of prose or equivalent) in one of the following forms:
- a novella or part of a novel
- acollection of poems
- a full-length stage script
- a collection of short fiction
- a biographical/historical work, or
- other work of non-fiction
Acriticalessay,or set of essays (10,000 words in total), which may involve one or more of the following in relation to the creativeproject:
- relevant theoretical issues
- conceptual and/or cultural context
- aims and methods
- relation to other writers or writing within the genre, or
- any other matter agreed upon with the Candidate’s supervisor and appropriately approved.
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Examiners’ Report and Recommendations
Each examiner is asked to submit an independent report and recommendation to Research Assessments atECU. Examiners are asked to report as promptly as possible, and within six weeks of receiving the thesis. If adelay appears likely please advise the Examinations Officer (+61 8 6304 3864 or ) so that alternative arrangements may be made.
I am willing to have my identity revealed to the supervisor/s / YES / NOI am willing to have my identity revealed to the Candidate / YES / NO
At the end of the examination process, ECU provides feedback to examiners on all grades awarded by examiners, and the final thesis result. Do you give permission to have the result you allocate included in this feedback / YES / NO
Note: under Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation, the University may be limited in its capacity to protect your identity if you answered ‘No’ to some or all of these questions.
The Examiner's report comprises two parts:(1) a summary recommendation and (2) a detailed report, which outlines the basis for the recommendation.
(1)Examiner’s Summary Recommendation
(To be completed after reference to notes provided for the guidance of examiners)
Check ONE only
(i) / Unqualified acceptance; or(ii) / acceptance subject to minor amendments being made to the satisfaction of the supervisor; or
(iii) / acceptance subject to amendments to passages in the thesis being made to the satisfaction of the Head of School or nominee; or
(iv) / revision and re-examination; or
(v) / rejection.
Note: If yourecommend that the Candidate makesamendments to the thesis, it is particularly important to give specific indications of the nature of the required amendments.
(2)Examiner’s Detailed Report
Please assess the thesis against the following criteria- Innovation
- Significance and potential impact
- Quality of research
- Presentation
5 – outstanding
4 – highly satisfactory
3 – satisfactory
2 – less than satisfactory
1 – very weak
Criteria / Overall assessment against each criterion
Indicators of innovation
- Innovation and originality of the thesis
( /5)
Indicatorsof significance and potential impact
- Significance of contributionto new knowledge within the discipline
- Potential impact of the research within and beyond the discipline, including on the broader social and cultural contexts and practice
- Potential significance and impact of the creative project in relation to audience/suitability for publication or performance
( /5)
Indicators of quality research (where relevant)
- Creative Project
- Knowledge of generic conventions
- Structure and cohesiveness
- Creativity
- Development of conceptual underpinnings
- Critical essay
- Discussion of research findings in relation to the creative project using theoretical and/or reflexive discourse
- Literature review, practice review, synthesis and interpretation
- Use of selected theories/concepts
- Analysis and interpretation of findings
- Use of primary and secondary sources
- Choice, accuracy and rigour of methodology
( /5)
Indicatorsof presentation
- Clarity and cohesion of writing and argumentation
- Quality of English expression and grammar
- Editing and proofreading
- Quality of layout, presentation
- Quality of referencing
( /5)
Overall Assessment / Overall assessment
( /20)
Please insertyour detailed report here or add an attachment
Marking experience
Please identify the number of theses marked previously at this level:Could you please assess the thesis against thefollowing criteria (to assist in identifying potential prize winners)?
Please rank this thesis (X) relative to other theses marked at the same level as:
Among the best theses I have markedConsiderably better than the average thesis I have marked
Better than the average thesis I have marked
Comparable to the average thesis I have marked
Of a lower quality than the average thesis I have marked
……………………………………………………………. ……………………..
Signature of ExaminerDate
Updated: 1/2013
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