Guest Family Orientation Checklist

  • Greet the family warmly, introduce yourself and welcome them to the House
  • Explain that you are going to lead them through a guest orientation that will involve reviewing House rules, signing some paperwork and taking a tour. Explain that although there is a lot of information, copies are available in their guest rooms to review again later!
  • Take the guest family into the concierge room
  • Ask for the driver’s license and give guest the parking permit to fill out
  • Review the guest family information for accuracy
  • Read the rules out loud and ask all adult family members to sign the rules; let them know a copy is in their guest room as well
  • Review the consent form and ask all adult family members to sign document
  • Read the infectious control policy, adult family members sign the document
  • Ask if there are any questions at this time
  • Show the checkout checklist and guest survey
  • Explain that when the family is ready to leave, they must complete the tasks on the checklist and bring it with them to the front desk when ready for checkout
  • Show the conference form
  • Explain that families are required to meet with one of our therapy interns after they have been in the House 7 days (and every week thereafter)
  • Ask for the $5 key deposit, give the white key cards, pantry key, and wristbands
  • Make sure wristbands are securely fastened on wrists before leaving concierge room
  • Complete the family information card (business card)
  • Take the parking permit and driver’s licenses and make copies of them; Put the key deposit in an envelope and into the safe at front desk
  • Set completed paperwork at the front desk – ask front desk staff person to punch holes and put it in the red guest family binder behind the tab for their room number
  • Offer a tour (specifically common areas, kitchen/pantry, laundry room and guest access closet on their floor). Point out that no food or drink are permitted outside kitchen/dining rooms
  • Be sure to flip the chips on the Hub Board to indicate that the family is occupying their guest room