2011 Ocean City Festival
March 11-12, 2011
Guest Conductor -Michael Glasgow
Genesis Guest Conductor – Dottie Tweedie
Ring with hundreds!
Improve your skills!
Make unforgettable moments!
Make new friends!
Your Choir
Ring with hundreds!
Improve your skills!
Make unforgettable moments together!
Build teamwork to build success!
Your Art Form
Take new knowledge home to share!
Inspire others!
Roland E. Powell Convention Center
4001 Coastal Highway
Ocean City, MD 21842
2011 Ocean City Festival Repertoire
Choirs Must Learn Music Prior to the Festival
The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers supports the copyright laws, and NO photocopies of music will be allowed at Area IIIfestivals without written permission from the copyright holders. Thank you for your cooperation.
Massed Repertoire
A Call to CelebrationA Simple Dance
David Angermanarr. Michael J. Glasgow
Choristers Guild CGB629Choristers Guild CGB637 (2 to 3 oct)
3 to 5 octaves L3Choristers Guild CGB638 (4 to 6 oct)
L2+ optional violin
CantabileFor the Beauty of the Earth
Emily Liarr. Cathy Moklebust
AGEHR AG35244Choristers Guild CGB562
3 to 5 octave L33 to 5 L3
optional 3 to 4 octave handchimesoptional 3 octave handchimes
Jesus Loves MePrayer For Peace
Bradbury/arr. GlasgowMichael Helman
Red River RRBL5055AGEHR AG36023
2 to 3 OR 3 to 6 octave L2+3 to 6 octave L3
optional keyboardoptional 3 to 5 octave handchimes
2011 marks the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 tragedies.During the final concert, PowerPoint slides will be added toMichael Helman’s “Prayer for Peace,” providing an experience that only enhances this powerful tribute to those who died on that day. This innovative addition to handbell music will be available for purchase from AGEHR.
Bronze Repertoire
Crosswind Sondra Tucker Augsburg 0800659880 3 to 5 octave L4+
Genesis Repertoire
I'm Just a Poor Wayfaring StrangerJesus Shall Reign
arr. Tammy Waldroparr. Arnold Sherman
Agape 2343Agape1708 (2 to 3 octave)
3 to 5 octave L2-Agape 1709 (4 to 5 octave) L2
optional 3 octave handchimes
Praise for the MorningWhen I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Michael E. Akersarr. Arnold Sherman
Lorenz 20/1520LRed River 0010A (2 to 3 octave)
2 or 3 octave L1Red River 0010B (4 to 5 octave) L2+
With Great Joy Susan E. Geschke AGEHR AG23030 2 to 3 octave L2
General Information
Who may attend?
The Ocean City Festival is designed for full or partial handbell choirs and/or individual ringers. Intergenerational choirs of adults and youth are welcome if the majority of those in attendance are adult ringers.
Registrations may not be postmarked prior to October 1, 2010, and will be processed in order according to the postmark.
Application forms will be accepted until the maximum per site are reached. Applicants will then be placed on a waiting list and will be notified if space becomes available.
Individual ringers may register to ring with registered choirs on a space available basis.
The Registrar will acknowledge registration within two weeks of receipt.
Event Information Packets will be available online at and will also be sent to your provided email address.
So that information does not go to your junk mailbox, please enter the following email addresses to accept this information: ; ; .
AGEHR membership is required to attend. If not a member, add $65 for a 1 year AGEHR membership.
$75.00 per participant / discount fee $65 per participant before October 31, 2010.
All choirs must rent floor space for $1 per linear foot. Tables are provided or you can bring your own.
Lodging and meals are not included in the registration fee.
$25 of the registration fee per registrant is non-refundable when requested prior to January 11, 2011. After that date, there will be no refunds regardless of reason.
The registration fee is transferable only between bona fide members of the same organization.
Browse the vendor exhibits and discover the latest in handbell equipment, music, resources, collectibles and many other wonderful finds.
