Guernsey County Comprehensive Strategic Shale

Development Plan

Workgroup Chairs

Roles & Responsibilities

Comprehensive Strategic Shale Development Plan Workgroups and Chair/Co-Chairs:

Section of the Plan / Chairs/Co-Chairs
Introduction/Community Profile / OSU Extension Team
Myra Moss,

Cindy Bond,

Economic Development / Norm Blanchard,
Bob Oess,
Social Services/Family Support / Kathy Jamiel
Shon Gress,
Infrastructure – Transportation, Water & Sewer / Del George,
Paul Sherry,
Betty Duche’,
Agriculture, Open Spaces & Parks / Steve Allen,
Clif Little,
Residential & Housing / Kim Haught,
Evelyn King
Education/Workforce Development / Regis Woods,
Tourism/Cultural/Historical / Debbie Robinson,
Technology / Dan Coffman,
Law Enforcement/Safety / Randy Lepage,
Mike McCauley,
Health Care / Ray Chorey,
Randy Shepard,
Environmental Issues / Lou Thornton,
Community Engagement / Jo Sexton,
Land Use/Growth Management / Norm Blanchard,
All Workgroup Chairs

Role of the Workgroup Chairs:

The role of each Workgroup Chair/Co-Chair will be to:

  1. Provide leadership and guidance to the creation of a written plan for their specific section of the Comprehensive Strategic Shale Development planaccording to the planning timetable

2. Identify and recruit Workgroup members who represent the broad range of issues pertaining to their sector topic. Build inclusion into the choice of workgroup members to insure diversity in perspectives and knowledge.

3.Identify and recruit expert resources to help in developing sector plans as needed.

4. Identify opportunities for community engagement and coordinate facilitation of input gathering sessions.

5.Manage and facilitate the ongoing activities of their section Workgroup during the development of their sector plan according to the:

  • Outline for Each Section of the Plan (document attached)
  • Role of the Workgroups (document attached)

6.Maintain communications among Workgroup members

7.Secure assistance from the OSU Extension Team as needed

8.Provide regular progress updates (monthly) to the Guernsey County Planning Commission. The GCPC will serve as the Shale Development Plan Steering Committee.

The final section of the Shale Development Comprehensive Strategic Plan will be the Growth Management/Land Use chapter. It will provide a capstone, coordinating section that will pull together the goals of all of the other section plans and insure the overall comprehensive plan’s coordination and sustainability. Each of the Chairs/Co-Chairs will participate as members of this Workgroup. This Workgroup will convene once the individual sections are completed. Norm Blanchard will be providing overall guidance for this section.

OSU Extension Team Members:

The OSU Extension Team Members are available to help Workgroups as needed. Their contact information is as follows:

Cindy Bond, OSU Extension Educator

OSU Extension - Guernsey County, PO Box 300, 335B Old National Road, Old Washington, OH 43768 Phone: (740) 489-5300 Email:

Myra Moss, OSU Extension Educator

OSU Extension - Licking County, 771 E. Main Street, Suite 103 Newark, OH 43055 Phone: (740) 607-5177 Email:

Nancy Bowen, Extension Field Specialist, Community Economics

The Ohio State University at Lima Life & Physical Sciences Building, Room 266, 4240 Campus Drive, Lima, OH 45804

Office: (419) 995-8624 Cell: (419) 203-4148 Email:

Eric Romich, Extension Field Specialist, Energy Development

The Ohio State University at Marion, 1461 Mount Vernon Avenue, Marion, OH 43302-5628

Phone: (740) 725-6317 Email:

Mike Lloyd, OSU Extension Educator

OSU Extension – Noble County, 150 Courthouse, Caldwell, OH 43724

Phone: (740) 732-5681 Email: