Application Form

For the position of Executive Director

Completed Application Forms must be returned to CO3 by 12 noon on Monday 12 March 2018

Guidance notes on completing your application form

·  Please complete the application form provided, to ensure an equitable recruitment process, CVs in lieu of the application form cannot be accepted.

·  The application form is designed to ensure that applicants provide the necessary information to determine how they meet the requirements of the role and the short-listing criteria.

·  You should ensure that ALL sections of the application form are completed.

·  You should ensure that you provide evidence of your experience in your application form, giving length of experience, examples and dates as required.

·  Corrymeela will not make assumptions from the title of the applicant’s post or the nature of the organisation as to the skills and experience gained, these must be articulated within the application form.

·  Write down clearly your personal involvement in any experience you quote. Write “I” statements e.g. I planned meetings, I managed a budget, I prepared a presentation. It is how you actually carried out a piece of work that the panel will be interested in.

·  The examples you provide should be concise and relevant to the criteria. This is very important as the examples which you provide may be checked out at interview and you may need to be prepared to talk about these in detail if you are invited to interview. It is your unique role the panel are interested in, not that of your team or division.

·  If you do not provide sufficient detail, including the appropriate dates needed to meet the eligibility criteria, the selection panel will reject your application.

·  ONLY the details provided by you in your application form (the employment history and eligibility criteria) will be provided to the selection panel for the purpose of determining your eligibility for the post.

Reference Number:
Corrymeela/ / Title of Post:
Executive Director / Location of Post: Primarily Ballycastle with oversight of the Belfast office


Surname: / Title:
First Names (in full): / Previous Surnames:
Post Code: / Telephone No (including std code):
Mobile Telephone No:
E-mail Address:
National Insurance Number:


Do you require a permit to work in the EEA? Yes No

If yes, please give details.


Please name three referees, who have knowledge of your present and/or most recent work and who are in a leadership/managerial capacity. Family relations will not be accepted as valid referees
(Please note that referees will not be contacted without the prior consent of the candidate).
Relationship to Referee:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Email: / Name:
Relationship to Referee:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Email: / Name:
Relationship to Referee:
Post Code:
Telephone Number:
Driving Licence / Yes / No
I hereby declare that I have a full current driving licence and access to a car to meet the travel requirements of the post.

*Consideration will be given to alternative travelling proposals in respect of applicants with a disability who cannot hold a licence.

IT literacy skills / Yes / No
I hereby declare that I am IT literate proficient with Microsoft Office including Outlook, Word, Excel & PowerPoint.

Professional Qualifications and REGISTRATIONS

Please detail University Degrees, Professional Qualifications and / or Current Professional Registrations.

Awarding Body / Description / Date Awarded

PRESENT POST (If unemployed – most recent post)

Name and address of present employer
Post Code: / Date appointed
(DD/MM/YY) / Present Basic Salary
A list of other salary package benefits (ie pension, health care, car allowance etc)
Job Title
Period of Notice Required
Please give reason for leaving. Also indicate leaving date (if applicable):
Principal Duties in no more than 200 words



Name of Previous
Employers and dates Position(s) held
Day/Month/Year - Day/Month/Year / Title of Position(s) Held / Principal Duties of Post(s) Held and Reasons for Leaving
(please present your main duties in bullet form)
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:
Main Duties:
Reason for leaving:

(Please continue on a separate page if necessary)


The following sections ask you to outline how you meet the essential criteria and desirable criteria (where relevant) which will be used by the panel when shortlisting. You must clearly demonstrate how you meet each criterion giving relevant examples and providing full details of any relevant qualifications with the grade / level obtained. If you fail to fully complete each shortlisting criterion, the shortlisting panel will find it difficult to assess your application form and may be unable to invite you to interview. The shortlisting panel will not make assumptions as to your qualifications, experience, circumstances, skills and/or knowledge. See Guidance Notes

Please limit your answers to no more than 300 words for Essential criteria responses.

Applications that exceed the word count will not be considered

Essential Criteria 1

Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words

A degree level educational qualification.

If a candidate does not have a degree level qualification, they will be required to have at least five years’ of managing an organisation, or autonomous division within a large organisation, with a track record of demonstrable success and experience.

