Guidelines and Course Expectations Mrs. Bradley

Honors Algebra 2/Trig

201-327-8700 x 341


We will explore the following units of study:

·  Prerequisites Unit

·  Linear and Quadratic Functions

·  General Functions

·  Polynomial Functions

·  Rational Functions

·  Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

·  Trigonometry and Trigonometric Functions

A final exam will be given at the end of the year.

Exemption information can be found in the Student/Parent handbook.


·  Pencils/Erasers

·  3-ring binder

·  Loose-leaf paperand graph paper

·  Graphing Calculator - Ti84 (recommended), or Ti89, or TiNSPIRE


We will have various forms of assessments that will give you opportunities to reflect and improve on your learning. These can include warm-ups, exit tickets, and class activities. Homework will reinforce content and class discussions and will be in the form of practice problems, applications, or calculator activities. Quizzes and unit exams will not only assess skills and content, but will also include open ended and application type problems. All unit exams will be announced several days in advance.

·  Unit Exams: 60-100 points each (1-2 per unit of study)

·  Quizzes: Up to 60 points each (1-3 per unit of study)

·  Classwork and Collected Homework: 10-25 points each

·  Homework: 2 points per assignment


·  Please be prepared for class every day and in your seats when the bell rings. Students will not be permitted to retrieve items from their locker.

·  Be respectful of your classmates, your teachers, and yourself. Do not call out. Please wait to be called upon.

·  No food in class. Clear plastic water bottles are allowed.

·  There is no tolerance for cell phone use or any type of academic dishonesty.

·  Keep an organized notebook and take thorough notes.

·  Engage in positive participation – ask questions and participate in class discussions and activities.

School wide rules will be enforced. Any infractions will result in discipline (warning, detention, phone call home, and/or then administrative referral).


·  You are responsible for all missed work. Please see me or check my website to see what you missed.

·  Work must be made up in a timely manner. For each day you are absent, you will get that same amount of time to make up your work.

·  Any homework that was due the day you were absent, should be shown the day you return.

·  If you are absent the day of a quiz/test, you will be expected to make it up the DAY YOU RETURN.


·  Homework will be assigned on a daily basis.

·  All assignments will be announced in class and posted online.

·  Homework is expected to be completed for the next class period and will be checked at the beginning of class.

·  Daily assignments will be checked for completeness and worth 2 points.

·  Collected homework will be announced ahead of time, will be checked for correctness, and will be worth 10-25 points.

·  No late assignments will be accepted.

EXTRA HELP in room 241:

·  Before School on Wednesday 7:15-7:40

·  After School on Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:45-3:15

·  By appointment as necessary

I am looking forward to a fun and successful school year with all of you!