Music from classes can be purchased until 30 minutes prior to the festival concert.
To exhibit at the Ocean City Festival, contact Debbie Henning at or 410-848-5482 to obtain a form.
Genesis Track
Conducted by Dottie Tweedie
This track is for adult choirs who primarily ring Level 1 or 2 music.
Enjoy fellowship with other ringers, ringing en masse with a smaller group, and class opportunities.
Register early - space is limited!
The required repertoire is to be rehearsed and well prepared prior to the event.
Individuals without a choir
An opportunity will be provided for directors and individuals who wish to ring in the festival by fillingvacancies offered by other choirs, on an available basis, or by bringing bells and pads.
Individuals will ring the same repertoire as the massed choirs and participate in the festival concert.
If you are a choir director with vacant positions, please indicate the positions available on theRegistration Form.
Bronze Festival Choir
Conducted by Michael Glasgow. (additional form required)
Choirs who wish to be considered for the Bronze Festival Choir must submit an application andan audio recording (cassette tape or CD – NO DVDs or identification on the recording) of the designatedselection. Careful attention must be given to notes, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, and style.
You will be notified of acceptance or rejection, including comments on your recording by the committeechair, one month prior to the festival.
Lodging and Meals
Please make your own reservation for hotel accommodations. Visit the Ocean City, MD Tourist Website for options. Remember our festival is the same weekend as the St Patrick's Day Parade. Book accordingly.
Tentative Ocean City Schedule
Friday Night
6:30-7:00Opening Bell and Announcements
7:00-8:50 Massed Ringing Rehearsal/Genesis Rehearsal/Area III Directors Forum
9:00-9:30 Bronze Rehearsal
Saturday Morning
8:00-8:30Bell Clinic with Malmark and Schulmerich Representatives
8:30-9:20Massed Ringing Rehearsal/Genesis Rehearsal
9:30-10:20Red Classes/Blue Rehearsal/Genesis Classes
10:30-11:20Red Rehearsal/Blue Classes/Genesis Rehearsal
11:30-12:10 Massed Ringing Rehearsal/Genesis Rehearsal
Saturday Afternoon
12:10-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:20Red Classes/Blue Rehearsal/Genesis Rehearsal
2:30-3:00Genesis Concert/Bronze Rehearsal
3:00-3:50Red Rehearsal/Blue Classes/Genesis Classes
4:00-4:30Massed Ringing Rehearsal
4:45Festival Concert and Closing Bell
If you have questions regarding the Area III Ocean City Festival, please contact:
Lynn Bogovich: Ocean City Festival Event Chair, 410-991-3693
Online information can be found on our website (
Meet our Guest Conductors
Michael Glasgow is a native of Detroit, Michigan. An honors graduate from the College of Charleston (South Carolina), Michael holds a Bachelor of Music in Music Theory/Composition and in Journalism. He holds a Master of Music of Church Music from Concordia University Wisconsin as the program’s first double-emphasis student, in both choral and handbell music. He has composed four musical plays (two of which premiered in Charleston’s Sottile Theatre), as well as numerous original sacred choral, orchestral, and handbell compositions. His setting of the “Latin Requiem” text was premiered at North Raleigh United Methodist Church on April 8, 2001, with full orchestra and choir. Michael has served as NRUMC’s Minister of Music since 1998. An active member of the American Choral Directors Association, AGEHR, and the Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and the Worship Arts, he participates in many extracurricular and educational pursuits, including serving as bass section leader for the North Carolina Master Chorale.
After serving over 25 years as a church music director, Dottie Tweedie “retired” to enjoy some free Sundays. She is the founding director of The James River Ringers, an auditioned community group in Richmond, VA, which is celebrating their 12th year of existence. She has taught a variety of classes at Area III Adult Festivals, Directors Seminars and Bravissimo!, and leads JRR’s annual Ringer Workshop for beginning and advanced ringers. In addition, she supports individual directors and choirs in providing customized workshops. Her real job is working as the office manager for a residential building contractor.
