CPD is an ethical procurement organisation


V18 1.1 – June 2018

Once your request has been received, your procurement project will be progressed in accordance with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outlined in Annex A and the charges indicated in Annex B.

Following this acknowledgement, your request will be allocated to a member of staff who will liaise with you to develop a Procurement Strategy. In advance of this, you need to consider the following areas:

  • General Data Protection Regulations and Data Privacy Impact Assessments
  • Risk Potential Assessment (RPA)
  • Sustainable Considerations
  • Capturing Innovation
  • Disclosure – Successful tenderers information
  • Evaluation Panel Training

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIA)

Consideration must be given to whether the contract requires personal data to be processed on your behalf. If so, the written contract with that processor must set out the subject matter and duration of the process, the nature and purpose of processing, the type of personal data and categories of data subjects and the obligations and rights of the controller and the processor.

Cabinet Office Crown Commercial Service have issued a Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 03/17 outlining the actions required for contracting authorities to ensure GDPR compliance.

The changes in the regulations applies only to contracts which require the contractor to process personal data on their behalf – therefore not all contracts are affected by this change.

The starting point is to critically assess the purpose for which the personal information is being processed and Information Managers within each department can assist with any queries in relation to GDPR.

Useful sources of reference:

Data Privacy Impact Assessments (DPIA) are an effective mechanism to help Departments identify the most effective way to comply with their data protection obligations and meet individuals’ expectations of privacy.

Please refer to Annex A in the following document link if you require guidance.

Risk Potential Assessment

If the project or programme has a value above £500K, consideration must to given as to whether a Risk Potential Assessment for Gateway purposes is necessary. See attached link to PGN 03/09 for further guidance:

Sustainable Considerations

Sustainability aspects including environmental/economic or social considerations should be incorporated into the procurement. Accordingly, when developing your specification, consideration should be given to the following sustainability development aspects:

  • Potential Impact of Procurement on Supply Base/Industry;
  • Energy improvements/efficiencies/renewable energy;
  • Improvements in disposal of packaging / equipment / waste etc.
  • Buy Social clauses (see for more information or email – the Buy Social Unit is available to assist) and
  • Use of lots to encourage SME participation.

Capturing Innovation

Procurement Guidance Note 02/17 Innovation in Public Procurement sets out when and how public procurement can be used to encourage the development of innovative solutions to deliver better outcomes and meet the needs of the public sector while operating within the framework that governs public sector procurement.

Further guidance on Innovation can be found at:

Disclosure – Successful tenderers information

CPD is required to publish the names of successful tenderers following the award of contract. If there are significant reasons why this information should not be published please inform the procurement advisor.

Evaluation Panel Training

From 1 April 2013 it is mandatory for all Panel Members involved in the evaluation of all competitions above the EU Threshold to complete the Training for Evaluation Panel Members through the [1]Centre for Applied Learning.

V18 1.1 – June 2018



The KPIs in the table below will apply to projects included in the Departmental Procurement Pipeline (as per PGN 02/15). Where a project is not included in the Departmental Procurement Pipeline then CPD will endeavour to meet these timescales but, in the event this is not possible, the timescales will be agreed with the Department when work requests are received. The Department will receive a quarterly report on the achievement of the KPIs from CPD Supplies and Services Division.

No. / Description / KPI
KPI 1 / Client emails ‘work request proforma’ (available on the CPD website) with the draft specification and confirmation of business case approval to SSD mailbox
/ SSD acknowledges receipt of work request within one working day.
KPI 2 / SSD to issue the Procurement Strategy. / Within 10 working days of receipt of the work request.
KPI 3a / Publication of Tender (timescale from receipt of work request to publication). / Unless otherwise agreed by the client, the date from the original receipt of the draft specification and business case to the publication of the tender should be no later than 30 working days.
KPI 3b / Publication of tender (timescale from agreed tender documents to publication). / Within 10 working days.
KPI 4 / The period between the client approval of the procurement process report and/or business case approval (where applicable) and award (or intention to award) stage. / Within 5 working days.



The estimated charges for this procurement competition (i.e. from initiation to award of contract) are as follows:
Type of Procurement / Estimated Charges
Secondary Competition / £2,500
Below EU Procurement Threshold / £3,600
Above EU Procurement Threshold / £5,000
Complex Regulated (e.g. Restricted procedure, multi lot procurements, complex evaluation including testing, TUPE applies, pensions provisions) / £12,000
Competitive Procedure with Negotiation / £56,000
Competitive Dialogue/Collaborative Contract / £85,000
Charges will be invoiced monthly in arrears based on actual hours recorded against the project activity. A list of Frequently Asked Questions on CPD Charges can be found at

Any work associated with activities relating to this project after contract award is not included within the estimated charges.

V18 1.1 – June 2018

[1] With the exception of PSNI and InvestNI staff who must have attended their internal evaluation training.