GUIDE TO DDREPORTS.COM is L.I.F.E.’s billing system; it supports Safari (mac’s) Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.You can also use this site on your phone, should you like this option, set up a meeting to go over the training. If you have any questions that are not addressed in this guide, please contact your supervisor.
Your login is set up after your file is complete and the username is your preferred email. You will be sent a link to this email to set up a password. Please check your junk folder as it may not recognize the sender. If you do not set up a password within 24 hours, the link will not work and you will need to request a new one.
Once you login to, you will notice the Dashboard component. While “Assigned Tasks” and “Schedule” are not used in this feature, the “Certifications” give a major advantage to you. You can now see when each document or certificate is about to expire.
As documents are about to expire, they will be highlighted. Please keep in mind, that it is your responsibility to maintain your certificates. If you notice a document or certificate about to expire, please contact us to get into a class or give us the renewed document/ cert.
In order to get to the billing component from this page, click on the “Hourly Input” tab in the top left corner.
When you click on “Hourly Input”, this is the format you will see;
- The period section will automatically be set to the pay period you are currently on.
- Each pay period will be inactivated on the last day at 5pm and automatically shift to the next pay period. Once this happens, you will then be unable to see, bill or print the previous period.
- You have until 5PM on the 15th to input your time for the first pay period.
- You have until 5 PM on the last day of the month to input your time for the second pay period.
- Only underextenuating or pre-approvedcircumstances will we accept any late billing or paperwork.
- The “clients” section contains the names of your clients. Use the drop down to navigate between clients if you have multiple.
- When inputting time into the system, utilize the tab key to enter data. Or use your mouse to navigate through.
- When inputting time, you will enter the day number under “day”; i.e. for February 12th, you will enter 12. If you place your curser on one section long enough, a small box will appear with information as well.
- When billing round to the nearest quarter when inputting time.
- Do not forget to put AM’s and PM’s as this can result in misrepresentation of your hours.
- Under “service” you will choose the correct service code you worked.
- The “hours” and “rate” will automatically fill for you. The Rate will always we be set at your hourly wage. Keep in mind the amount due does not reflect taxes.
- Press the enter key after “service” and the data will savefor you.
- Plan your schedule with families so that you know when you will need to print and sign the timesheet. (You can bill in advance!)
- You can enter multiple services in one day as long as the times do not overlap, e.g.;
- Note the green box with a red box inside of it. This is given the status of “waiting for management approval”. You will see this every time you bill, it will not effect anything.
Tiered Billing
- If you have multiple clients (3 max) at once and need to bill, you must do so using a tiered ratio, i.e. RSP2Comm, HAH2Comm, RSP3Comm, or HAH3Comm.
- When billing your clients, it is important to make sure the billing matches exactly for each tiered client. Please look at the picture diagram below.
- You can bill two different services at the same time, however, we again need to make sure that all the times match, i.e.
- Worked with John and Jane 11a-9p.
- You worked with John doing habilitation 11a-3p, Jane did Habilitation 4-6, and then both respite 6-9p. Your billing should look like this;
- John 11a-3p HAH2Comm
- Jane 11a-3p RSP2Comm
- John 3p-4p RSP2Comm
- Jane 3p-4p RSP2Comm
- John 4p-6p RSP2Comm
- Jane 4p-6p HAH2Comm
- John 6p-9p RSP2Comm
- Jane 6p-9p RSP2Comm
- As you can see from the above, both clients match each segment.
- If you find that you do not have the codes you need to bill tiered, please inform your supervisor.
- You will need ADOBE to print your timesheet.
- If you have any issues printing (or with entering your time in general), we have computers designated at the front of LIFE’s main building that you can utilize.
- Click the “Print” button, and your timesheet will pop up.
- Print this document and sign the “Provider” line. The parent and or guardian will sign the “Responsible Party Signature” line.
- The “Approval Initial” column to the right is also for the parent or guardian. While this is not mandatory, it is encouraged as it forces the individual to look at each line.
- Do not manually manipulate or write on this document unless it is the signature. We will not accept a document that has any white out corrections or has been crossed out/written in.
- You can turn in the timesheet in the following ways;
- Mail it
- Turn it into the office or drop box in front of the main building
- Fax it
Whichever option you choose, we ask that you please inform us and make this your main go-to option as that is the route we will expect the timesheet from. We do not accept scanned timesheets.
