SECTION 07 14 13
Specifier Notes: This guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format. The section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the architect or engineer to meet the requirements of the project. Coordinate this section with other specification sections and the drawings.Specifier Notes: HRM 714 hot-applied rubberized asphalt membrane is a 100% solids blend of asphalts, synthetic rubber polymers, and filler formulated to provide toughness with flexibility and low moisture vapor permeance. HRM 714 is hot-applied to form a continuous elastomeric membrane. It is ideal for waterproofing bridge, parking, plaza, or promenade decks; tunnels; pedestrian concourses; and similar types of construction where a monolithic waterproofing membrane is desirable. HRM 714 has an excellent combination of toughness and low temperature flexibility, along with very low absorption and vapor permeance. Its unique formulation effectively prevents degradation of the rubber content by overheating. HRM 714 contains 0 g/L VOC.
A.Surface preparation.
B.Application of hot applied, rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane.
Specifier Notes: Edit the list of related sections as required for the project. List other sections dealing with work directly related to this section.A.Section 03 30 00 – Cast-in-Place Concrete.
B.Section 07 13 26 – Self-Adhering Sheet Waterproofing.
C.Section 07 21 00 – Thermal Insulation.
D.Section 07 60 00 – Flashing and Sheet Metal.
E. Section 07 92 00 – Joint Sealants.
F.Section 33 46 13 - Foundation Drainage.
A.Canadian Government Specification Board (CGSB) 37.50-M89: Standard for Asphalt, Rubberized, Hot Applied for Roofing and Waterproofing.
A.Comply with Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures.
B.Submit manufacturer's product data and application instructions.
- Installer Qualifications:
- Use an experienced installer and adequate number of skilled personnel who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the application of hot fluid-applied waterproofing membranes.
B.Obtain waterproofing materials from a single manufacturer regularly engaged in manufacturing the product.
C.Provide products which comply with all state and local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOC).
A.Preconstruction Meeting: Convene [one] [______] week prior to commencing work of this section, in accordance with Section [XX XX XX] - Project Meetings.
A.Prior to installation of waterproofing membrane, apply waterproofing membrane to 100 ft.2 of deck or wall to demonstrate surface preparation, crack and joint treatment, corner treatment, thickness, and to demonstrate tie-ins with adjoining construction and other termination conditions, as well as qualities of materials and execution.
B.Cooperate and coordinate with the owner's inspection and testing agency. Do not cover any installed waterproofing membrane unless it has been inspected, tested, and approved.
A.Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer.
B.Store materials in a clean, dry area in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
C.Protect materials during handling and application to prevent damage or contamination.
A.Product not intended for uses subject to abuse or permanent exposure to the elements.
B. Do not apply membrane if rainfall is forecast or imminent within 12 hours.
C.Do not apply waterproofing membrane to any surfaces containing frost, snow or ice.
A.W. R. MEADOWS®, INC., PO Box 338, Hampshire, Illinois 60140-0338. (800) 342-5976. (847) 683-4500. Fax (847) 683-4544. Website
A.Waterproofing Membrane: hot, fluid applied, rubberized asphalt membrane.
1.Proprietary Based Spec:
a. HRM 714 Waterproofing Membrane by W. R. MEADOWS.
A.Surface Conditioner: MEL-PRIME™VOC solvent based adhesive by W.R. Meadows.
C.Concrete Repair Materials: MEADOW-PATCH®5 and MEADOW-PATCH 20 Concrete Repair Mortars by W.R. MEADOWS.
D.Waterproofing Protection Course: PROTECTION COURSE by W.R. MEADOWS.
E.Prefabricated Drainage Board: MEL-DRAIN™ by W.R. MEADOWS.
A.Examine surfaces to receive membrane. Notify architect if surfaces are not acceptable.
B.Do not begin surface preparation or application until unacceptable conditions have been corrected.
A.Protect adjacent surfaces not designated to receive waterproofing.
B. Clean and prepare surfaces to receive waterproofing in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
C. Do not apply waterproofing to surfaces unacceptable to manufacturer.
D. Clean concrete surfaces so they are free of all coatings, dirt, oil, paints, and any other contaminants.
E. Patch all holes and voids and smooth out any surface misalignments, ensuring the surface is free of depressions, voids, or protrusions.
F.Remove areas of heavy laitance with a grinder, bush hammer, scabbler, or similar device.
G.Remove any traces of existing waterproofing.
H.Wash all metal surfaces including flashings, vents, and drains with solvent and dry with clean cloths.
I.Treatment of Existing Cracks and All Non-Structural Joints
1.Identify all the existing cracks and joints.
2.Cracks up to 1/8” in width
a.Fill crack with hot rubber waterproofing and coat area 10” wide centered over the crack at a thickness of 1/8”.
b.Embed 6” strip of reinforcing fabric into the hot rubber while it is still hot.
c.Allow to cool before covering with subsequent application of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
3.Cracks over 1/8” in width
a.Repair the area with a cementitious patching material that is compatible with the hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
b.Apply waterproofing membrane 12” wide, centered over the crack at a thickness of 1/8”.
c.Embed 9” strip of reinforcing fabric into the hot rubber while it is still hot.
d.Allow to cool before covering with subsequent application of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
J.Treatment of Expansion Joints
Specifier Notes: For expansion joints that are already filled with a sealant that may not be compatible with HRM 714, stop membrane application short of the expansion joint edge and embed sheeting over the joint using a backer rod and extending at least 8” on each side of the expansion joint. Apply a 1/8” x 13” wide coating of hot rubber waterproofingto the deck on each side of the joint and place the rubber sheet into it while HRM 714 is still hot. Lap all end laps of reinforcing sheet 6″ and seal with HRM 714. Allow to cool before applying the final coat of HRM 714 membrane. For expansion joints 1” or more wide,refer to W. R. MEADOWS technical services or approved applicator.