Meet our Faculty
Ron Bellamy began ringing handbells in 1980, and has been specializing in solo and ensemble ringing since 1993. He has been a performer and clinician for Handbell Exploration, AGEHR, and Solo/Ensemble Extravaganza. Ron is presently directing six handbell choirs at four Lancaster area churches. His full-time employment is in the field of accounting and finance.
Peggy Brengle currently plays with the Wesley Carillon at Westminster United Methodist Church and is a member of the Westminster Ringers where she floats between B4 through C7. In ensemble playing she has been known to pick up a few bells. Peggy is the secretary for AGEHR Area IIII.
Nancy Cappel (15th Area Chair, 1983-1985) is Director of Music at St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church, Annandale, Virginia. She directs four vocal choirs and eight handbell choirs. Nancy is a clinician throughout the United States. She served on the national board of AGEHR and has written articles for professional journals of the AGEHR and the Choristers Guild. Nancy is the founder of AGEHR Area III’s annual adult festivals and is the only AGEHR Area III recipient of the national AGEHR lifetime membership.
Ned Davis received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Sacred Music from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. He is currently teaching choral music at First Colonial High School in Virginia Beach, VA. Ned has been active with the Guild for more than fourteen years, as a clinician, attending numerous festivals, Director Seminars, and assisted with the National Seminar held in Norfolk in 2004. He is currently the Virginia Chair for AGEHR Area III.
Kerry W. Dietz is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a Bachelor of Music and of Westminster Choir College with a Master of Church Music. He is Minister of Worship and Music at Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Newark, DE, where he has served since 1994. Mr. Dietz has been involved with handbells as a ringer and a conductor for almost 30 years and has served as Artistic Director of The Wilmington Handbell Ensemble since 2006.
Larry Henning is the Music Director of the Westminster Ringers, a community handbell ensemble. Larry received his Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from West Chester State University and his graduate work in reading from McDaniel College. He is currently a seventh grade math teacher. Larry has been a clinician with AGEHR Area III for their Bronze Conference Choir and the Read and Ring Workshops as well as the annual Westminster Ringers' Young Ringers Festival & Ringers Workshop.
Linda Lamb has been involved with handbells since 1992, as director, composer, and sometime ringer. She is the handbell director at Lexington Park Baptist Church, Lexington Park, Maryland, a founding member of the Pax River Ringers (community group in Southern Maryland) and the founder and list owner of the Frustrated Friends of Finale (FFFinale). As a composer and arranger, she has numerous handbell titles in print.
Dr. Colleen Ludeker taught Dalcroze Methololgy at West Chester University for undergraduates and graduates. Her post-doctoral work was at Carnegie Mellon University with Marta Sanchez for Dalcroze Certification and with Robert Abramson at Manhattan School of Music for the Dalcroze License. She has presented at many conferences in the USA and abroad.
Class Pre-Registration
In order to provide the best experience for you, everyone must pre-register for classes. Choose your top three choices for the morning class session and choose your three top choices for the afternoon class session. Record your choices on the group summary form. Every effort will be made to honor the first choices. Classes are limited, so register early.
Class Descriptions
Morning Classes
AM (1) Multiple Bells Bellamy
In this hands-on class, participants will learn and practice the various techniques involved in handling multiple treble bells in one hand. Included will be Shelley, 4-in-hand, martellato, mallet, and claw,among others.
AM (2) Small Ensemble Ringing Brengle
Need a challenge? Do you have a few capable youth or adults who are ready to move ahead? Consider starting a small ensemble ringing duets, trios, or quartets. Learn the specialized techniques needed to begin ringing in ensemble style.
AM (3) Bounce & Stack Cappel
Come ready to be active! Using tennis balls and stacking cups we will have fun with rhythm!
AM (4) DeBugging DeBass--Bass Bells Davis
For many, ringing bass bells seems to be one of those mystic adventures in life; it doesn’t have to be that way. With some basic techniques and a little practice you too can be a star bass ringer! We will also delve into the world of non-chromatic bells assignments, which make the bass bell ringer's life so much simpler and FUN!
