Ready for Work

Guide for Support Workers

Thank you so much for taking an interest in the Ready for Work Programme and for identifying a client who might be suitable to take part.

Below are a few guidelines for referring a client to the scheme and for supporting them during their training and work placement, but please don’t hesitate to call us if you are unsure about anything.

A checklist of information for support workers:

When identifying clients please check that they are suitable by referring to the following eligibility criteria:

Criteria / Yes / No
Have they experienced homelessness (including temporary or supported housing) in the last 2 years or are they at risk of homelessness (e.g. ex-offender, recent care leaver)?
Are they able to make all the dates of the programme – 2 day’s training and ½ day Action Day – and commit to a two week full time work placement (e.g. they have no other commitments during this time such as college courses or childcare responsibilities)?
Is their accommodation stable for the entire duration of the programme (e.g. they are in temporary or supported accommodation, or recently resettled into longer term accommodation; they are no longer rough sleeping)?
Have any issues (such as alcohol or substance abuse) been under control for a sustained period (3-6 months) and so will not affect their ability to work?
They are prepared to disclose information about themselves such as any unspent convictions and health or dependency history so we can ensure we have the most appropriate placement for them.
Have they been actively seeking work or progressing towards work readiness: “Job Ready” e.g. their aim is to get into work?
Are they enthusiastic about the nature of the programme and keen to gain workplace skills through a combination of training and a work placement?
Do they appreciate the importance of being presentable and punctual and are motivated to complete the placement?
Can they communicate, read and write in English?
Are they available to take up work following the programme? (i.e. they’re not going on to studying / training)?
Do they have the right to work in the UK?
Are they 18 years old or over?

If you answer “no” to any of the above questions please phone Debra Fearnshaw, National Operations Manager, to discuss the particular issues before putting your client forward on

07713 878105

Registration of clients:

Please talk through with clients what the Ready for Work Programme consists of so they are fully briefed on what it might involve if they come on the programme.

If you have identified a client who you feel is suitable please fill in a copy of our “Registration Form” online. Please contact your local Business Action on Homelessness manager to get access to the online registration. It is important that this form is completely filled in, with no blanks (i.e. please complete all sections) because we do need all the information covered.

In particular, please do encourage clients to reveal all unspent convictions. While this won’t affect their chance of a place on the programme, non-declaration of unspent convictions may impact on placements and future opportunities. If you’re not sure whether something is spent or not please do discuss it with us, but if in doubt it’s better to declare it than not. A personal statement about their unspent conviction is very helpful too.

In addition if possible please email us an electronic copy of your client’s CV – this really helps us at a later date with people’s job searches.

Once completed forms have been received, clients will be invited to a registration day. This is a chance for the Business Action on Homelessness team to meet everyone and have a short chat with people who have been registered. From this we will decide who would benefit most from the programme at this time (please note that due to numbers places can’t be guaranteed).

Normally we will inform you and the client as soon as possible after registration day whether we can offer them a place. We will provide you with details of training and location at this stage.

During the Programme

While we try to support clients as much as possible we’d ask you to maintain your support of them at the same time. Some of the clients we work with find the work placements quite stressful, especially if they haven’t worked in some time, therefore support worker interest is often essential in helping them complete the programme successfully. If someone shows signs of dropping out of the placement we may also need your help to re-engage them with the programme.

Once a client has finished their placement we seek to place them with a Job Coach. It would really help us if you could let us know what support/training they’re currently receiving (or are able to access) so as not to overlap services. If there are any issues that may hinder their job search it would also be helpful if you could let us know so that we don’t encourage them towards something they’re unable to do.

Service Level Agreement

We ask all referring organisations to the programme to sign a service level agreement document to clearly define the role and responsibility that Business Action on Homelessness and referring organisations have in selecting and supporting clients referred to the Ready for Work programme.

If you need any more information please contact your local manager or Debra Fearnshaw, National Operations Manager on 07713 878105.

For local manager contacts go to:

Once again, thank you very much for taking an interest in the Ready for Work Programme.

Ready for Work, Guide for Support Workers

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