- You cannot work more than 11.75 hours of Respite in a day per client (12am-12am), not per provider. So if you and another provider are working with the same client, you will both need to work under this hour limit.
- When billing for the Habilitation and or Attendant Care Service, ddreports will only allow billing in accordance with the ISP service assessment plan. E.g. if the ISP for your client only allows 10 habilitation and 21 attendant care hours per week, you can only bill within those restrictions. Please keep this in mind if there are multiple providers per one client.
- Recommended usage of Habilitation per day consists of 2 hours per day. In addition the recommended usage of Attendant Care is 2 hours per day which is typically seen as one hour in the morning and the second in the evening.
- You can work all services in a day, but not at the same time.
i.e. I can enter; 7:00AM-9:30AM RSP1COMM, and on the next line enter; 9:30AM-12:30PM HAH1COMM.
- Always enter your time daily, or the day that you work Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. If you wait last minute, something will most likely go wrong.
- If you need to fix an error on your time; i.e. you input 1:30PM-6:30PM, but only worked until 5:30PM. You can click on the time (6:30PM), it will highlight, and you can re-enter the correct time. Press the tab or enter key to re-save.
- If you need to delete a line, click the purple square to the left of the “day” box on that line, press the “delete” key (on your keyboard) and a dialogue box will pop up to ask if you want to delete. Click yes, and the line will disappear and automatically save.
It is your responsibility to keep track of the auth balances and communicate them to the parents and or guardian. Think of the hours as a bank account. The account is given hours ($) 1 x a year for HAH and ATC, and 2x a year for RSP. The “end date” is the expiration date on the auth or hours. The picture shown above is a representation of the “accounts” or authorizations. Pay close attention to the dates as the sections do not differ in looks if expired or current. If you look at the client above the upcoming expirations are ending December 31st, 2015 for attendant care (ATC) and habilitation (HAH) and September 30, 2015 for respite (RSP). Respite is set on a different year. All client’s respite units will end on 9/30 and renew again until their yearly ISP. However, the same rules apply for all services no matter the end date. If you run out of hours before these dates, you essentially run out of money and thus have to wait for the next renewal auth (or paycheck for this example).
In each service code you will see the “allowed hours”, “used hours”, and “balance”. This shows you the total amount given for the dates listed as well as how many you have used and the balance you have left.
In certain service codes, you will see a “week max” (circled). This is the weekly amount you must stick to, if you go over, ddreports will not allow it.Again, please keep this in mind as you create schedules with your parents or if your client has an additional provider. The hours are billed on a first come-first served basis. If you wait to bill and the other provider bills all of the weekly hours, you will be unable to bill any.
If you have not turned in a renewed certificate or document, and or LIFE has tried to be in contact and not heard back from you, we can suspend your billing. If this is the case, you will see a large read dialogue at the top of your dashboard with “Suspended” and a note from your supervisor. In the example above, this individual needs to turn in a new Article 9 cert or get into a class. During this time, you do not have access to bill. If you have been suspended, contact your supervisor.
Note: if a certificate has expired and you have not taken a class, you cannot work with your client until you are certified again.
- No clients and or no spreadsheet shown. If this occurs you will need to contact your supervisor to add your current client.
- No drop down for service, i.e. no drop down for HAH1Comm, RSP1Comm etc.. Contact your supervisor to add current codes.
- Cannot login; wait a couple of hours, it could be due to a system issue. If the problem continues, contact your supervisor.
- When entering your time, there are instances it will disappear. This often happens if you;
- Did not complete all areas before tabbing to save
- Entered the date, time or service code incorrectly
- If the client does not have the authorization
- If it conflicts with another invoice (provider billing)
In c and d’s case, you will need to contact your supervisor.
- If you are entering your time and a dialogue box saying “There is a claim for this client/service/date already in system” pops up; You have entered your time during another service being provided by a different provider or therapist. Check your time, if it is still correct and the dialogue continues to pop up, you will need to contact your supervisor to find a solution.
- If you are entering your time and a dialogue box saying “Exceeded number of authorized hours for service code: Hours on invoice #of hours entered Authorized hours = # of hours left on auth” pops up; you have run out of hours on your auth. If it is before the expiration date shown, you have simply run out of hours and we cannot give you more. If it is after the expiration date shown, you need to contact your supervisor.