AM (5) Repertoire – Level 1 & 2Dietz
The repertoire will cover selections written for 2 to 3 octave choirs that play mostly Level 1 & 2 music.
AM (6) Synergy in Presentation Henning
What do you look like when you ring? Does your style match the other ringers? Where is your strike point? Come ring and learn about your presentation skills as we ring and then watch as you try to make your body, bells and music match.
AM (7) Sight Reading Lamb
A 12-step Recovery Program: How to get from measure 1 to measure 101 the first time without embarrassing yourself publicly! We’ll cover the twelve things to look for before sight-reading a piece for the first time. Bring gloves, mallets, binder, and a sense of humor.
AM (8) Division of the Pulse Ludeker
Using Dalcroze methodology, we will explore beat, silence and everything in between while thinking in musical time and creatively using time, space and energy.
Afternoon Classes
PM (1) Weaving, Switching and Passing Bellamy
Having some trouble handling those accidentals? This class’s goal is to show you ways to empty a hand, so it can be used to reach for and play another bell.
PM (2) Multiple Conundrums Brengle
Do you sometimes feel like a juggler instead of a handbell player? Are you caught with too many bells in your hands, a mallet, AND you have to turn the page? Come share your experiences, and pick up some tips to help make it look easy. Learn to be a creative problem solver.
PM (3) Boomwhackers Cappel
Strictly fun with no particular musical outcome! Take a break from ringing!
PM (4) Swing and Sing—Bell and Voice Repertoire Davis
There is nothing more fun and exhilarating than combining voices and bells whether it’s for a concert or a church service! Selections have been made from some of the best choral and bell pieces spanning the gamut of simple accompaniments with just a few bells to full challenging bell parts as well as a variety of styles from sacred, holiday, secular and patriotic.
PM (5) Repertoire – Level 2 through 4 Dietz
The repertoire will cover selections written for 3 to 5 octave choirs that play mostly Level 2 through 4 music.
PM (6) Family Feud Henning
This exciting game show is for ringers of all abilities. Knowing how to “weave” and change bells is helpful. You must also be able to read any position between G4 and G5.
Participants will be put into teams of four per “family” and will compete in a variety of relays. Three judges, a timekeeper and a gallery of cheering observers are also needed. You may pre-select your team or be selected for a team. Bring your gloves and a sense of humor.
PM (7) You Want Me to Do What with Handbells? Lamb
Techniques can be confusing! What do all those symbols mean and how does one perform them? Bring gloves, music binder, and mallets and we’ll work our way from + to Sk to Pl and everything in between!
PM (8) Plastique Animee Ludeker
Using Dalcroze methodology, we will explore phrasing, shaping and nuances of musical lines while working on musicality with the entire body and experiencing unity of the mind and body through group activities.
2011 Bronze Festival Choir Application
Choirs Must Learn Music Prior to the Festival
Sondra Tucker
Augsburg 0800659880
3-5 octaves, L4+
If your choir would like to participate in the BRONZE FESTIVAL CHOIR, you must prepare an anonymous audio recording (cassette tape or CD – No video tape or DVD). Pay careful attention to notes, rhythm, dynamics, tempo and style. A committee will evaluate your ringing, and you will be notified of your audition results one month prior to the festival.
Please send the recording along with the form below to:
Ned Davis
1028 Baydon Lane
Chesapeake, VA 23322
You will receive an email confirmation when your tape/CD is received for evaluation.
Please do not put your name or your choir’s name on the recording. Complete and include this form with your cassette tape or CD.
Name of Choir: ______
Number of octaves you are ringing: ______
Name of Church/Organization: ______
Church/Organization Address: ______
Name of Director: ______
Director’s Address: ______
Phone: ______Email: ______
(Your email address is very helpful in sending your confirmation and other information. It will not be shared with anyone.)