(Please provide 10 copies to the head table)

Revised 6 Apr 09

Name of Praesidium ______Date Founded ______

Parish ______

Period Report Covers ______Annual Report # ______

Date Report Given ______Date of Last Report ______

Names, Addresses, Phone numbers, email of Officers and Spiritual Director

Include Term of Office date. If office not filled, list vacant.


Sec. ______, Treas. ______

Spiritual Director ______

Names of other Active Members:______


Number Active: ___ Probationary ___ Praetorian ___ Give Promise Status of Probationaries ______Number of active in the 18 - 40 age group ___

Number Auxiliary: permanent ___ probationary ___ Adjutorian ___

How many active and auxiliary members were gained/lost since last report ______


Indicate by percentage since last report attendance of Active members at weekly meetings_____, the Outdoor function_____, Acies_____, Annual Reunion._____

List assigned works of praesidium in three categories: Conversion, Conservation, Consolation. Indicate work and number of times per month work is done. Also indicate with an asterisk any work that is new since last report.

Conversion Conservation Consolation




Were any dropped from last year? List them ______


Work Statistics. Using the Annual Bishop's Report format, provide statistics for each type work performed. Use the calendar year.

Care of Auxiliaries: In addition to the number visited (face-to-face contact), list events and activities the praesidium sponsors for them.______


Tangible Results: Consult Spiritual Director or use praesidium’s direct knowledge of conversions, baptisms, returns to sacraments, marriages validated, enrollments in CCD, RCIA as result of praesidium efforts:______



Intangible Results: Provide other significant accomplishments:



What methods are used to recruit? ______


Was the praesidium involved in extension?_____ Amplify ______


Was an Exploratio Dominicalis performed? ___ At which parish ______

How many members attended a Legion retreat _____

How many members participated in a PPC ____ in a PEP ____

List previous goals and results of achievement, i.e., Accomplished or Not Accomplished.




Identify new annual goals and state them in quantifiable, measurable terms:



Please provide any additional information about the praesidium, its meetings, works discussions, problems and pluses that will help the Regia gain a fuller understanding of what it is and strives to do for Mary and her Son. ______



Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasury

(Provide data on the last full calendar year [CY])

Income Amount

Secret Bag Collection $_____.__

Other $_____.__

Full CY's Income $_____.__

Previous Year Balance Brought Forward $_____.__

Total Funds $_____.__

Expenses Amount

Donations to Regia $_____.__

January donation to Regia paid from previous year's funds $_____.__

Donations to Regia from CY's funds $_____.__

Supplies from Regia $_____.__

Mass for deceased legionaries $_____.__





Total Expenses $_____.__

BALANCE as of 12/31/__ $_____.__

This CY:

Income $____.__


Donation to Regia $____.__

Donations to Regia from last year's funds $____.__

Supplies from Regia $____.__

Mass for deceased legionaries $____.__





Total Expenses $_____.__

BALANCE as of __/__/__ $_____.__

All Officers sign the report