Guide to Studying Architecture

  • Jump to Architecture graduate job prospects

What is Architecture?

  • Architecture is a word with several different meanings. A general term to describe buildings and other physical structures, but also the art and science of designing buildings, and the design and method of construction.
  • Studying architecture will give you a thorough understanding and appreciation of the structures in which we live today, but also let you look to the future of design and how ideas can be made real and implemented.

Why study Architecture?

  • Being an architect is a lot like being an inventor. Architecture is very satisfying as you watch your dreams and paper doodles bet transformed into real structures. The design stage is fun in itself.
  • A course in Architecture gives you the opportunity to use the right hand side of your brain - the creative half. You get a lot of opportunities to showcase your creativity and ingenuity while designing structures.
  • Architecture is a very high paying field. Once you get through the lengthy course, if you pass with a good degree mark, you’ll be pursued by large firms looking for fresh talent and new ideas.
  • You get to work with your hands. Its not just about reading and writing, you must have a hands-on approach on many assignments. Building scale models, making surveys, talking to people - a course for extroverts.
  • A lot of architecture is taught not in the classroom, but by actually going out and gaining inspiration. There will be field trips, Q & As, possibly even a year abroad.

Coursework, Assessment and Exams

  • In each year of a BA in Arcitechture the project design work and its associated exercises carry the majority of weight. Many of the practical modules are assessed by course work alone.
  • The other subjects, ones that are classroom taught and theory based, are assessed using a mixture of course work, essays and written examinations. There is a sliding scale of marks, with later years counting for more.

What degree can I get?

  • BA Architecture
  • BSc Architectural Design and Technology
  • BA Interior Architecture and Venue Design
  • BEng Civil Engineering with Architecture

What qualifications do I need?

  • Always confirm the entry requirements for the particular university/course you are interested in as these vary between each institution.

Use the CUG Course Chooser to search through Architecture courses.

What are the postgraduate opportunities?

  • There is an exciting range of taught MAs and research degrees at postgraduate level.
  • Examples include straight MA Architecture, along with more specialist courses, including MSc Architecture and Environmental Design, MA Interior Design, and MA Urban Design.

Graduate job prospects

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Professional* job

Professional* job and study

Study only

Non-professional** job

Non-professional** job and study


What do Architecture graduates earn?

Job type0500010000150002000025000Average Salary (£)

Professional* job

Non-professional** job

What do Architecture graduates do?

*Professional employment refers to a job or occupation which normally requires a degree.
**Non-professional employment refers to a job or occupation which doesn't normally require a degree.

What are the job opportunities?

  • Architecture is a very competitive industry, and gets a bad rap for having low graduate employment and prospects. If you have the skills and talent, however, you could make it in a very profitable industry.
  • Particular job areas include, as well as being an architect, a building surveyor, lecturer or teacher, conservation officer, landscape architect, production designer for TV, film and theatre, structural engineer or town planner.
  • Several professional organisations offer specialised positions for Architecture graduates, such as RIBA.