Guess My Story


·  A lunch sized paper bag

·  A marker

·  A library card pocket

·  Glue


1.  On the front of the bag write “Guess my story” and decorate with question marks.

2.  Glue a library pocket onto the back of the bag.

3.  Make a card to fit in the pocket that says the name of the story and has a picture that will help to identify it.

4.  Place items in bag that provide clues about the story. For example, if the story is “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”, you might put in a little bear, a bed, a tiny bowl, a little chair. If you don’t have these items then draw them or cut them out from a magazine and paste on an index card.

5.  Allow a child to pull an item out of the bag and make a guess. Keep pulling out items and ask “does that fit in the story?”

6.  Check the card in the library pocket to show whether they are right or wrong.

Notes: After modeling this activity for a while, you may want to invite children to make a bag like this at home or do it in school using pictures or objects from a story that they love.

Type of Activity: group activity

Language Arts Strand: reading, writing, listening, speaking

Literacy Concepts and Skills: story sense, comprehension, motivation to read, motivation to write

Theme: stories, fairy tales