Essential Criteria 2

Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words

A minimum of five years’ experience at a senior management level, with at least three defined as operating at, or immediately below, Board/Chief Executive level in an organisation.

Essential Criteria 3

Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words

Proven ability in developing and implementing a sustainable income model which ultimately led to a balanced budget ensuring the sustainability of the charity.

Essential Criteria 4

Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words

Planning and managing with the ability to organise and prioritise workload; and demonstrate excellent management of people including the development of staff engagement strategies, which cultivates a collaborative team culture, to enable an organisation to embrace change, whilst role modelling a strong the values base.

Essential Criteria 5
Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words
Proven ability in creating, developing and delivering effective strategies and operational/business plans that have delivered growth and sustainability.
Essential Criteria 6
Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words
Strong strategic planning, prioritisation and execution skills with the proven ability to manage multiple objectives, competing demands and monitor progress and impact through the development of operational plans.
Essential Criteria 7
Please demonstrate below in no more than 300 words
Breadth of knowledge and experience in at least one of the following areas of work: reconciliation, faith, ecumenical, inter-faith, social justice, peace-building, education or training, or social care programmes.

From the following list, please demonstrate a proven track record in meeting at least

five of the criteria.

Please limit your answers to no more than 200 words for each criteria.

Applications that exceed the word count will not be considered

Essential Criteria 9

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

Leads by example and a team builder. Possesses high levels of emotional intelligence to lead creatively and empower others to maximise their strengths. Strong on performance management and able to set and monitor this decisively.

Essential Criteria 10

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

Understands the diverse range of funding models available to charities, including grants, project funding, independent trust/foundation funding and trading income.

Essential Criteria 11

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to distil complex ideas in ways that inspire and engage a diverse range of audiences, including colleagues, politicians, senior government staff, academics and policy-makers, media, and national civil society.

Essential Criteria 12

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

Demonstrates a collaborative leadership style that fits with the culture, values and ethos of the charity.

Essential Criteria 13

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

A proven track record in leading and managing teams, which includes positive staff engagement strategies and cultivating a collaborative team culture at times of change and role modelling a strong values base.

Essential Criteria 14

Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words

An understanding of Human Resources (HR).

Essential Criteria 15
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
Understanding of the key strategic issues and history of Northern Ireland (NI).
Essential Criteria 16
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
A genuine interest and commitment to the values and work of peace and reconciliation.
Essential Criteria 17
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
An understanding of international faith, ecumenical and/or peace/ reconciliation programmes.
In the event that we receive an exceptionally high number of applications we reserve the right to increase the criteria further to consider the Desirable Criteria
Please limit your answers to no word than 200 words for each criteria.
Applications that exceed the word count will not be considered
Desirable Criteria 1
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
Hold a Post Graduate Diploma by exam and/or dissertation (in no more than 200 words)
Desirable Criteria 2
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
Experience of managing international faith, ecumenical and/or peace/ reconciliation programmes.
Desirable Criteria 3
Please demonstrate below in no more than 200 words
A proven track record in management at senior level, minimum of seven years’ with at least five years’ defined as operating at, or immediately below, Board/Chief Executive level in an organisation.


Please indicate how you became aware of this vacancy:

Please tick
CO3 Website/email
Corrymeela Website
Other Website/email
(Please specify)
Other Method
(Please specify)


I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information given is honest and accurate. I understand that any wilful misstatement or omission renders me liable to disqualification or, if appointed, to dismissal.
I understand that the appointment is subject to receipt of satisfactory references, the verification of qualifications required for the post (as per the personal specification) and relevant disclosure checks.
I hereby give consent for the information on this form to be collected, stored and processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.


·  Application forms must be completed in full.
·  CV’s will not be accepted.
·  Application forms received after the deadline date and time will not be accepted.
·  CO3 does not accept faxed application forms.
·  Please note that you are required to submit two signed hard-copy applications and one electronic copy.

Completed application forms should be returned by the closing date to:

Nora Smith


Chief Executive


34 Shaftesbury Square



Closing date: 12 noon on Monday 12 March 2018.

Two hard copies and one electronic copy to

The equality monitoring information should be placed inside the return application pack a separate envelope marked equality monitoring.