Dear Neighbors:
The Dowdell Public Utility District is sponsoring the 3rd Annual Earth Day Art Contest. The past two years the water district has worked to raise the public’s awareness for the need to conserve water. The 3rd Annual Earth Day Art Contest is sponsored by the water district as a way to engage the youth who live and attend school in the district to make conservation a priority. We hope you will consider having your student participate. There will be awards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and honorable mention at the high, intermediate, and elementary school levels. Additionally, the 1st prize winners will each win a $100 gift card to Michael’s. Finally, feel free to copy and duplicate this letter, the contest rules and the application if you need additional copies. Thank you!


Allison Copony


Dowdell Public Utility District

3rd Annual Earth Day Art Contest Rules
Sponsored by the Dowdell Public Utility District


Students who are eligible to participate must meet one of the following criteria:

He/she must reside in one of the following communities: Creekside, Miramar Lake, Willow Dell, Willow Forest, Willow Trace or he/she must attend school at Klein Oak High School, Hildebrandt Intermediate School, Krimmel Intermediate School, or Schultz Elementary School.


1.  The 3rd Annual Earth Day Art Contest begins on Monday, March 15, 2013 and ends on Friday, April, 19, 2013. No entries will be accepted after April 19, 2013 at 5 p.m.

2.  The theme of the art must be focused on water conservation in conjunction with the celebration of Earth Day which occurs each year on April 22.

3.  Students shall submit only one piece of art per person in the competition.

4.  Students will create a piece of art no bigger than the following-

A.  If 2 (two) dimensional, it cannot exceed 24” x 36”.

B.  If 3 (three) dimensional, it cannot exceed 24” x 24” x 36”

5.  The art piece may be created in any medium (as long as it stays within the parameters stated in #4) including, but not limited to,

A.  poster

B.  painting

C.  clay or pottery

D.  sculpture

E.  bronze

F.  other

6.  All art must be submitted to the offices of M. Marlon Ivy & Associates, 19333 Haude Road, Spring, TX 77388 with the official application. If the student is under 18 years of age, a parent must sign the application granting approval for participation. Each piece of art must be packed or packaged in such a way to prevent any damage or breakage when it is submitted for judging.

7. Ribbons will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place per division (elementary, intermediate, high school). Additionally, first place winners will receive a $100 gift card to Michael’s. The Dowdell P.U.D. reserves the right to retain possession of the submissions that place 1st, 2nd and 3rd until August, 2013. Winners will be notified and all others will pick up their submission by no later than May 1, 2013. If there are any questions, please email or visit

Dowdell Public Utility District
3rd Annual Earth Day Art Contest Official Application

(Must be completed in its entirety and submitted with art by deadline)

Directions: Please print everything unless directed differently!

Student name ______

School you attend ______Grade ______

Community where you reside ______

Address ______

DOB ______Age ______Phone ( ) ______

Email address ______

Title of Art Piece ______

Please print and give a brief explanation of how the art relates to the theme of water conservation and Earth Day, the reason for the medium chosen and how it was created:




By signing below, I am indicating that I created the submission and agree to have it photographed and placed on display and am aware that it may not be returned to me until August, 2013 at the earliest.


Name (Print) Name (Signature) Date

I am the parent or legal guardian and I give permission for my minor child, if applicable, to participate in this competition and admit that my student created the submission. I also agree that it may be it photographed and placed on display and am aware that the submission may not be returned, until August, 2013.


Parent/guardian’s name Signature Date

Due no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, April 19, 2013

Dowdell Public Utility District Earth Day Art Contest Official Application