Guestling Parish Council, minutes of a planning committee meeting.

19 May 2014. Meeting room Three Oaks Inn

Chair - Marion Roberts Guestling Parish Council (GPC)

Present: Paul Brown - GPC

Connie Evans - GPC Sallie Cox -GPC

Secretariat: Paul Brown - GPC

Item / Notes / Action
1 / Apologies of absence - Graham Macpherson Graham Furness
2 / Declarations of Interest – none
3 / Minutes. Resolved: The chairman was authorised to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 28 April 2014 as a correct record of the proceedings.

5 / Matters arising from the minutes:
RR/2013/2623/O Bluebell Barn Shires Hollow Rock Lane. Awaiting decision.
RR/2013/2627/P. Bluebell Barn Shires Hollow Rock Lane. Awaiting decision.
RR/2014/201/P Lidham Hill Farm North Lane. Awaiting decision.
RR/2014/284/L Lidham Hill Farm North Lane. Awaiting decision.
RR/2014/639/P Bluebell Barn Shires Hollow Rock Lane Awaiting decision.
RR/2014/900/P Coghurst Hall Holiday Park Ivyhouse Lane Awaiting decision
1.  RR/2014/902/P 5 Willow Stream Close TN35 4ND. Single storey domestic extension. Resolved: Recommend approval. The addition is in keeping with the rest of the building and will blend in with the other buildings in the close.
2.  RR/2014/985/P & RR/2014/986/L The Hope TN35 4LS. Raise height of existing wall with new timber fence panel and precast copings on existing piers. Form new recessed vehicular opening with new gates. Resolved: Recommend approval. The changes will improve the look of the boundary wall.
3.  RR/2014/1017/P Adams Fruit Farm. Ivyhouse Lane TN35 4NN. To extend the paintballing use of part of the land from 28 days a year to 60 days a year and to use two steel containers for storage of equipment for the complete year. Current use agricultural (part retrospective). Resolved: Recommend refusal. We have concern over the increase in traffic that will be caused and the potential for noise disturbance to neighbouring properties. Users of the footpath would also be at risk from stray paintballs for more days. 60 days has the potential to effect every weekend of the year, with a tendency for the additional days to be concentrated during the summer weekends and bank holidays.
Marion Roberts agreed to pass the recommendations to Rother DC.
The meeting closed at 01.00pm