Army of the Ohio

At the Battle of Shiloh, TN, April 6 & 7, 1862.

Records of the Union Armies with details on units from: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania


  1. "Shiloh: Bloody April" by Wiley Sword
  2. “Shiloh: The Battle That Changed The Civil War” by Larry J. Daniel
  3. Shiloh Battlefield Map with Org Table
  4. HardinCounty (Tennessee) Historical Society

This Organizational Table is listed by Division and Brigade, etc. The strength of each unit is listed next to the unit. The numbers appear to be rounded off to nearest hundreds. All Infantry units listed are assumed to be Regiments unless stated otherwise.


Major GeneralDon Carlos Buell



2nd Division(8627)

Brigadier General Alexander M. McCook

4th Brigade(2716)

Brigadier General Lovell H. Rousseau

  1. 1stOhio Infantry(500)

Colonel Benjamin F. Smith

  1. 6thIndiana Infantry(660)

Colonel Thomas T. Crittenden

  1. 5thKentucky Infantry(725)

Colonel Harvey M. Buckley

  1. U.S. Regulars(831)

Major John H. King

  1. 1st Battalion, 15thU.S. Infantry (8 companies)(331)

Captain Peter T. Swain

  1. 1st Battalion, 16thU.S. Infantry(294)

Captain Edwin F. Townsend

  1. 1st Battalion, 19thU.S. Infantry (5 companies)(206)

Major Stephen D. Carpenter

5th Brigade(2721)

Colonel Edward N. Kirk, 34thIllinois (w)

  1. 29thIndiana Infantry(724)

Lieutenant Colonel David M. Dunn

  1. 30thIndiana Infantry(767)

Colonel Sion S. Bass (w-mortally)

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph B. Dodge

  1. 34thIllinois Infantry(726)

Major Charles N. Levanway (k)

Captain Hiram W. Bristol

  1. 77thPennsylvania Infantry(504)

Colonel Frederick S. Stumbaugh

6th Brigade(3074)

Colonel William H. Gibson, 49thOhio

  1. 15thOhio Infantry(749)

Major William Wallace

  1. 32ndIndiana Infantry(812)

Colonel August Willich

  1. 39thIndiana Infantry(776)

Colonel Thomas J. Harrison

  1. 49thOhio Infantry(737)

Lieutenant Colonel Albert M. Blackman


  1. 5thU.S. Artillery, Battery H(116)

Captain William R. Terrill

(4x12pdr N, 2x10pdr PR)

4th Division(4541)

Brigadier General William Nelson

10th Brigade(1528)

Colonel Jacob Ammen, 24thOhio

  1. 6thOhio Infantry(598)

Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas L. Anderson

  1. 24thOhio Infantry(550)

Lieutenant Colonel Frederick C. Jones

  1. 36thIndiana Infantry (8 companies)(380)

Colonel William Grose

19th Brigade(1424)

Colonel William B. Hazen, 41stOhio

  1. 9thIndiana Infantry(569)

Colonel Gideon C. Moody

  1. 41stOhio Infantry(371)

Lieutenant Colonel George S. Mygatt

  1. 6thKentucky Infantry(484)

Colonel Walter C. Whitaker

22nd Brigade(1589)

Colonel Sanders D. Bruce, 20thKentucky

  1. 1stKentucky Infantry(522)

Colonel David A. Enyart

  1. 2ndKentucky Infantry(663)

Colonel Thomas D. Sedgewick

  1. 20thKentucky Infantry(404)

Lieutenant Colonel Charles S. Hanson

5th Division(3729)

Brigadier General Thomas L. Crittenden

11th Brigade(2145)

Brigadier General Jeremiah T. Boyle

  1. 19thOhio Infantry(695)

Colonel Samuel Beatty

  1. 59thOhio Infantry(460)

Colonel James P. Fyffe

  1. 9thKentucky Infantry(495)

Colonel Benjamin C. Grider

  1. 13thKentucky Infantry(495)

Colonel Edward H. Hobson

14th Brigade(1400)

Colonel William Sooy Smith, 13thOhio

  1. 11thKentucky Infantry(400)

Colonel Pierce B. Hawkins

  1. 13thOhio Infantry(500)

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph G. Hawkins

  1. 26thKentucky Infantry(500)

Lieutenant Colonel Cicero Maxwell


  1. 1stOhio Light Artillery, Battery G(118)

Captain Joseph Bartlett

(4x6pdr S, 2x12pdr WR)

  1. 4thU.S. Artillery, Batteries H & M(66)

Captain John Mendenhall

(2x12pdr H, 2x3in RR)

6th Division(3500)

Brigadier General Thomas J. Wood

20th Brigade (not engaged)(1500)

Brigadier General James A. Garfield

  1. 13thMichigan Infantry(500)

Colonel Michael Shoemaker

  1. 64thOhio Infantry(500)

Colonel John Ferguson

  1. 65thOhio Infantry(500)

Colonel Charles G. Harker

21st Brigade(2000)

Colonel George D. Wagner, 15th Indiana

  1. 15thIndiana Infantry(500)

Lieutenant Colonel Gustavus A. Wood

  1. 40thIndiana Infantry(500)

Colonel John W. Blake

  1. 57thIndiana Infantry(500)

Colonel Cyrus C. Hines

  1. 24thKentucky Infantry(500)

Colonel Lewis B. Grigsby


Artillery listings, in green, are in the following format:

(<number guns>x<gun size> gun type)

S = Smoothbore

H = Howitzer

N = Napoleons

WR = Wiard Rifles

PR = Parrott Rifles

RR = Rodman Rifles

Leader status listings, in red are used in the following way:

w = Wounded

w-mortally = Mortally wounded

k = Killed

c = Captured

d = Disabled

t = Temporarily commanding


On all of the OOB’s which I have seen dealing with the Army of the Ohio, the total manpower is listed as 17,918 men. I come up with a total of 20,397 men. Several of this Armies units did not make it to the battlefield on time, so the 17,918 manpower figure for men engaged is probably close.