1.Expansion Joints up to 1” in width
a.Drape an 18” wide sheet of reinforced butyl or neoprene rubber into the joint to a depth twice the width of the joint.
b.Allow 6” end lap on either side of the joint to overlap the hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
b.Apply waterproofing membrane 13” wide at a thickness of 1/8” on either side of the joint.
c.Embed the 6” overlap of the sheet into the hot rubber while it is still hot.
d.Allow to cool before covering with subsequent application of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
K.Treatment of Inside & Outside Corners
1.Apply hot rubber waterproofing at a thickness of 1/8”, extending 8” on either side of the corner.
2.Embed 6” strip of reinforcing fabric into the hot rubber while it is still hot.
3.Allow to cool before covering with subsequent application of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
L.Vertical / Horizontal Transitions
1.Apply 1/8″ thick coating of hot rubber waterproofing membrane 6″ or more, as required, up vertical surfaces to a height which is greater than the maximum depth of water which may be ponded.
2.Apply 1/8″ thick coating of hot rubber waterproofing membrane 6″ onto concrete deck.
3.Embed a 6” wide strip of reinforcing fabric, 3″ vertically and 3″ horizontally, into the membrane while it is still hot.
4.Allow to cool before applying the final coat of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
A.Apply surface conditioner to all surfaces to receive hot rubber waterproofing membrane at a coverage rate of 250 – 300 ft.²/gal.
B.Allow the surface to become tack-free before beginning application of hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
Specifier Notes: For applications of HRM 714 applied over a steel deck overlaid with gypsum board or plywood, no adhesive is required. Delete (A) and (B) above.
C.Using an insulated, double-shell, oil-jacketed kettle, raise the oil bath temperature to 450° F maximum.
D.Place hot rubber waterproofing membrane buns into the kettle.
Specifier Notes: It is not necessary to remove the polyethylene liner as its incorporation into the material does not affect its performance.
E.Agitiate continuously and as the compound becomes fluid, add additional quantities up to the required amount.
F.Heat the material to a pouring temperature of 360° – 400° F.
G.Avoid overheating.
Specifier Notes: Recommended pouring temperature range is 360° – 400° F. Do not hold material at pouring temperature for longer than five hours. If pouring is to be delayed, the temperature needs to be reduced to between 270° – 320° F and held until pouring is to be resumed. Do not heat the compound above 410° F. Prolonged heating (longer than five hours) or heating above 410° F may cause the compound to gel in the melter. A rapid increase in viscosity of the material, accompanied by stringiness, indicates that gelling has begun. The compound temperature must be reduced promptly or the material should be removed promptly from the kettle.
H.Horizontal Application
1.Concrete Deck
a.Apply hot rubber waterproofing membrane evenly by flowing onto the deck and spreading with a squeegee to a minimum recommended thickness of 1/8″, covering all previously placed material.
b.Fully embed a layer of manufacturer-approved reinforcing fabric into this first layer of membrane.
c.Allow membrane to cool and apply a subsequent layer of hot rubber waterproofing membrane at a thickness of 1/8”.
2.Steel deck overlayed with gypsum board or plywood sheets
a.Apply hot rubber waterproofing membrane 6” wide over all joints of the gypsum board or plywood sheets at a thickness of 1/16”.
b.Apply a 1/16″ coat of hot rubber waterproofing membrane over the entire area.
c.Embed a layer of reinforcing fabric into the hot membrane parallel with the longer dimension of the gypsum board or plywood sheets.
d.Lap the reinforcement fabric 2″ and bond with the hot rubber waterproofing membrane.
e.Apply a second layer of hot rubber waterproofing membrane at a minimum thickness of 1/8″ to completely embed the reinforcement fabric.
I.Vertical Application
1.Apply hot rubber waterproofing membrane, providing a monolithic coating, at minimum recommended thickness of 1/8″, covering all previously placed material.
2.Fully embed a layer of manufacturer approved reinforcing fabric into this first layer of membrane.
3.Allow membrane to cool and apply a subsequent layer of hot rubber waterproofing membrane at a thickness of 1/8”.
A.Horizontal Application
1.Install protection course as soon as possible to protect the membrane from damage during construction or backfill operations.
Specifier Notes: If a delay of 48 hours or more is anticipated in the application of the next phase of construction, flood coat PROTECTION COURSE with roofing asphalt. Alternatively, place a temporary cover of polyethylene film over the HRM 714 membrane and keep free of traffic until PROTECTION COURSE can be installed and covered.
B.Protection for Hot-Mix Asphalt
1.Place protection course layer while the hot rubber waterproofing membrane is still tacky according to manufacturer’s instructions
2.Apply an emulsion primer tack-coat to the protection course and promptly place a minimum thickness of 2” of asphaltic pavement.
Specifier Notes: An alternative method includes installing 2 – 3″ of no-fines concrete over PROTECTION COURSE to serve as a percolation layer which is stable and which will withstand construction traffic. This percolation layer improves drainage and prevents damage due to ice formation and is, therefore, preferable to the use of compacted screenings as an underlay for an asphaltic wearing surface.
Similarly, a no-fines concrete percolation layer is recommended under exposed concrete slabs and under landscaped areas. Cover the no-fines concrete with a filtration sheet, such as spun-bonded nylon (1.5 oz. per sq. yd.) to keep the fines from landscaping soil from clogging the percolation layer.
C.Vertical Application
1.Embed protection course into the hot rubber waterproofing membrane while it is still tacky.
2.Backfill against the protection course immediately.
Project Name 1/18/201907 14 13-1Hot Fluid Rubberized Asphalt